Ariz Rev

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Article title Date Journal Title
How Arizona shares tax revenues with its school districts December 1971 Ariz Rev
How Arizona shares tax revenues with its school districts December 1971 Ariz Rev
Inflation, price controls and the retail price of food October 1975 Ariz Rev
Inflation, price controls and the retail price of food October 1975 Ariz Rev
Is the Tucson housing boom going to burst? October 1972 Ariz Rev
Is the Tucson housing boom going to burst? October 1972 Ariz Rev
Is there an energy crisis ahead for Arizona? April 1972 Ariz Rev
Is there an energy crisis ahead for Arizona? April 1972 Ariz Rev
Is there an energy crisis ahead for Arizona? April 1972 Ariz Rev
Is there an energy crisis ahead for Arizona? April 1972 Ariz Rev
Is there an energy crisis ahead for Arizona? April 1972 Ariz Rev
Is there an energy crisis ahead for the environment? April 1972 Ariz Rev
Is there an energy crisis ahead for the environment? April 1972 Ariz Rev
Is there an energy crisis ahead for the environment? April 1972 Ariz Rev
Labor and copper in Arizona: rebirth and growth June-July 1967 Ariz Rev
Labor and copper in Arizona: rebirth and growth June-July 1967 Ariz Rev
Lack of mortgage money reflects slowing Arizona growth rate October 1974 Ariz Rev
Local impact analysis; an Arizona case study January 1975 Ariz Rev
Local impact analysis; an Arizona case study January 1975 Ariz Rev
Managerial perceptions of the shorter workweek February 1973 Ariz Rev
Manufacturing grows; sector roles shift October 1975 Ariz Rev
Measuring interstate traveler expenditures in Arizona April 1973 Ariz Rev
Meeting the challenge of public employee relations in Arizona October 1970 Ariz Rev
Meeting the challenge of public employee relations in Arizona October 1970 Ariz Rev
Meeting the economic impact of mine-melter phase-down in Bisbee-Douglas December 1972 Ariz Rev
Meeting the economic impact of mine-smelter phase-down in Bisbee-Douglas December 1972 Ariz Rev
Meeting the economic impact of mine-smelter phase-down in Bisbee-Douglas December 1972 Ariz Rev
Merchandising remote subdivision lots in southern Arizona August-September 1972 Ariz Rev
Merchandising remote subdivision lots in southern Arizona August-September 1972 Ariz Rev
Merchandising remote subdivision lots in southern Arizona August-September 1972 Ariz Rev
New jobs potential in non-metropolitan Arizona March 1971 Ariz Rev
New legislation provides additional city resources October 1973 Ariz Rev
New legislation provides additional city resources October 1973 Ariz Rev
Obstacle to growth in non-metropolitan Arizona June-July 1973 Ariz Rev
Obstacles to growth in non-metropolitan Arizona June-July 1973 Ariz Rev
Our natural gas shortage: causes and cures November 1972 Ariz Rev
Our natural gas shortage: causes and cures November 1972 Ariz Rev
Outside agencies support instructional programs November 1975 Ariz Rev
Outside agencies support instructional programs November 1975 Ariz Rev
Personnel practices in Arizona manufacturing companies: development and compensation November 1972 Ariz Rev
Personnel practices in Arizona manufacturing companies: employee relations December 1972 Ariz Rev
Personnel practices in Arizona manufacturing companies: hiring October 1972 Ariz Rev
Phoenix winter air travelers: who, where and why January 1973 Ariz Rev
Phoenix winter air travelers: who, where and why? January 1973 Ariz Rev
Pima County's economy mirrors state's January 1976 Ariz Rev
Pima County's economy mirrors state's January 1976 Ariz Rev
Population densities and urban crime August-September 1974 Ariz Rev
Pricing electricity February 1975 Ariz Rev
Pricing electricity February 1975 Ariz Rev
Probing Arizona's industrial past - the new archaeology March 1970 Ariz Rev
Probing Arizona's industrial past - the new archaeology March 1970 Ariz Rev
Problems and pitfalls of real estate syndicate investments January 1973 Ariz Rev
Problems and pitfalls of real estate syndicate investments January 1973 Ariz Rev
Recreation uses change Mogolion Rim Economy August-September 1974 Ariz Rev
Recreation uses change Mogollon Rim economy August-September 1974 Ariz Rev
