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Article titlesort descending Date Journal Title
Doctor's academy founded at the Arizona State University April 1922 Ariz
Doing the Valley; how some people give things the once over September-October 1915 Ariz
Eastward Ho! March 1924 Ariz
Economic suicide December 1915 Ariz
Education, its cost and service September 1923 Ariz
Egyptian cotton November-December 1916 Ariz
Egyptian cotton October 1917 Ariz
Egyptian cotton in world's market March 1914 Ariz
Egyptian cotton; cultural suggestions for its growing in the Salt River Valley, Arizona April 1913 Ariz
Everything is ready for the greatest good roads convention April 1922 Ariz
Expanding possibilities of citrus culture in the Salt River Valley, Ariz February 1913 Ariz
Experiences of a pioneer teacher February 1912 Ariz
Experiences of a pioneer teacher February 1912 Ariz
Extension Division State University meeting with great success and filling a place much needed April 1922 Ariz
Fall gardens and flowers in Phoenix October 1922 Ariz
Five Points, a town within a city October 1914 Ariz
Flagstaff and its environs April-May 1914 Ariz
Flagstaff and Williams, Coconino County resorts May 1913 Ariz
Flivvering from California April-May 1918 Ariz
Florence is a modern city March 1922 Ariz
Florence; 10,000 population in five years May 1920 Ariz
Food administration; its gratifying effectiveness in Arizona December 1917 Ariz
For better building October 1919 Ariz
For better building; progress of Phoenix firm cements and interests of two counties October 1919 Ariz
For January planting December 1911 Ariz
For our battleship May 1916 Ariz
Forward Arizona is the slogan of the newly organized Arizona Industrial Congress March 1922 Ariz
Frank R.Stewart April 1922 Ariz
From Bowie to the Grand Canyon April-May 1914 Ariz
Frost and citrus fruit; how an orange orchard may be protected February 1913 Ariz
Fruits of the Salt River Valley September 1912 Ariz
Game conservation, a warning, also an opportunity November-December 1916 Ariz
Gathering of the cattle clans; description of a roundup on the range June 1914 Ariz
Gem of the Painted Desert; Winslow, the largest city in Northern Arizona June 1914 Ariz
Genesis of the Salt River Project March 1911 Ariz
Geography of Arizona June 1921 Ariz
Gila Bend Project; preliminary work on the Gillespie dam August 1919 Ariz
Gila county is mostly mining November 1914 Ariz
Glendale "The garden city." January 1922 Ariz
Glendale in the heart of the famous Glendale loess August 1910 Ariz
Globe, the world's coming copper capital April 1910 Ariz
Goat raising in Arizona April-May 1914 Ariz
Good roads February 1913 Ariz
Good roads convention at Prescott June-July 1924 Ariz
Good roads location from industrial standpoint June-July 1924 Ariz
Goodyear Cotton Plantation January 1917 Ariz
Goodyear cotton plantation January 1917 Ariz
Governor George W. P. Hunt August 1914 Ariz
Grain and grass in Graham November 1914 Ariz
Grape industry in Arizona November 1919 Ariz
Grape production in Casa Grande valley May-June 1922 Ariz
Greenlee's ,ines and farms November 1914 Ariz
Growing dates in Arizona October 1917 Ariz
Growing olives in the Valley February 1910 Ariz
Growth of Tucson, potent factors in its recent up-building September 1913 Ariz
