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Article title Datesort ascending Journal Title
Significance of archaeology Winter 1976 Kiva
Archaeological salt at Mesa Verde and trade with areas to the north and west Winter 1976 Kiva
Archaeological salt at Mesa Verde and trade with areas to the north and west Winter 1976 Kiva
Impressions of a foot effigy: a reorientation to ceremonial objects Winter 1976 Kiva
Fluted points from the Sulphur Springs Valley, Cochise County, Arizona Winter 1976 Kiva
Mission Guevavi: excavations in the convento Winter 1976 Kiva
Mission Guevavi: excavations in the convento Winter 1976 Kiva
Shell middens, paleocology, and prehistory: the case from Estero Morua, Sonora, Mexico Winter 1975 Kiva
The west Mexico tradition and the Southwestern United States Winter 1975 Kiva
The road to Hawikuh: trade and trade routes to Cibola-Suni during late prehistoric and early historic times Winter 1975 Kiva
The "high" latitudes of early Spanish maps Winter 1975 Kiva
The road to Hawikuh: trade and trade routes to Cibola-Zuni during late prehistoric and early historic times Winter 1975 Kiva
Domestic food animals from Hubbell Trading Post Winter 1975 Kiva
Domestic food animals from Hubbell Trading Post Winter 1975 Kiva
The Hardt Creek Site Winter 1973 Kiva
The Hardt Creek Site Winter 1973 Kiva
Arizona highway salvage archaeology - 1974 Winter 1973 Kiva
Desert culture sites near Mormon Lake, northern Arizona Winter 1973 Kiva
The Gold Gulch Site: a specialized Cochise site near Bowie, Arizona Winter 1973 Kiva
The Gold Gulch Site: a specialized Cochise site near Bowie, Arizona Winter 1973 Kiva
The Beardsley Canal site Winter 1972 Kiva
The Tumamoc Hill site near Tucson, Arizona Winter 1972 Kiva
Juan de la Asuncion, 1538: first Spanish explorer of Arizona? Winter 1972 Kiva
Juan de la Asuncion, 1538: first Spanish explorer of Arizona? Winter 1972 Kiva
Juan de la Asuncion, 1538: first Spanish explorer of Arizona? Winter 1972 Kiva
The Camp - an Apache community of Payson, Arizona Winter 1972 Kiva
The Camp - an Apache community of Payson, Arizona Winter 1972 Kiva
A test concerning artificial cranial deformation and status from the Grasshopper Site, east-central Arizona Winter 1972 Kiva
A test concerning artificial cranial defromation and status from the Grasshopper Site, east-central Arizona Winter 1972 Kiva
Hohokam petroglyphs of the Sierra Pinacate, Sonora and the Hohokam shell expeditions Winter 1972 Kiva
Hohokam petroglyphs of the Sierra Pinacate, Sonora and the Hohokam shell expeditions Winter 1972 Kiva
The Tumamoc Hill site near Tucson, Arizona Winter 1972 Kiva
Papago funeral customs Winter 1972 Kiva
The Beardsley Canal site Winter 1972 Kiva
Bison Bison remains at Murray Springs, Arizona Summer 1975 Kiva
Legislation for the protection and preservation of archaeological remains in Arizona Summer 1975 Kiva
The fortified hill site near Gila Bend, Arizona Summer 1975 Kiva
The fortified hill site near Gila Bend, Arizona Summer 1975 Kiva
A prehistoric water reservoir from Santa Rosa Wash, southern Arizona Summer 1975 Kiva
A prehistoric water reservoir from Santa Rosa Wash, southern Arizona Summer 1975 Kiva
The domestic animals of San Xavier del Bac Spring/Summer 1974 Kiva
[untitled] Spring/Summer 1973 Kiva
Probability sampling applied to an early multi-component surface site in east-central Arizona Spring-Summer 1976 Kiva
A study of the site specific distribution of Agave Parryi in east central Arizona Spring-Summer 1976 Kiva
New light on the Tolchaco problem Spring-Summer 1976 Kiva
Revised phase system for the Globe-Miami and Tonto Basin areas, central Arizona Spring-Summer 1976 Kiva
Flare-rimmed bowls: a sub-type of Mimbres classic black-on-white Spring-Summer 1976 Kiva
The domestic animals of San Xavier del Bac Spring-Summer 1974 Kiva
A stockaded Basketmaker III village at Yellow Jacket, Colorado Spring 1975 Kiva
The churches of San Xavier, Arizona and Caborca, Sonora, a comparative analysis Spring 1975 Kiva
The churches of San Xavier, Arizona and Caborca, Sonora, a comparative analysis Spring 1975 Kiva
Cochise site distribution in the San Pedro Valley Spring 1975 Kiva
Cochise site distribution in the San Pedro Valley Spring 1975 Kiva
The PC Ruin Spring 1975 Kiva
Pot scrapers and drills from southern Utah Spring 1975 Kiva
