Mag Tuc

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Article title Datesort ascending Journal Title
Riding for fun at Col, Besley's stables June 1948 Mag Tuc
Dale Vs. Dillinger June 1948 Mag Tuc
Dale vs. Dillinger June 1948 Mag Tuc
Blue print for a Tucson Indian festival June 1948 Mag Tuc
Private schools of southern Arizona June 1948 Mag Tuc
The University's legal tender June 1948 Mag Tuc
Radio listening post June 1948 Mag Tuc
Horesman with a purpose June 1948 Mag Tuc
Man on a mare with a mike July 1948 Mag Tuc
Meet the author of Tobacco Road July 1948 Mag Tuc
Tucson arts and crafts July 1948 Mag Tuc
Sunshine salesmen July 1948 Mag Tuc
The gnome of Tucson January 1953 Mag Tuc
The gnome of Tucson January 1953 Mag Tuc
The gnome of Tucson; this fabulous fellow ... has brought a glow to the eyes of four million children with his fairyland tours and bunnyland show January 1953 Mag Tuc
Tucson's greatest stage robber January 1953 Mag Tuc
Tucson's greatest stage robber January 1953 Mag Tuc
Ham every Sunday January 1953 Mag Tuc
The streets of Old Tucson January 1953 Mag Tuc
The streets of old Tucson January 1953 Mag Tuc
Burial on Boothill January 1953 Mag Tuc
Burial on Boothill January 1953 Mag Tuc
Honestly, I love skunks January 1953 Mag Tuc
Ray Hanks of Triple H Ranch Inn January 1952 Mag Tuc
News of the 1952 Baile de las Flores January 1952 Mag Tuc
High on a hilltop; the rich rewards of knowing what they wanted are exemplified in this home built by the Stanley Freborge January 1952 Mag Tuc
Wishing may make it so January 1952 Mag Tuc
Horse racing, western style January 1952 Mag Tuc
Lt. Luke's in the Desert, Tucson's unique sanatorium for pulmonary patients January 1952 Mag Tuc
Tucson's annual $10,000 open honors Leo Diegel January 1951 Mag Tuc
Aviatrix and artist to her finger tips January 1951 Mag Tuc
His life in racing cars and contracting January 1951 Mag Tuc
Young family man with a business purpose January 1950 Mag Tuc
Tucson's family Knauff create desert dioramas January 1950 Mag Tuc
Darrow Thompson and his squaw boots. January 1950 Mag Tuc
The story of Tucson's annual Baile de las Flores January 1950 Mag Tuc
She paints the Southwest January 1950 Mag Tuc
Quarter horse racing in the Old Pueblo January 1950 Mag Tuc
Starr King ranch; in the rolling grasslands of cattle country lies a working ranch with takes guests January 1950 Mag Tuc
The pink adobe January 1950 Mag Tuc
Chuck Abbott the cowboy photographer January 1949 Mag Tuc
The history of Tucson January 1949 Mag Tuc
Tucson's new municipal airport January 1949 Mag Tuc
Tucson's new municipal airport. January 1949 Mag Tuc
A modern home in Tucson; the home of Harold Rapport designed by William and Sylvia Wilde January 1949 Mag Tuc
El Dorado on the desert; Tucson's famed Rancho del Rio pleases all the "dudes." January 1949 Mag Tuc
Radio listening post January 1949 Mag Tuc
Cellini of the Southwest January 1949 Mag Tuc
Cellini of the Southwest; the story of Frank Patania and his high-flying Thunderbird January 1949 Mag Tuc
T. Ed Litt, pioneer druggist January 1949 Mag Tuc
T. Ed Litt, pioneer druggist January 1949 Mag Tuc
Romance in leather... the story of "Originals by Beardsley" January 1948 Mag Tuc
Rodeo February 1975 Mag Tuc
One-man cow outfit February 1953 Mag Tuc
The Apaches strike at dawn February 1953 Mag Tuc
