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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
The antiquity and inferred use of stone spheroids in Southwestern archaelogy July-September 1967 Masterkey
Supais benefit from hydroponic chamber July-September 1973 Masterkey
Gravestones for Ganado Mucho July-September 1975 Masterkey
Archeology on horseback June 1927 Masterkey
There ought to be a law March 1929 Masterkey
My "dream pot" and how it came forth from Towayalane the sacred mesa of Zuni March 1929 Masterkey
Casa Grande's new canopy March 1933 Masterkey
The Yaqui Easter play at Guadalupe, Arizona March 1947 Masterkey
Some musical instruments of the Southwest Indians March-April 1928 Masterkey
Patterns of a culture - the Navaho March-April 1954 Masterkey
The coyote in Southwestern Indian tradition March-April 1958 Masterkey
The coyote in Southwestern Indian tradition March-April 1958 Masterkey
How we found the Casa Grabde graveyards May 1927 Masterkey
How we found the Casa Grande graveyards May 1927 Masterkey
The old hose of the chief; a layman's introduction to the work of the Southwest Museum expedition at Casa Grande May 1927 Masterkey
Desert associations - the catsclaw May 1934 Masterkey
A stratified cap-site near Boulder Dam May 1937 Masterkey
A Zuni folktale of the Maximilian May 1937 Masterkey
Turquoise encrusted pottery of Zuni May 1938 Masterkey
The ancient Basketmakers May 1939 Masterkey
[untitled] May 1940 Masterkey
A Pima dromedary basket May 1940 Masterkey
Arts and crafts of the Southwestern Indians May 1941 Masterkey
Charles Avery Amsden May 1941 Masterkey
Examples of ceremonial interchanges among Southwestern tribes May 1942 Masterkey
Examples of ceremonial interchanges among Southwestern tribes May 1942 Masterkey
Navajo Indians May 1943 Masterkey
Coral among early Southwestern Indians May 1943 Masterkey
Old place names in the Navaho country May 1945 Masterkey
Hopi toys May 1946 Masterkey
Those who have gone still live: the Hohokam since 1400 A.D. May 1946 Masterkey
Mohave hunting May 1947 Masterkey
Sonora mission languages in 1730 May 1948 Masterkey
An ancient custom in modern Zuni - a sword swallowing ceremony May 1948 Masterkey
An ancient custom in modern Zuni -- a sword-swallowing ceremony May 1948 Masterkey
The name "Navaho" May 1949 Masterkey
Ruins and legends of Zuni land May-June 1929 Masterkey
Two Navaho sand-paintings with certain comparisons May-June 1950 Masterkey
The gourd in the Southwest May-June 1950 Masterkey
The Hopi Indians May-June 1952 Masterkey
The Hopi Indians May-June 1952 Masterkey
The Hopi Indians May-June 1952 Masterkey
The death of James H. Miller, agent to the Navaho: fact and embellishment May-June 1958 Masterkey
Reviving the Navajo blanket November 1932 Masterkey
A mysterious bracelet November 1933 Masterkey
Desert associations - the ratama or horse-bean November 1934 Masterkey
Discussion November 1934 Masterkey
How I make a silver Navaho ring November 1936 Masterkey
The ancient Basketmakers November 1938 Masterkey
Hopi Indians of Arizona November 1939 Masterkey
Hopi Indians of Arizona November 1939 Masterkey
Hopi Indians in Arizona November 1940 Masterkey
Hopi Indians in Arizona November 1940 Masterkey
[untitled] November 1940 Masterkey
Navajo Indians November 1942 Masterkey
