Persimmon Hill

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Article title Datesort descending Journal Title
Dialogues with a director 1975 Persimmon Hill
Out our way 1975 Persimmon Hill
The desert, a living phenomenon 1975 Persimmon Hill
The first cowboy sculptor 1976 Persimmon Hill
The first cowboy sculptor 1976 Persimmon Hill
The first cowboy sculptor 1976 Persimmon Hill
The first cowboy sculptor 1976 Persimmon Hill
The first cowboy sculptor 1976 Persimmon Hill
Western point of view 1976 Persimmon Hill
Western points of view 1976 Persimmon Hill
Dale Smith, rodeo's fearless leader 1976 Persimmon Hill
Dale Smith, rodeo's fearless leader 1976 Persimmon Hill
Dale Smith, rodeo's fearless leader. 1976 Persimmon Hill
Longhorn, a new interest in an old breed 1976 Persimmon Hill
Maynard Dixon, painter 1977 Persimmon Hill
The arts of Roger tory Peterson 1977 Persimmon Hill
Broncs and peelers March 1972 Persimmon Hill
Broncs and peelers March 1972 Persimmon Hill
John Slaughter, west of the Pecos Winter 1971 Persimmon Hill