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Article title Datesort ascending Journal Title
Landscaping with desert natives April 1970 Phoenix
Going Hollywood in Carefree April 1969 Phoenix
Arizona Super Corporation April 1969 Phoenix
Venture into eerie Cave of the Bells in the Santa Rita Mountains, near Sonoita April 1969 Phoenix
Versatility on video tape April 1969 Phoenix
Desert Sailors April 1969 Phoenix
The CAP and Arizona's economy April 1969 Phoenix
Acquanetta April 1968 Phoenix
Who killed the ugly American? April 1968 Phoenix
The Gleason numerical guide system April 1968 Phoenix
Tell it like it is April 1968 Phoenix
Operation Mars April 1968 Phoenix
Operation Mars April 1968 Phoenix
Mystery castle on the desert April 1968 Phoenix
It's like nothing else April 1967 Phoenix
It's like nothing else April 1967 Phoenix
Horse keeping in Phoenix April 1967 Phoenix
Let's build a park, Tra la April 1967 Phoenix
Sam Graham, dean of amateur golf April 1967 Phoenix
Lady in love with early Arizona April 1967 Phoenix
ASES - a senior member of the team April 1967 Phoenix
Reliving the glory days April 1960 Phoenix
Retracing the old Butterfield stage route April 1957 Phoenix
Flood control: a major dilemma April 1973 Phoenix
The new top men in town 1971 Phoenix
Progress report 1959 Phoenix
