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Article titlesort descending Date Journal Title
Science behind the plow June 1947 Westways
Science behind the plow June 1947 Westways
Science invades the (No Suggestions) January 1959 Westways
Self-liquidating shipyard September 1944 Westways
Shop at the trading posts July 1958 Westways
Shot in the West October 1975 Westways
Side show; off the beaten trail in the high plateau... is a fascinating trip to a wild and beautiful canyon July 1953 Westways
sighting six in '76 July 1976 Westways
Six westerners: 1. Sid Wislon of Tombstone November 1969 Westways
Six westerners: 3. River runner (anonymous) November 1969 Westways
Sky stones December 1974 Westways
Snake rite August 1974 Westways
Solving the mystery of the lost Hohokam May 1955 Westways
Solving the mystery of the lost Hohokam May 1955 Westways
Southwest classic reread: Joseph Wood Krutch's "The Desert Year" June 1971 Westways
Southwest Classics Reread: A land to know, a West to love December 1972 Westways
Southwest Classics Reread: A prophetic passage February 1973 Westways
Southwest Classics Reread: A prophetic passage February 1973 Westways
Southwest Classics Reread: How he pictured the West March 1973 Westways
Southwest Classics Reread: Song of the Southwest May 1973 Westways
Str. Cocopah took 2 cords wood... October 1965 Westways
Symbols in sand November 1972 Westways
Symbols in sand November 1972 Westways
Tape for the Wolf Post December 1953 Westways
Taps for Wolf Post December 1953 Westways
Temple worshippers October 1956 Westways
Temple worshippers October 1956 Westways
The "growing down" tree November 1955 Westways
The Babbitt brothers September 1949 Westways
The baby grand of the West November 1956 Westways
The beautiful imposter April 1961 Westways
The bridge that wanted to fly January 1955 Westways
The cave that crime built March 1957 Westways
The dean of the Southwest September 1948 Westways
The fathers of Pimeria Alta November 1972 Westways
The fathers of Pimeria Alta November 1972 Westways
The fathers of Primeria Alta November 1972 Westways
The fathers of the Pimeria Alta November 1972 Westways
The flying watery wedge; on the Colorado River occurs one of the rarest and most terrifying spectacles spawned by the sea, the tidal bore May 1953 Westways
The fugitive's ferry October 1965 Westways
The Grand Canyon trail July 1952 Westways
The great cave fight December 1960 Westways
The great cave fight December 1960 Westways
The great diamond hoax July 1948 Westways
The great water fight October 1965 Westways
The green White Mountains March 1964 Westways
The Hopi knowns his rattlesnakes July 1946 Westways
The Hopi knows his rattlesnakes July 1946 Westways
The lesson of Bisbee's floods March 1964 Westways
The lesson of Bisbee's floods March 1964 Westways
The lost vein of La Fortuna November 1960 Westways
The man who ran the river June 1972 Westways
The mine that might have been May 1957 Westways
The nickname tree March 1959 Westways
The Old Hat quadrangle November 1957 Westways
