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[biographical information] ALEXANDER, JOSEPH L. B. 1857-1931
[biographical information] AINSWORTH, CHARLES F., 18__ -1931
[Bartlett Dam] N. Leatham January 24, 1960 DAMS
[Autobiography] February 1958 BARTMUS, DORA (Mrs. Pete)
[Apache Kid] Joseph Francis Chisholm APACHE KID
[Apache County information] APACHE COUNTY
[Adee Dodge] H. Wood December 18, 1960 DODGE, ADEE
[about R.H. Blome] A. George Daws BLOME, RUDOLPH H
[A new director for the society] Summer 1968 BRINCKERHOFF, SIDNEY BURR
[6th Cavalry information] William Giles Harding Carter APACHE INDIANS, MILITARY OPERATIONS AGAINST
Zuni Witchcraft again F. W. Hodge January-February 1951 ZUNI INDIANS - WITCHCRAFT
Zuni weaving technique L.Spier June 16, 1924 ZUNI INDIANS - TEXTILES AND WEAVING
Zuni vacation B. C. Hight November 1959 ZUNI INDIANS
Zuni Shalako ceremony H. Jones January 7 1931 ZUNI INDIANS - RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY
Zuni Shalako ceremony H.Jones January 7, 1931 ZUNI INDIANS - CEREMONIES
Zuni rain makers B. C. Hight April 1960 ZUNI INDIANS - CEREMONIES
Zuni prehistory and El Morro National Monument R. B. and N. F. S. Woodbury March 1956 ZUNI INDIANS - HISTORY
Zuni jewelry K. Sikorski August 1959 ZUNI INDIANS - JEWELRY
Zuni Indian chiropractor January-February 1958 ZUNI INDIANS
Zuni gods that dance A.P.Hurt November 1959 ZUNI INDIANS - RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY
Zuni gods that dance A.P.Hurt November 1959 ZUNI INDIANS - CEREMONIES
Zuni games M. C. Stevenson July-September 1903 ZUNI INDIANS - RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY
Zuni games M. C. Stevenson September 1903 ZUNI INDIANS - GAMES
Zuni Fetish worship R. F. Kirk July 1943 ZUNI INDIANS - RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY
Zuni fetish worship R. F. Kirk July 1943 ZUNI INDIANS - FETISHES
Zuni dance A.Wyman January 1936 ZUNI INDIANS - CEREMONIES
Zuni ancestral gods and masks M. C. Stevenson February 1898 ZUNI INDIANS - RELIGION AND MYTHOLOGY
Zuni agriculture V.L.Bohrer and others December 1960 ZUNI INDIANS - AGRICULTURE
Zoning for day care facilities 1976 DAY NURSERIES
Zircon fission track age of Post Ranch ash bed near Benson R. A. K. Tahirkheli June 1975 PALEONTOLOGY
Zip Peterson builds a rusting monument to his work. H.Cline, Ole December 30 1972 HORSESHOEING
Zing went the strings May 22, 1977 PHOENIX - BUDGET
Zepherino C. Prina, 1862-1922 R.G.Schaus December 1965 PRINA, ZEPHERINO C
Zeniff: the town that died N. Leatham November 2, 1958 ZENIFF (Navajo County)
Zee Franch tour J. Tallon June 7, 1964 TRAVELERS
Zane Grey in a class with the Bible and 'McGuffy's Reader' Virginia Palmer February 6, 1972 GREY, ZANE, 1872-1939
Zane Grey country J.S.Paul November 1966 DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL, 1951-1975
Zane Grey and Pleasant Valley J. Stocker February 1960 MOGOLLON RIM
Zane Grey and Pleasant Valley J. Stocker February 1960 GREY, ZANE, 1872-1939
Zane Grey and Arizona December 1930 GREY, ZANE, 1872-1939
YWCA meets a challenge E.Clark April 22, 1962 YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS
YW builds a greater Phoenix March 11, 1959 YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS
Yumas killed competitors R.G. Willson July 13, 1969 LINCOLN, ABLE L
Yumas killed competitors R.G.Willson July 13, 1969 GLANTON, JOHN JOEL
Yumas killed competitors R. G. Willson July 13, 1969 YUMA INDIANS - HISTORY
Yumas killed competitors R.G.Willson July 13, 1969 COLORADO RIVER
Yuman languages I: first impressions W. Winter January 1957 YUMAN LANGUAGE
Yumaesque C. P. Cronin January 1932 YUMA
Yuma: winter lemon capital December 1968 YUMA
Yuma-Mesa citrus land will be open to first sale December 10th September 1919 LAND
