Martre suggested as new administrator of rentas in Sinaloa . |
04-00-1794 |
Castro, Jose de, Navarro, Juan, Others |
Cabrera named administrator of rentas de Chihuahua. |
03-02-1782 |
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Navarro, Juan, Others |
Retirement status granted to capitan d. Valentin Moreno, of the compania presidial de principe, in Nueva Vizcaya. |
05-01-1818 |
Lomban, Juan (Sargento), Navarro, Jose Maria (Medico), Moreno, Valentin (Capitan), and others |
reclamo de 500 p. Que debe a las cajas de Veracruz dn. Jose ma. Navarro cirujano del hospl. Militar de Chihuahua. |
00-00-1807 |
Navarro, Jose Maria (Cirujano), Garcia Conde, Alejo |
Navarro requests retirement from compania de milicias de San Sebastian. |
10-05-1813 |
Torres, Manuel (Medico), Navarro, Martin Jose (Capitan), Bonavia, Bernardo, and others |
Documents regarding impeachment of Valero and mental illness of Gutierres de la Pena. |
05-10-1721 |
Malo, Gutierrez de la Pena, Joseph (Licenciado, Navarro, Mathias, and others |
Documents regarding impeachment of Valero and mental illness of Gutierres de la Pena. |
05-10-1721 |
Malo, Gutierrez de la Pena, Joseph (Licenciado, Navarro, Mathias, and others |
Correspondence to viceroy Venadito, various matters, from January to May 1821. |
01-10-1821 |
Real Alencaster, Joachin del (Coronel), Linan, Pascual de, Navarro, Jose Maria (Cirujano), and others |
Correspondence to viceroy Venadito, various matters, from January to May 1821. |
01-10-1821 |
Real Alencaster, Joachin del (Coronel), Linan, Pascual de, Navarro, Jose Maria (Cirujano), and others |
Expediente formado sobre remision de todos los correspondientes a la comandancia general de Provincias Internas en virtud de la superintendencia subdelegada conferida a don Pedro Nava. |
03-25-1793 |
Nava, Pedro de, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de, Navarro, Juan, and others |
Expediente formado sobre remision de todos los correspondientes a la comandancia general de Provincias Internas en virtud de la superintendencia subdelegada conferida a don Pedro Nava. |
03-25-1793 |
Nava, Pedro de, Revilla Gigedo, Conde de, Navarro, Juan, and others |
Correspondence between Nava, the viceroy, and other government officials concerning rules for managing royal treasury. |
09-26-1753 |
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Navarro, Juan, and others |
Correspondence between Nava, the viceroy, and other government officials concerning rules for managing royal treasury. |
09-26-1753 |
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Navarro, Juan, and others |
Senor comandante general=por ser de Suma importancia que las naciones barbaras se aficionen... |
05-26-1777 |
Merino, Manuel, Navarro, Galindo, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), and others |
provision de viveres para San Blas-sobre que el encargado de compras en Tepic afiance los caudales. |
09-20-1792 |
Hixosa, Francisco, Navarro, Juan, Siniaga, Juan Manuel, and others |
autos sobre la deposicion del capitan dn Nicolas Flores de Valdes, de la compania y presidio de San Antonio Valero, en los Tejas. |
11-21-1724 |
Trevino, Pedro Regalado (Fray), Peres Cacho, Francisco, Navarro, Francisco, and others |
autos sobre la deposicion del capitan dn Nicolas Flores de Valdes, de la compania y presidio de San Antonio Valero, en los Tejas. |
11-21-1724 |
Trevino, Pedro Regalado (Fray), Peres Cacho, Francisco, Navarro, Francisco, and others |
expediente sobre una nueva poblacion en la jurisdicion de Conchos |
04-11-1787 |
Diaz de Hortega, Felipe, Diaz de Bustamente, Juan, Navarro, Galindo, and others |
expediente sobre una nueva poblacion en la jurisdicion de Conchos |
04-11-1787 |
Diaz de Hortega, Felipe, Diaz de Bustamente, Juan, Navarro, Galindo, and others |
Letters from Ugarte y Loyola and Navarro concerning visita and abandonement of Tabahueto. |
07-09-1790 |
Navarro, Pedro de, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Brigadier) |
Informes by Fages presenting depravity of an Indian of San Diego mission and indian's temporary banishment imposed. |
08-15-1787 |
Fages, Pedro, Zuniga, Jose de, Navarro, Galindo |
Criminal case against soldier Tapia for robbery of Monterrey warehouse. |
05-30-1785 |
Fages, Pedro, Ortega, Joseph Francisco, Navarro, Galindo, and others |
Criminal case against soldier Tapia for robbery of Monterrey warehouse. |
05-30-1785 |
Fages, Pedro, Ortega, Joseph Francisco, Navarro, Galindo, and others |
Diligencias by norzagarey regarding aprehension of ysidro German, deserto soldier of California presidios. |
09-29-1781 |
Norzagarey, Augustin Antonio, Navarro, Galindo |
Auto by Fages asking if Tithes should be paid on cattle transported from Monterrey to San Diego during the first 5 years and response by Navarro. |
01-08-1788 |
Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo |
Fages writes to virrey regarding much needed stamped paper. |
10-27-1783 |
Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo |
Autos from Perez and Soler to virrey and response by Navarro regarding distribution of masses and wealth of deceased if no will has been made and no inheritors have been declared. |
07-14-1764 |
Soler, Nicolas, Perez, Manuel, Navarro, Galindo |
Diligencias made by Fages to virrey seeking to recruit men from San Blas to the new establishments of the peninsula for service in the presidio companies. |
09-03-1786 |
Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo |
Criminal case against an Indian convert of San Vicente mission accused of killing a gentile Indian. |
08-08-1787 |
Gonzales, Diego, Navarro, Galindo |
Criminal case against Yepes for having wounded a cabin boy on frigate favorita. |
08-02-1783 |
Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo, Gonzales, Diego, and others |
Case against Tapia and Arbizo for having caused drowning death of gentile Indian. |
10-13-1783 |
Navarro, Galindo, Moraga, Jose, Neve, Phelipe, Fages, Pedro |
Soldier Cruz of Loreto's department of the navy petitions for retirement with salary. |
06-05-1783 |
Cruz, Joseph de la, Neve, Phelipe de, Navarro, Galindo, Fages, Pedro |
Soldier Cruz of Loreto's department of the navy petitions for retirement with salary. |
06-05-1783 |
Cruz, Joseph de la, Neve, Phelipe de, Navarro, Galindo, Fages, Pedro |
Fages discusses peninsular rule that citizens must register and brand their livestock. |
10-25-1781 |
Fages, Pedro, Navarro, Galindo |
Letters concerning relations of salaries paid to artesanos of Nueva California. |
02-01-1794 |
Navarro, Jose Maria, Borica, Diego de (Comandante) |
Discussion of Vicarra's prison sentence for charges of treason and murder; copy of real cedula. |
05-21-1785 |
Navarro, Galindo, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Diaz y Ortega, Phelipe and others |
Documents relating to request by Navarro to cajas de Guadalaxara for payment of synods and provisioning of corn for cultivation by Indians. |
02-16-1787 |
Navarro, Josef Antonio (Fray), Posada, Ramon de (Fiscal), Corvalan, Pedro de (Gobernador Intendiente), and others |
Documents concerning payment of synods to Nayarit missionaries through cajas de Guadalaxara. |
04-01-1779 |
Prestamero, Juan (Fray), Navarro, Josef Antonio (Fray), Cuebas, Antonio (Fray), and others |
Documents relating to complaints by Navarro that Nayarit cannot afford to pay for office of justicia mayor. |
01-10-1783 |
Navarro, Josef Antonio (Fray), Romero, Lorenzo Pastor (Justicia Mayor), Posada (Fiscal), and others |
Correspondence between Rengel, others, and virrey concerning death of Neve; resolution by virrey to use official seal on certain documents because he cannot sign due to bad health. |
09-22-1784 |
Corvalan, Cristoval, Navarro, Pedro Galindo, Fernandez de Cordova, Francisco, Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Inspector) |
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. |
03-24-1789 |
Losada, Gamboa, Guitierrez y Campo Marin, Fuente, Medina, Bonilla, Navarro, Juan, Castro, Joseph de, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Valdez, Monterde, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de |
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. |
03-24-1789 |
Losada, Gamboa, Guitierrez y Campo Marin, Fuente, Medina, Bonilla, Navarro, Juan, Castro, Joseph de, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Valdez, Monterde, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de |
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. |
03-24-1789 |
Losada, Gamboa, Guitierrez y Campo Marin, Fuente, Medina, Bonilla, Navarro, Juan, Castro, Joseph de, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Valdez, Monterde, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de |
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and real hazienda concerning contract with Guizarnotegui and additional payments to him for 1790. |
03-24-1789 |
Losada, Gamboa, Guitierrez y Campo Marin, Fuente, Medina, Bonilla, Navarro, Juan, Castro, Joseph de, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Valdez, Monterde, Madariaga, Justo Pastor de |
Letter from Francisco Alvarez Osorio to viceroy concerning granting of pension upon retirement. |
11-22-1773 |
Alvarez Osorio, Francisco, Castro, Joseph del, Navarro, Juan |
Sumaria informacion practicada por el gobernador de California sobre la indirecta acusacion de tres yndios de la mision de Santa Clara contra su padre ministro Fray Tomas de la Pena en fojas utiles. |
04-30-1786 |
Fages, Pedro (Gobernador), Sal, Hermengildo (Alferez), Navarro, Galindo, and others |
Sumaria informacion practicada por el gobernador de California sobre la indirecta acusacion de tres yndios de la mision de Santa Clara contra su padre ministro Fray Tomas de la Pena en fojas utiles. |
04-30-1786 |
Fages, Pedro (Gobernador), Sal, Hermengildo (Alferez), Navarro, Galindo, and others |