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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Bachain (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Bacochindil (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Bincha (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Barrio (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Balenzuela (Sargento)/military rolls from Echegaray for year end 1787. 05-01-1739
Bonilla . A petition related to the construction of walls. 04-13-1780
Bueno . A royal decree naming the comandante general de las Provincias Internas subdelegate of correos and postas for his jurisdiction. 08-26-1787
Beregana . Adjustment of accounts of wages for presidio of Santa Fe for year 1793. 04-22-1794
Borrego . Certifications of he publication of a document (bando) which is not preserved in the archive. 00-30-1785
Baca . Charge for a sheep lost by a soldier, and a charge made to three soldiers for an unspecified item. 00-00-0000
Baca . Charge for a sheep lost by a soldier, and a charge made to three soldiers for an unspecified item. 00-00-0000
Baca . Copy book of drafts of eight letters to comandante general informing him of lack of paper for schools in Santa Fe: notice of sighting of... 11-00-1814
Bazan . Copy book of drafts of eight letters to comandante general informing him of lack of paper for schools in Santa Fe: notice of sighting of... 11-00-1814
Betegon . Copy of a report on the boundaries between Luisiana and Texas prepared by a commission in Spain. 09-30-1804
Bonilla . Copy of royal cedula forwarding papal regulations for conduct of celebrations for St. Joseph's day. 12-04-1777
Bonilla . Copy of royal cedula reviewing regulations for collection and distribution of diezmos. 04-13-1777
Basadre . Copy of royal cedula reviewing regulations for collection and distribution of diezmos. 04-13-1777
Baca . Criminal case against indios of pueblo de Santa Ana for witchcraft. 01-03-1732
Borrego . Damages due to stampede. 09-14-1816
Barrera . December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various... 12-04-1821
Beramendi . December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various... 12-04-1821
Blo y Catalina . Decree regarding the formation of municipal corporations. 07-10-1812
Baldes . Fragment of census report for Santa Clara, lists name, age, marital status, wife's name and children and their ages. 00-00-1790
Baca . Fragment of letter narrating incident from Pedro Vial expedition of clash with panana Indians. 00-00-0000
Bonilla . Index of documents from 1788. 00-00-0000
Bonavia . Index of papers regarding the judgement of leaders of revolts. 05-14-1811
Baca y Ortiz . Instructions for the election of deputies for the Cortes prepared by a junta held in Durango. 07-05-1820
Barela . Libel suit concerning protest against an intended marriage. 04-23-1813
Bernal . Libel suit concerning protest against an intended marriage. 04-23-1813
Barela . Libel suit concerning protest against an intended marriage. 04-23-1813
Ballejo . List of residents who are absent from the province, with permission. 00-00-1712
Borrego . List of supplies given to members of the Santa Fe presidio. 05-06-1820
Bonavia . Memos concerning: Indian relations, suggestion for filling vacant Alferez of Santa Fe, autos contra Pedro Martin, jobs to patriots. 08-01-1815
Baca . Memos concerning: Indian relations, suggestion for filling vacant Alferez of Santa Fe, autos contra Pedro Martin, jobs to patriots. 08-01-1815
Bonaparte . Military bulletins. 08-15-1812
Bonavia . Military records for 1815 and 1816. Finances, salaries, census. 01-16-1816
Baca . notice of the seniority and circumstances of the sargeants and corporals of the Santa Fee presidio company. 03-29-1804
Bonavia . notification of intent to attempt to gain peace with comanches. 03-31-1815
Barcina . On naming of Yturbide as head of military and organization of regency. 09-29-1821
Bucarely y Ursua . Papeles y correspondientes sobre naufrago de la Goleta ynglesa two friends en la costa de La Bahia. 10-22-1771
Beitia . Peticion de los vezinos de la villa de Santa Cruz de la Canada. 04-10-1748
Brotonez . Petition and presentation of a complaint against the governor, the Marques de la Penuela. 08-01-1712
Brito . Petition for new road. 07-12-1813
Barela . Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. 10-15-1712
Barela . Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. 10-15-1712
Barela . Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. 10-15-1712
Baca . Proceedings and report of junta called to determine ways to send the New Mexico deputy to the Cortes. 11-01-1820
Bustamante . Property rights of ex-Jesuits. 11-14-1784
Baca . Re: census in San Miguel del Vado. 00-00-1813
Batres . Re: payment of salary of governor Real Alencaster. 02-22-1811
