Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Cordoba . Libel suit concerning protest against an intended marriage. 04-23-1813
Cardenas . Libel suit concerning protest against an intended marriage. 04-23-1813
Casados . List of citizens and widows who received tools from government and basic figures for other pueblos. Over 170 names. 00-00-1704
Concha . List of contributors to fund to aid war against French from New Mexico. Names and amount. 00-00-1793
Canuelas . List of contributors to fund to aid war against French from New Mexico. Names and amount. 00-00-1793
Casados . List of invalid personnel entitled to pensions at Santa Fe presidio. Gives ages, years of service and disability. 06-30-1797
Chacon . List of invalid personnel entitled to pensions at Santa Fe presidio. Gives ages, years of service and disability. 06-30-1797
Cordova . List of residents who are absent from the province, with permission. 00-00-1712
Caravajal . List of residents who are absent from the province, with permission. 00-00-1712
Canuelas . List of two soldiers entitled to invalid status. 11-18-1798
Carrafa . Military service records. 00-00-0000
Cavallero . Military service records. 00-00-0000
Cruz Martin . Muster roll of troops stationed at Abiquiu. 00-00-1806
Comaduran . nominations for second alferes. 10-31-1817
Ceballos Arredondo . Pamphlet dealing with the history of the revolution in Monterey. 00-00-1821
Ceballos . Pamphlet dealing with the history of the revolution in Monterey. 00-00-1821
Croix . Papeles y correspondientes sobre naufrago de la Goleta ynglesa two friends en la costa de La Bahia. 10-22-1771
Codallos y Rabal . Peticion de los vezinos de la villa de Santa Cruz de la Canada. 04-10-1748
Camargo . Petition and presentation of a complaint against the governor, the Marques de la Penuela. 08-01-1712
Campo Redondo . Petition by Indians of Santa Clara for removal of governor Naranjo who mistreats them, Concha tells the village to elect another governor. 05-27-1788
Concha . Petition by Indians of Santa Clara for removal of governor Naranjo who mistreats them, Concha tells the village to elect another governor. 05-27-1788
Chaves . Petition for new road. 07-12-1813
Cuerbo . Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. 10-15-1712
Candelaria . Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. 10-15-1712
Candelaria . Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. 10-15-1712
Cabesa de Baca . Proceedings and report of junta called to determine ways to send the New Mexico deputy to the Cortes. 11-01-1820
Calleja . Re: abolition of the inquisition - royal order. 02-22-1813
Carranza . Re: abolition of the inquisition - royal order. 02-22-1813
Castillo . Re: abolition of the inquisition - royal order. 02-22-1813
Cano Manuel . Re: abolition of the inquisition - royal order. 02-22-1813
Cruz Quintana . Re: presence of two enemy (capitancillos, and an order to provide men for an armed escort. 05-23-1811
Calleja . Re: retaking of Guanajuato. 00-00-0000
Carlos IV . Real provision restoring fray Isidro Jose Cadelo to his mission. 12-03-1791
Chacon . Real provision restoring fray Isidro Jose Cadelo to his mission. 12-03-1791
Cadelo . Real provision restoring fray Isidro Jose Cadelo to his mission. 12-03-1791
Camacho . Real provision restoring fray Isidro Jose Cadelo to his mission. 12-03-1791
Cruz Oedo . Real provision restoring fray Isidro Jose Cadelo to his mission. 12-03-1791
Cavallero . Receipts for goods supplied and requests for supplies. 05-11-1820
Chacon . Relation of the oldest officers and sargeant that serve in the mentioned province (New Mexico). 01-01-1803
Chavez . Report on the election of deputies to the Cortes from Nuevo Mexico and Nueva Vizcayas. 03-13-1814
Croix . Royal cedula ordering that the title senoria be used when addressing members of the audiencia. 09-24-1778
Campos . Royal cedula outlining ceremonial honors to be accorded the comandante general during mass. 02-18-1794
Cabrera . Royal cedula prohibiting college students from marrying during the course of their studies. 06-11-1792
Croix . Royal cedula reviewing church-state relations and ordering an end to general abuses by both sides. 04-10-1779
Calleja del Rey . Royal cedulas re-establishing the supreme council of the indies. 07-02-1814
Calleja del Rey . Royal decree on the jurisdiction of various tribunals, etc. 11-10-1813
Calello . Royal decree on the jurisdiction of various tribunals, etc. 11-10-1813
Couto . Royal decree on the jurisdiction of various tribunals, etc. 11-10-1813
Calleja del Rey . Royal order regarding changes in the superintendencia de rentas. 04-22-1813
Calello . Royal order regarding changes in the superintendencia de rentas. 04-22-1813
