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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Curbelo Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Cabrera Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Curbelo Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Curbelo Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Curbelo Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Cayetana Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Curbelo Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Carmen Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Cabrera Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Cabrera Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Cabrera Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Curbelo Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Cabrera Autos to viceroy concerning establishment of Cabildo and other civil offices by canary island immigrants at San Antonio Bexar. 10-24-1731
Calderon de la Barca Autos y diligencias ejecutadas por Cuerbo y Valdes del estado en que se halla la provincia de Coahuila. 06-28-1698
Cassador autos y diligencias que se hizieron sobre aver pedido los Apaches de la Xicarilla y demas gentiles de aquellos payzes el agua del Santo... 11-08-1723
Camargo autos y diligencias que se hizieron sobre aver pedido los Apaches de la Xicarilla y demas gentiles de aquellos payzes el agua del Santo... 11-08-1723
Cassafuerte autos y diligencias que se hizieron sobre aver pedido los Apaches de la Xicarilla y demas gentiles de aquellos payzes el agua del Santo... 11-08-1723
Churlique autos y diligencias que se hizieron sobre aver pedido los Apaches de la Xicarilla y demas gentiles de aquellos payzes el agua del Santo... 11-08-1723
Carcana autos y diligencias que se hizieron sobre aver pedido los Apaches de la Xicarilla y demas gentiles de aquellos payzes el agua del Santo... 11-08-1723
Cojo autos y diligencias que se hizieron sobre aver pedido los Apaches de la Xicarilla y demas gentiles de aquellos payzes el agua del Santo... 11-08-1723
Cid Autos y requerimientos que hizo don Antonio de Villalba en virtud de la comision se le encomendo. 06-00-1646
Candano Autos y testamentos sobre la remocion de las doctrinas de San Geronimo de Guejotitlan. 00-00-1653
Calleja Auxilios 12-27-1815
Cruz Auxilios de guerra en alta California 09-27-1816
Cristo Averiguacion hecha frente los complices en la muerte del padre misionero de Sto. Tomas, Fr. Miguel Lopez. Promotor fiscal Felipe Misionero... 05-04-1804
Cruz Averiguacion hecha frente los complices en la muerte del padre misionero de Sto. Tomas, Fr. Miguel Lopez. Promotor fiscal Felipe Misionero... 05-04-1804
Cota Averiguacion hecha frente los complices en la muerte del padre misionero de Sto. Tomas, Fr. Miguel Lopez. Promotor fiscal Felipe Misionero... 05-04-1804
Carrillo Averiguacion hecha frente los complices en la muerte del padre misionero de Sto. Tomas, Fr. Miguel Lopez. Promotor fiscal Felipe Misionero... 05-04-1804
Carrillo Averiguacion hecha frente los complices en la muerte del padre misionero de Sto. Tomas, Fr. Miguel Lopez. Promotor fiscal Felipe Misionero... 05-04-1804
Cortes del Rey Averiguacion que practico el general Enrique de Avila y Pacheco gobernador de la provincias de la Nueva Viscaya, con motivo de la... 11-14-1655
Cruz Aedo Awarding of contract to produce and sell mescal 12-12-1798
Cortez Awarding of contract to produce and sell mescal 12-12-1798
Chaves Ayuntamiento to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of Pino's proclamation and concerning campaign against the navajo. 08-27-1821
Cordero Azuela, Manuel. Ocurrenzias diarias pertenezientes a la compania del real presidio de Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico. 01-31-1781
Chavez Baca, Dionisio to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on election of Miguel de Olona as alcalde of Barrio of Tome. Repply appended. 08-03-1821
Chacon Baca, Juan Francisco. Criminal case against Juan Francisco Baca for robbery he is found guilty and sentenced to six years labor on a... 04-13-1795
Campo Redondo Baca, Juan Francisco. Criminal case against Juan Francisco Baca for robbery he is found guilty and sentenced to six years labor on a... 04-13-1795
Carados Baca, Juan Francisco. Criminal case against Juan Francisco Baca for robbery he is found guilty and sentenced to six years labor on a... 04-13-1795
Concha Baca, Luis Maria. Legal decision against Luis Maria Baca for illegal use of Indians for personal service. 09-13-1793
Concha Baca, Luis. Fragment of proceedings against Luis Baca for mistreatment and poor pay of Indians of the Santo Domingo mission. 02-02-1792
Chaves Baca, Manuel. Account of expenditures of funds to support indios de paz. 10-31-1820
Caballero Baca, Manuel. List of military equipment available in the presidio of Santa Fe. 10-19-1821
Caballero Baca, Manuel. List of non-military equipment in the presidio of Santa Fe. 10-19-1821
Caballero Baca, Manuel. Report on goods sent to New Mexico to be distributed to allied Indian groups. 10-15-1821
Caballero Baca, Manuel/Caballero, Jose. Account book of supplies provided to members of the Santa Fe presidio company and accounts of funds. 06-30-1820
Cacho Baca, Manuel/Caballero, Jose. Account book of supplies provided to members of the Santa Fe presidio company and accounts of funds. 06-30-1820
Caballero Baca, Manuel/Caballero, Jose. Accounting report on the Santa Fee presidio storestock on hand. 07-05-1821
Carrillo Baca, Miguel to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Miguel Baca vs. Manuel and Francisco Moya for sheep theft. 09-00-1790
Chaves Baca, Miguel to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Miguel Baca vs. Manuel and Francisco Moya for sheep theft. 09-00-1790
Concha Baca, Miguel to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Miguel Baca vs. Manuel and Francisco Moya for sheep theft. 09-00-1790
