Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Carrasco Unsigned (many by Juan Bautista Peru). Copies of letters, communications to Jacobo Ugarte de Loyola, 1787, unsigned. 00-00-1787
Cordero Jose Antonio Rengel. Rengel's letters/instructions to Cordero, Peru and others concerning frontier military affairs. 00-00-1787
Cordero Various authors. Miscellaneous documents concerning frontier military affairs, 1787. 00-00-1787
Cordero Antonio Denojeant a Antonio Cordero. 2 letters describing Apache attacks. 04-11-1787
Cordero Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola a Antonio Cordero, Juan Bautista Perul letters concerning frontier military affairs. 08-00-1787
Cordero Pedro de Mata Binolas a Antonio Cordero. Letters concerning detachment of 30 opatas. 08-00-1787
Cordero Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Communications concerning frontier military affairs, especially Apache campaigns, 1788. 00-00-1788
Carrasco Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Communications concerning frontier military affairs, especially Apache campaigns, 1788. 00-00-1788
Cordero Antonio Cordero a Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola, communications concerning frontier military affairs, especially Apache campaigns. 00-00-1788
Caravantes Manuel de Soto Bermudez. Carta sobre restitucion de Manual de Soto Bermudez de los cargos contra el. 00-00-0000
Cyasiquiche Antonio Trevino. Informes sobre rendicion de Trevino y de los indios taguais. 00-00-0000
Calahorra Antonio Trevino. Informes sobre rendicion de Trevino y de los indios taguais. 00-00-0000
Croix Domingo Cabello. Yearly roster for payment of troops. 00-00-0000
Cabello Domingo Cabello. Yearly roster for payment of troops. 00-00-0000
Cabello Requesting change of rules and enforcement so that everyone aids in cleaning and maintaining irrigation canals. 00-00-0000
Cabello Francisco Menchaca. Father Pedro Fuentes' letters requisitorial to the governor of Texas upon governor's unwarranted imprisonment... 00-00-0000
Cabello Domingo Cabello to de Croix. Acknowledges receipt of notice concerning de Croix's promotion to field marshall and reports on efforts... 00-00-0000
Cabello Teodoro de Croix. Publication proceedings concerning Croix's dispatch ordering the observance of laws regulating the possession of... 00-00-0000
Cabello Domingo Cabello. Report of sum raised for ransoming captives among the Indians. 00-00-0000
Cabello Domingo Cabello to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Military vacancies at La Bahia. 00-00-0000
Cabello Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Domingo Cabello. Use of gunpowder shipped to Bexar. 00-00-0000
Cabello Phelipe de Neve to Domingo Cabello. Discussion of a fund for payment of ransom of captives. 04-28-0000
Casafuerte Marques de Casafuerte. Documents concerning military escorts for missionaries in Texas. 07-01-1730
Casafuerte Marques de Casa Fuerte al padre Vergara. Letter concerning apportionment of water of San Antonio river. 12-25-1731
Casafuerte Documents pertaining to delivery of horses to canary island families at San Fernando. 01-09-1732
Casafuerte Justice, Cabildo and settlers of San Fernando vs. Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). Proceedings concerning failure to comply with regulation... 10-00-1732
Cos Justice, Cabildo and settlers of San Fernando vs. Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). Proceedings concerning failure to comply with regulation... 10-00-1732
Curbelo Canary islanders vs. Juan Antonio Perez de Almazan (capitan). A request that documents concerning canary islanders be left at municipal... 10-15-1732
Casafuerte Joseph Padron, Antonio de lo Santos and Phelipe Perez vs. Juan Leal Goraz. Charges against Goraz of plowing-under corn fields, stealing... 06-25-1733
Curbello Joseph Padron, Antonio de lo Santos and Phelipe Perez vs. Juan Leal Goraz. Charges against Goraz of plowing-under corn fields, stealing... 06-25-1733
Costales Juan Anttonio Busttillo y Zevallos. Residencia proceedings of Busttillo y Zevallos conducted by Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). 07-08-1733
Casafuerte Juan Anttonio Busttillo y Zevallos. Residencia proceedings of Busttillo y Zevallos conducted by Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). 07-08-1733
Casafuerte Juan de Olivan Rebolledo y Marques de Casa Fuerte. Rebolledo's opinion concerning a report of Apache attacks. 07-18-1733
Casafuerte Marques de Casafuerte to governor of Texas. Despacho to governor of Texas. 07-30-1733
Curbelo Juan Leal Gorras vs. Lorenzo de Armas, Juan Curbelo and Francisco Joseph de Arocha. Legal proceedings concerning imprisonment af defendants. 04-14-1735
Cabrera Juan Leal Gorras vs. Lorenzo de Armas, Juan Curbelo and Francisco Joseph de Arocha. Legal proceedings concerning imprisonment af defendants. 04-14-1735
Costales Jose de Urrutia vs. Gabriel Costales. Peticion for reimbursement of supplies. 04-27-1735
Cos y Lembrana Domingo de Hoyos vs. Aparicio Ximenez. Hoyo's expose of plot by Ximenez to assassinate Hoyo. 05-22-1735
Cabriada Domingo de Hoyos vs. Aparicio Ximenez. Hoyo's expose of plot by Ximenez to assassinate Hoyo. 05-22-1735
Carvajal Domingo de Hoyos vs. Aparicio Ximenez. Hoyo's expose of plot by Ximenez to assassinate Hoyo. 05-22-1735
Costales Juan Baptista de Iparraguirre vs. Gavriel Castales (capitan). Proceedings concerning pay for running mail and other services. 05-25-1735
Cavillo Juan Baptista de Iparraguirre vs. Gavriel Castales (capitan). Proceedings concerning pay for running mail and other services. 05-25-1735
Costales Gabriel Costales (capitan) vs. Jose de Urrutia (capitan). Complaint concerning failure to comply with contract relative to transportation... 06-10-1735
Corttinas Power of attorney granted by soldiers to Urrutia and Angulo. 09-25-1735
Caravaxal Power of attorney granted by soldiers to Urrutia and Angulo. 09-25-1735
Castro Power of attorney granted by soldiers to Urrutia and Angulo. 09-25-1735
Castro Power of attorney granted by soldiers to Urrutia and Angulo. 09-25-1735
Cerda Power of attorney granted by soldiers to Urrutia and Angulo. 09-25-1735
Curbelo Juan de Bizarron y Equiaretta (virrey) to Joachin Miguel ade Anzures. Dispatch ordering release of prisoners from jail and a decision... 01-24-1736
Cayetano de Vergara. Joseph Soldiers and officers of Los Adaes to Joseph Fernandez de Jaurgui Urrutia (gobernador) requesting provisions while stationed at Bexar. 10-05-1737
