Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Diaz Testimonio compiled by Escandon detailing population structure, herd counts of Spanish in San Fernando 1752-3. 01-11-1751
Davalos testimonio de la causa formada contra don Domingo Perez Anzuategui oficial del ministerio de marina, tesorero y guarda de almacen principal... 01-11-1816
Diez de Sollano testimonio de las deligensias practicadas contra don Joseph de Taramona como adentro se expresa. 06-21-1767
Diaz Testimonio de los autos, sobre la real cedula expedida enero 29, 1763 a cerca de la causa fromada den Nuevo Santander a Escandon. 00-00-1714
Diaz Testimonio de los autos, sobre la real cedula expedida enero 29, 1763 a cerca de la causa fromada den Nuevo Santander a Escandon. 00-00-1714
Dorronzoro testimonio del cuaderno cuarto formado sobre el repartimiento de tierras a los Seris, y conclusion de la iglesia de los sibubapas. 11-28-1772
Diaz Salcedo Testimonio del expediente formado a continuacion de real orden sobre goze del sueldo que por comandante general de las Provincias Internas... 08-23-1793
Dores testimonio del expediente formando sobre el modo de dividir las misiones de la Californias entre los religiosos de San Fernando y Santo... 11-04-1768
Dack testimonio del expediente formando sobre el modo de dividir las misiones de la Californias entre los religiosos de San Fernando y Santo... 11-04-1768
Dominguez testimonio del expediente instruido sobre las desgracias que han causado las inundaciones en el Nuevo Reyno de Leon. 08-13-1802
Dominguez testimonio del expediente instruido sobre las desgracias que han causado las inundaciones en el Nuevo Reyno de Leon. 08-13-1802
Dios de los Santos Testimonios by Escandon, Fragoso detail Spanish biographies and Indian conversion information from Reynosa 1753. 01-13-1753
Duran Testimonios concerning discovery of new mines and vetas. 10-16-1766
David Garcia Testimony from ministers to virrey, others explaining harsh treatment of Indians at certain missions. 09-07-1787
Davila Testimony taken by Gonzales and letters from Echeagaray to Castro concerning illness and activity of Serna. 05-01-1792
Diaz de Bustamente Testimony taken by Gonzales and letters from Echeagaray to Castro concerning illness and activity of Serna. 05-01-1792
Davila y Pacheco Testimony to junta general concerning Indian wars fought under Guajardo Fajardo administration to viceroy duke of Albuquerque. 12-26-1653
Dominguez The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Duran The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Duran de Armijo The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Diaz de Salcedo The widow of the governor of Nuevo Santander, don Vizente Gonzalez de Santianez, requested his back pay from the time of his illness. 04-18-1791
Duran de Armijo Thenorio, Caietano. Proceedings against four soldiers of Santa Fe presidio for wounding Juan de Santistevan. 09-07-1732
Dominges Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Duen Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Delfin Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Durado y Galsan Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Delgado Third notebook of charges and ect. concerning Josef Carlos Rubalcaba who named himself king of Nueva Viscaya 10-18-1771
Dios Camarera Third notebook of charges and ect. concerning Josef Carlos Rubalcaba who named himself king of Nueva Viscaya 10-18-1771
Dias de Marttos Thomas Dias de Marttos. Padron de la 3a compania del primer esquadron de dragones provinciales de San Carlos y de yndios del pueblo de San... 12-27-1787
Diaz de Martos Thomas Diaz de Martos. Pie de lista de varias companias del presidio de San Carlos. 12-04-1791
Diaz de Martos Thomas Diaz de Martos. Yndice general de los documentos pertenecientes al archivo de la tercera compania del septimo escudron. 00-00-1778
Delgado Thomasa de la Garza. Peticion requesting a town lot in San Fernando. 01-16-1745
Diaz Three letters of viceroy Bucareli to governor Ugarte 04-17-1776
Dias Title pages to documents not included in this tomo (88) 00-00-0000
Dias Title pages to various documents not included in this tomo (88) 00-00-0000
Diego To Penuela (Marques de la). Set of briefs by various persons involved, concerning the suit of Nicolas Ortiz against Juan de Tafoya. 10-03-1707
Diego Torivio de Urrutia. Documentos sobre los asesinatos de Joseph Ganzabal y Juan Joseph Sains de Zevallos, ambos de San Xavier. 05-23-1752
Dolores Torivio de Urrutia. Documentos sobre los asesinatos de Joseph Ganzabal y Juan Joseph Sains de Zevallos, ambos de San Xavier. 05-23-1752
Diaz de Contreras Transfer of military barracks from Llera to Villa Padilla 06-16-1797
Docal Transfer of military barracks from Llera to Villa Padilla 06-16-1797
Dominguez Transition of government in the Californias 04-01-1822
Dufai Trial against several Indians from San Christobal mission, accused of convincing other to go to the mountains and rebel against Spaniards 03-23-1790
Dominguez Trujillo, Manuel. Proceedings against Manuel Trujillo and son for horse stealing. 07-00-1797
Dominguez de Mendoza Truxillo, Andres. Petition to governor for parcel of land along Santa Fe river; granted by governor. 09-22-1740
Duran Truxillo, Maricio. Proceedings in charges for theft of cattle, Truxillo has to pay six pesos/month to Ortiz to stay out of prison. 06-20-1765
Dias Ugalde's field reports of campaign against the mescaleros in Nueva Vizcaya, Texas, and New Mexico. 08-11-1787
Diaz de Luna Ugarte y Loyola corresponds with Virreynato regarding various administrative, military and financial matters. 08-03-1786
Diaz Ugarte y Loyola submits detailed informe regarding criminals accused of treason and means to contain rebellious Indian nations. 07-27-1785
Diaz de Ortega Ugarte y Loyola submits detailed informe regarding criminals accused of treason and means to contain rebellious Indian nations. 07-27-1785
Duenas Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general). Forwarding of two letters (twitchell no. 1079) from teniente de gobernador of El Paso... 02-09-1790
