Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Damian Autos concerning investigation into the deaths of two soldiers on watch presumably by Indians. 12-13-1723
Dias Paez Autos concerning Indian depredations in Texas 02-18-1739
Dios Autos concerning establishment and conditions of Camargo. 05-31-1750
Dias Guerrero Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Santa Maria by Escandon. 10-02-1750
Diego Autos concerning conditions and establishment of Santa Maria by Escandon. 10-02-1750
Damian Autos by Munoz against Cabildos from Santa Barbara, Santo Domingo and Santa Maria at Nuevo Santander. 01-23-1790
Delgado Autos and petitions about water rights and purchase of grains, vegetables from settlers. 03-21-1735
Dabalos Autos about prosecution of Murgier and Puga who are accused of killing five Indians in cold blood. 01-04-1794
Diaz Alcantara Autos about administration of hospital. 04-25-1770
Dominquez Auto by Rivera y Moncada giving account of Ozio's complaints against the people of Todos Santos. 10-26-1753
Diego Auto by Rivera y Moncada giving account of Ozio's complaints against the people of Todos Santos. 10-26-1753
Davila y Pacheco Authorization to open silver mine. 10-30-1654
Davila y Pacheco Audiencia of Guadalajara to king. Detailing Indian problem in Nueva Viscaya. 06-01-1655
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to comandante general. 05-27-1779
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to comandante general de Croix. 10-07-1779
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to comandante general de Croix. 09-25-1779
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to comandante general de Croix. 09-22-1779
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to comandante general de Croix. 09-13-1779
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to comandante general de Croix. 09-07-1779
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to comandante general de Croix. 08-30-1779
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to comandante general Croix. 08-26-1779
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to comandante general Croix. 08-23-1779
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to Caballero de Croix. 04-19-1778
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to Caballero de Croix. 04-19-1778
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to Caballero de Croix. 04-19-1778
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to Caballero de Croix. 04-19-1778
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to Caballero de Croix. 04-18-1778
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to Caballero de Croix. 04-18-1778
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to Caballero de Croix. 04-15-1778
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to Caballero de Croix. 04-08-1778
Demesieres Atanasio Demesieres to Caballero de Croix. 04-08-1778
Duran Armijo, Francisco. Case against Armijo for cruelty to his wife. 03-25-1816
Davila Archbishop of Mexico, Juan Antonio de Vizarron y Eguiarreta. Carta sobre presidio para Pimaria Alta. 09-15-1737
Diaz de Salcedo Apuntes sobre pagamentos de situados. 04-03-1777
Dense Aprehension de 9 individuos procedentes de dos buques americanos. 07-22-1806
De Boisselles Aprehension de 9 individuos procedentes de dos buques americanos. 07-22-1806
Diogoes Aprehension de 4 individuos de una embarcacion americana, sus Socorros y destino. 04-09-1806
Dias de la Vega Approval of Sigori as administrator of rentas of villa del nombre de Dios 02-23-1768
Davila y Pacheco Appointment of ^juez fiscal^. 01-01-1655
Domingues Appointment of person to transport silver 00-00-0000
Diaz de la Serna Appointment of person to transport silver 00-00-0000
Domas Appointment of Blanco as interim governor Nuevo Santander 01-21-1798
Duran Appointment of Blanco as interim governor Nuevo Santander 01-21-1798
Diaz de Salcedo Appointment of Blanco as interim governor Nuevo Santander 01-21-1798
Duran Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal decree appointing Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to the position of comandante general of the... 08-14-1786
Duran Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando limiting the amount of tobacco that passengers can take on board of ships during voyages. 08-19-1786
Duran Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando concerning the use of sealed (papel con sello) paper. 10-27-1783
Duran Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando concerning cattle brands and their use in New Mexico. 01-15-1783
Duran Anza, Juan Baptista de. Bando prohibiting the personal services provided by New Mexico Indians. 03-10-1784
Duran Anza, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning the Voluntary war contribution. 08-17-1780
