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Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Echeagaray sobre eleccion de govierno politico y militar en la taraumara y de ests empleo y del ayudante inspector del presidio. 02-12-1790
Estavillo sobre el reintegro de los ganados, ornamentos y vassos sagrados que se sacaron de las missiones de la antigua California para las de la... 09-20-1768
Espinosa sobre el reintegro de los ganados, ornamentos y vassos sagrados que se sacaron de las missiones de la antigua California para las de la... 09-20-1768
Escobar Sobre ascensos de los oficiales de la secretaria de la comandancia general de Provincias Internas. 08-28-1757
Elordui Sobre ascensos de los oficiales de la secretaria de la comandancia general de Provincias Internas. 08-28-1757
Enriqes Sobre ajustes de la tropa que conduje a este capital dos oficiales arrestados y que estaban iniciados en la causa del capitan don Juan... 03-05-1794
Enriquez Sobre abono de haveres en este capital al teniente, sargento, cavo, y soldados de la compania del presidio de Santa Maria de Llera... 10-27-1791
Escarzega Sisto Escarzega alhondiguero. Quaderno de ventas y entradas del produsido de las semillas que se venden en el real Alhondiga. 12-13-1796
Elorriaga Sindico procurador Juan Josef de Elorriaga. Cuaderno de productos de proprios de este real. 00-00-1794
Elias Simon Elias. Presidios of Nueva Vizcaya and force. 05-20-1814
Elias Simon Elias. Answering questions about P.I. presidio organization and conditions. 05-20-1814
Elizalde Sigue el inventa=rio de libros de=haziendas y caxa 11-13-1767
Espinoza Zervantes Sigue el inventa=rio de libros de=haziendas y caxa 11-13-1767
Echavarri Sigue el inventa=rio de libros de=haziendas y caxa 11-13-1767
Escobar Siete cartas al padre Cristobal de Escobar. 00-00-1744
Echeandia Several official letters from Arredondo informing virrey of the state of the province and the adventurer Mac Gregor. 04-19-1819
Espadas Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. 01-23-1767
Espadas Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. 01-23-1767
Elizondo Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. 01-23-1767
Escoyqui Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. 01-23-1767
Escandon Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. 01-23-1767
Espinosa de los Monteros Hijar y Orendayos Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. 01-23-1767
Escandon Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. 01-23-1767
Echavarri Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. 01-23-1767
Echeandia Several letters from Arredondo to virrey informing him of money sent to caxas en Saltillo, and other matters. 03-04-1819
Estrada Service records, biographies, and honors of three members of the quarta compania Volante de San Pablo. 06-30-1818
Espinosa Service records, biographies, and honors of three members of the compania presidial de Santa Cruz. 06-30-1818
Elias Service records, biographies, and honors of three members of the compania presidial de Santa Cruz. 06-30-1818
Esteban Service records, biographies, and honors of individuals of the compania de Horcasitas. 01-01-1817
Escalante Service records, biographies, and honors of eleven individuals of the compania presidial del norte. 07-23-1818
Esnaurrizar Service records of Zacatecas troops. 08-18-1817
Echeagaray Service records of oficiales, sargentos y cadete from compania veterana de Lampazos. 08-19-1799
Elguezabal Service records of oficiales, sargentos y cadete from compania veterana de Lampazos. 08-19-1799
Echeagaray Service records of oficiales, sargentos y cadete from compania veterana de Lampazos. 08-19-1799
Echegaray Service records of Navarro y Torres. 04-29-1820
Elias Gonzalez Service records for soldiers of the compania de Pimas de Tubac. 12-31-1817
Estrada Series of testimonies regarding sale of horses by Spanish subjects to U.S. 10-27-1819
Elchaguibel Series of testimonies gathered during investigation into death of Betanzos. 04-02-1819
Echegaray Series of testimonies dealing with accusations made against Alferez Guillermo Dufay, accused of using abusive manners against subordinates... 03-10-1790
Estrada Series of testimonies dealing with accusations made against Alferez Guillermo Dufay, accused of using abusive manners against subordinates... 03-10-1790
Errazuri Series of testimonies dealing with accusations made against Alferez Guillermo Dufay, accused of using abusive manners against subordinates... 03-10-1790
Eredia Series of testimonies concerning charges of desertion against Parras. 05-03-1820
Espinosa Series of testimonies concerning charges of desertion against Franco. 02-11-1820
Escobar Series of testimonies concerning charges by Escobar against minjares of shouting insults. 07-17-1820
Estrada Series of testimonies by americans caught trading with Indians for horses in Texas. 11-24-1818
Echavarria Series of testimonies against Munoz for possession and trade of contraband jewelry. 03-20-1809
Escoray Series of reports about defectos found in doctrinas of missions administered by fray Galindo in Nuevo Reyno de Leon 09-29-1706
Echeagaray Series of repetitive testimonies regarding charges of desertion against Maldonado, Borrego, Garza. 01-07-1819
Estellen Series of receipts from religious and military stating what they received from the gobernador Theran. 08-18-1691
Elosua Series of petitions for military retirements due to battle injuries. 08-10-1814
