Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Fuente Correspondence between Blanco and virrey concerning passing of command of Santander to Sanson while Blanco and Conde de Sierra Gorda are... 09-28-1795
Fernandez de la Carrera Series of informes from Tresierra y Cano to virrey concerning loans made to private citizens by Caxas Matrinzes. 01-26-1795
Felipe Correspondence between Nava, Arrillaga, and virrey concerning diverse administrative and fiscal affairs. 05-08-1793
Fuente Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse fiscal and administrative affairs. 01-08-1794
Fernandez Cosio Correspondence between Nava and virrey concerning diverse fiscal and administrative affairs. 05-12-1794
Florez Military service records of Merino and series of recommendations from high officials that he receive promotion and pay increase; handled by... 07-15-1782
Fernandez Indexes of oficios sent by Herrera to virrey from June 1795-December, 1796. 06-14-1795
Fernandez Military correspondence between virrey, Herrera and various presidial officers regarding Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1796
Fuente Indice general de los oficios que remite el governador del Nuevo Santander al virrey Marques de Branciforte 01-15-1796
Fuentes Revista de la segunda compania Volante de caballeria de Nuevo Santander. 07-31-1795
Fuentes Revista de la segunda compania Volante de caballeria de Nuevo Santander. 07-31-1795
Fernando Varied procedural military documents such as oficios and acknowledgement of receipt of correspondence, 1795-1796. 08-07-1795
Fermin de Mendinueta Correspondence re: relations with Apaches and various naciones del norte. 12-09-1777
Flores y Valdes Informe and letter from Cabello to virrey Galbes re: concession of peace to Lipanes. 00-00-1630
Fauregui Expediente sobre las muertes y robos que executan los indios de la sierra de Tamaulipa y pazes que piden los de la nacion villegas 06-09-1781
Fiendadecuervo Expediente sobre las muertes y robos que executan los indios de la sierra de Tamaulipa y pazes que piden los de la nacion villegas 06-09-1781
Fermin de Mendinueta Letters from Fermin de Mendinueta to viceroy concerning Indian depredations 06-20-1773
Fernandez Letters from Fermin de Mendinueta to viceroy concerning Indian depredations 06-20-1773
Fermin de Mendinueta Letters between various officials concerning Indian depredations in Nuevo Mexico. 09-30-1774
Fermin de Mendinueta Letters between Fermin de Mendinuta and viceroy concerning Indian depredations 10-28-1774
Fermin de Mendinueta Correspondence between various officials concerning purchase of horses 12-02-1775
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning funds for support of peaceful Indians. 12-27-1786
Fierro Letters from Ugarte to various officials concerning pacification of indians 06-15-1785
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning pacification of comanches 08-20-1785
Florez Expediente concerning funds for pacification of indians 02-20-1779
Fermin de Mendinueta Correspondence between various officials concerning commerce with Indians in Nuevo Mexico. 05-08-1753
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning commerce with Indians in Nuevo Mexico. 05-08-1753
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 03-09-1786
Fuente Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 03-09-1786
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 11-00-1786
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 08-27-1785
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 08-22-1776
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning payment of presidial troops and companias Volantes in Nueva Vizcaya 09-10-1772
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning military finances 00-00-1772
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning special fund for Indian pacification in Nuevo Mexico 08-00-1787
Florez Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian pacification in Nuevo Mexico 07-06-1789
Fuentes Detailed cuentas of expenses from Carrizal for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. 06-23-1791
Fuentes Detailed cuentas of expenses from Carrizal for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. 06-23-1791
Fierro Detailed cuentas of expenses from Carrizal for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. 06-23-1791
Frayle Detailed cuentas of expenses from San Buenaventura for supplies for pacified Indians. 07-25-1789
Flaco Detailed cuentas of expenses from Chihuahua for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. 06-25-1791
Francisquillo Detailed cuentas of expenses from Chihuahua for supplies for pacified Indians and prisoners of war. 06-25-1791
Francisco Ygnaciontiveros Cuentas and related correspondence for pacified and imprisoned Apaches from Principe, Carrizal, Janos, San Buenaventura, Namiquipa, and... 12-15-1791
Fuentes Cuentas for supplies to Apaches prisioneros y de paz in presidio de carrizal. 06-23-1791
Fuentes Cuentas for supplies to Apaches prisioneros y de paz in presidio de carrizal. 06-23-1791
Flaco Cuentas for supplies to Apaches de paz and prisioneros; Taraumara auxiliaries at Chihuahua. 06-25-1791
Francisquillo Cuentas for supplies to Apaches de paz and prisioneros; Taraumara auxiliaries at Chihuahua. 06-25-1791
Frayle Cuentas for supplies to Apaches de paz in Namiquipa, San Buenaventura and San Elezeario; repartimiento listing Indian names and supplies... 06-26-1791
Fanuelas Cuentas for supplies to Apaches de paz in Namiquipa, San Buenaventura and San Elezeario; repartimiento listing Indian names and supplies... 06-26-1791
Florez Correspondence re: request for money to maintain Indians de paz; Indian hostilies; need for troops. 12-01-1789
