Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Madrid Flores Mogollon, Juan ignacio. Council of war; campaign against the faraone Apaches. 06-30-1714
Martin Chaves, Nicolas de. Suit: breach of promise. 07-01-1714
Madrid Flores Mogollon, Juan Ignacio (gobernador). Deliberations on whether or not certain customs of the natives (indians) should be prohibited. 07-05-1714
Mariquita Flores Mogollon, Juan Ignacio. Council of war; deliberations on strategy; lists of names of soldiers and other residents (including natives... 08-09-1714
Martinez Flores Mogollon, Juan Ignacio. Council of war; deliberations on strategy; lists of names of soldiers and other residents (including natives... 08-09-1714
Martin Flores Mogollon, Juan Ignacio. Council of war; deliberations on strategy; lists of names of soldiers and other residents (including natives... 08-09-1714
Marquita Flores Mogollon, Juan Ignacio. Council of war; deliberations on strategy; lists of names of soldiers and other residents (including natives... 08-09-1714
Maldonado Linares, Duque de (virrey). notification and order from the viceroy to the governor of Nueva Mexico concerning a fugitive soldier accused... 09-00-1714
Martin Flores Mogollon, Juan Ignazio. Order requiring that all captive Apaches be baptised before they are sold. 09-26-1714
Martin Chaves, Nicolas de. Suit: proceedings and testimony against Chaves for the maltreatment of his wife. 11-10-1714
Martinez Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Upon death of alguacil mayor Fernando Curan y Chaves, the governor accepts three nominations... 11-19-1714
Martines Linares, Duque de (virrey). Decree relative to the election of alcaldes in Santa Fee - regulations. 11-19-1714
Martinez Petition of soldiers of presidio of Santa Fe to governor requesting reinstatment of 10 peso payment to survivors of those soldiers who die... 00-00-1715
Madrid Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon. Auto and junta of war concerning Apache raids and recent appeal for peace treaty. 02-19-1715
Martinez Chacon Medina y Salazar, Joseph/Martinez, Felix. Testimonio de la escriptura. 04-15-1715
Martinez Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Hearing conducted by governor Mogollon of unjustified charges by Felix Martinez that governor... 05-27-1715
Martinez Felix Martinez (gobernador). Licence and copy of licence granted to Joseph de Atienza Alcala permitting him and his family to leave New... 05-29-1715
Martinez Flores Mogollon, Juan Ignazio (gobernador). Auto with regard to the election of alcaldes. 05-31-1715
Martinez Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Roster of troops and officers of Santa Fe presidio and note of change of command from Antonio... 06-03-1715
Martinez Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Discussions of councils of war and negotiations with Apache Indians concerning robbery of cattle... 06-16-1715
Madrid Diego Martin Moraga. Criminal case against Joseph Basques for assualt. 07-27-1715
Martinez Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Proceedings and testimony against Spaniards for killing cattle of Indian governor of Pujuaque. 08-26-1715
Martinez Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Auto and response concerning order to give arms to Juan Lovanto and captain Felix Martinez'... 09-16-1715
Martinez Linares (duque de)(virrey). Auto of the viceroy reaffirms and relates support of crown for rights of presidial soldiers to choose own... 10-05-1715
Martinez Maria Canzeco and Manuela Ramos. Settlement of estate of dead soldier Juan Antonio Ramos outlining payments to his widow and daughter. 10-22-1715
Martin Maria Canzeco and Manuela Ramos. Settlement of estate of dead soldier Juan Antonio Ramos outlining payments to his widow and daughter. 10-22-1715
Martinez Antonia Duran. Petition to governor requesting wages of her deceased husband who was soldier of Santa Fe presidio. 11-02-1715
Martinez Maria Fresqui. Widow of dead soldier Gregorio Ramirez petitions governor for back pay for her support and that of her nine children. 11-11-1715
Martinez Soldiers of presidio of Santa Fe. Petition of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to governor regarding their pay. 11-17-1715
Martines Cabildo of Santa Fe. Certificate to crown announcing governor Mogollon's retirement and assumption of office by captain Felix Martinez. 11-23-1715
Martinez Felix Martinez (gobernador). Bando outlawing civilian possession of guns and knives. 12-14-1715
Martinez Alfonso Rael de Aguilar (capitan). Incomplete court proceedings charging capitan Aguilar with deaths of two soldiers in quarrel. 12-14-1715
Martinez Soldiers and officers of Santa Fe presidio. Oficio of the presidio granting power of attorney to Pedro Otero Bermudez to collect wages and... 12-20-1715
Martinez Cabildo of Santa Fe. Informe to governor Martinez from Cabildo of Santa Fe naming new officials elected to office. 01-01-1716
Madrid Joseph Madrid to governor. Petition to governor requesting payment for a horse taken by captain Pedro Luxan. 01-08-1716
Martinez Maria Francesca de la Rivas. Petition to current governor for claims against ex-governor Francisco Cuerbo y Valdes, for ten thousand pesos... 01-14-1716
Madrid Bartolome Labato to governor. Petition for payment of debt of 40 pesos owed to Bartolome Labato by Roque Madrid. 01-17-1716
Martinez Soldiers of presidio of Santa Fe. Letter granting power of attorney to adjust accounts of the funds of the presidio to governor Felix... 01-28-1716
Martinez Soldiers of presidio of Santa Fe. Letter of power of attorney granted to captain Pedro de Otero Bermudez to collect the wages of the... 03-17-1716
Martinez Felix Martinez (gobernador). Order for roads of Santa Fe to be repaired to decreases incidence of Indians ambushes. 04-16-1716
Martinez Felix Martinez (gobernador). Journal of entrada into moqui territory. 05-10-1716
Martinez Phelix Martinez (gobernador)(capitan). Auto ordering publication and public display of edicts of the faith. 05-23-1716
Martinez Francisco Lorenzo de Cassados. Petition for justice to governor against Felipe de Arellano for 155 peso debt. 05-23-1716
Martinez Felix Martinez (gobernador). Bando ordering proper observance of corpus christi day celebrations. 05-29-1716
Martinez Felix Martinez (gobernador). Auto ordering escort of troops and citizens of Santa Cruz to collect salt supply. 07-08-1716
Martinez Cabildo of Santa Fe. Testimony regarding conditions of royal palace in Santa Fe. 07-13-1716
Martinez Felix Martinez (gobernador). Letter of governor Martinez announcing his planned departure date of expeditions into moqui territory. 07-16-1716
Martinez Felix Martinez (gobernador). Letter to alcalde mayor of Santa Cruz informing him of date of start of campaign into moqui territory. 07-18-1716
Marquez Felix Martinez (gobernador). Letter to alcalde mayor of Santa Cruz informing him of date of start of campaign into moqui territory. 07-18-1716
Martin Felix Martinez (gobernador). Letter to alcalde mayor of Santa Cruz informing him of date of start of campaign into moqui territory. 07-18-1716
