Nogueira |
Letters concerning administrative and medical matters. |
04-11-1798 |
Nava |
Letters concerning charges of insubordination leveled by Castro against Emparan. |
07-29-1791 |
Neve |
Letters concerning expenses of San Francisco's factory and presidios in the area. |
06-04-1793 |
Nava |
Letters concerning fiscal affairs of Santa Eulalia; discusses laws related to mining. |
01-20-1792 |
Nunez |
Letters concerning handicapped soldiers who ask Gracia de invalidos retirement. |
09-28-1816 |
Navarro |
Letters concerning military promotions, and military replacements. |
08-23-1780 |
Nunez Esquibel |
Letters concerning military promotions. |
08-09-1780 |
Neve |
Letters concerning money allocation to presidios Santa Barbara, San Francisco, San Diego and Monterrey for construction and expenses. |
02-10-1780 |
Nava |
Letters concerning money allocation to presidios Santa Barbara, San Francisco, San Diego and Monterrey for construction and expenses. |
02-10-1780 |
Nunez de la Torre |
Letters concerning naming of new administrador de haciendas del Fondo Piadoso. |
06-15-1798 |
Nepomuseno de la Pena |
Letters concerning payment of salary to Molano, chaplain of Monclova presidio. |
12-31-1813 |
Nunez |
Letters concerning pension expenditures given to three Dominican missionaries. |
09-05-1795 |
Nolands |
Letters concerning political relations between the United States and Spain. |
03-01-1803 |
Nao |
Letters concerning quartermaster Iglesias Cotillo's administration of payment of troops. |
06-07-1757 |
Neve |
Letters concerning reimbursment to presidios in alta California |
12-14-1791 |
Nava |
Letters concerning reimbursment to presidios in alta California |
12-14-1791 |
Noboa |
Letters concerning relations of salaries paid to artesanos of Nueva California. |
02-01-1794 |
Navarro |
Letters concerning relations of salaries paid to artesanos of Nueva California. |
02-01-1794 |
Nicolas |
Letters concerning relations with Indians. |
None Given |
Neve |
Letters concerning relocation and changes in San Francisco |
12-31-1794 |
Nunez |
Letters concerning remittance of food to presidios de Californias. Record of medicines remitted to Acapulco. |
01-08-1780 |
Nava |
Letters concerning replacement of don Pedro Garrido y Duran by don Manuel Marino as secretaria de la comandancia |
03-26-1795 |
Nunez |
Letters concerning ship departures and arrivals. |
04-29-1780 |
Negreiros y Sonia |
Letters concerning the creation and nomination of interventor de la tesoreria de real hacienda de Arispe. |
05-07-1798 |
Nava |
Letters concerning the creation and nomination of interventor de la tesoreria de real hacienda de Arispe. |
05-07-1798 |
Naiarit |
Letters concerning threat of tobozos in Nayarit. |
12-23-1723 |
Natage |
Letters dealing with actions of Ugalde against the mescalero Indians. |
00-00-1786 |
Nentuig |
Letters dealing with financial contributions to military campaigns. |
00-00-1766 |
Nava |
Letters from above authors concerning the establishment of the mission at Basanopa first in this series begins with numero 107. |
07-12-1791 |
Nava |
Letters from and to Emparan concerning Indian attacks near the vicinity of Monclova first in this series begins with acaba de avisarme |
02-10-1791 |
Nava |
Letters from Barcelo and Garcia describing medicine, medicine books and surgical tools to be sent to Villa de Chihuahua hospital. |
07-31-1794 |
Navayra |
Letters from Bustamente to Castro concerning military activities and conditions of troops in Nuevo Santander. |
04-05-1791 |
Nava |
Letters from Castro and virrey concerning insubordinate behavior of Emparan and Ventura Moreno. |
09-06-1791 |
Nava |
Letters from Castro to Revilla Gigedo concerning military conditions and general developments in Nuevo Santander. |
04-29-1791 |
Najamar |
Letters from Castro to Revilla Gigedo concerning military conditions and general developments in Nuevo Santander. |
04-29-1791 |
Nava |
Letters from Castro, Conde de Revilla Gigedo and others concerning jurisdiction in Castros assignment as commandante general of the... |
03-29-1791 |
Neve |
Letters from comandante general to viceroy concerning military personnel. |
10-00-1781 |
Navayra |
Letters from Diaz and Vidal concerning conditions and activities of companies in Laredo. |
02-03-1792 |
Negreiros |
Letters from Echeagary to Bucareli describing establishment of new towns. |
09-15-1777 |
Noriega |
Letters from Echeagary to Bucareli describing establishment of new towns. |
09-15-1777 |
Nieto |
Letters from Echeagary to Bucareli describing establishment of new towns. |
09-15-1777 |
Navares |
Letters from Elizondo and Martinez concerning disciplinary problems of 2nd flying company of Sonora |
01-23-1771 |
Noriega |
Letters from Escandon to religious concerning the possibility of reassign fray Orozco in the mission of San Agustin de Laredo. |
12-29-1766 |
Noriega |
Letters from Escandon to the virrey informing him of the campaign against the Indians of the nation Sibuy. Others from Boix requesting... |
10-20-1764 |
Neve |
Letters from Florez to Ugarte and Ugalde concerning treatment of mescalero Indians. |
09-10-1772 |
Nunez Morillo |
Letters from fray Mezquia to viceroy relating transfer of missions in Texas to rio San Antonio also Apache attacks to missionaries. |
05-02-1731 |
Notiz |
Letters from Garcia Conde ordering the disbanding of the milicias urbanas de Durango. |
01-06-1821 |
Narbona |
Letters from Garcia Conde to virrey concerning opata hostilities and precarious peace with Apaches. |
01-16-1821 |
Nolasco |
Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the advances in the negotiations with the Apaches. |
11-22-1819 |
Narvona |
Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the Apaches attack and other matters. |
01-17-1820 |