Navarro |
Letters to and from viceroy and various officials concerning status of royal treasuries |
10-14-1789 |
Naranjo |
Letters to Cachupin from virrey(?) that he has sent autos from case against Naranjo to auditor general; returns testimonio ordering... |
09-27-1766 |
Nava |
Letters to Castro concerning the activities and conditions of military companies in Nuevo Santander. |
08-06-1792 |
Navayra |
Letters to comandante general Pedro Guimarest concerning war with England and Sonora border. |
04-09-1805 |
Navarina |
Letters to Salcede from Davila and others concerning various issues. |
09-10-1804 |
Nava Brasinas |
Letters to viceroy about needs of province of New Mexico by new governor Chacon. |
00-00-1696 |
Noriega |
Letters to viceroy about needs of province of New Mexico by new governor Chacon. |
00-00-1696 |
Nicolas |
Letters to viceroy about needs of province of New Mexico by new governor Chacon. |
00-00-1696 |
Napoleon |
Letters to viceroy concerning threats to Spanish power in Luisiana. |
12-21-1810 |
Noriega |
Letters to viceroy from justicias in towns of Nuevo Santander regarding amount of Alcabala payments. |
00-00-1523 |
Neston |
Letters to viceroy from justicias in towns of Nuevo Santander regarding amount of Alcabala payments. |
00-00-1523 |
Neve |
Letters to virrey and comandante general requesting military support in Nuevo Santander due to Indian uprisings. |
07-04-1784 |
Noriega |
Letters to virrey concerning conditions of Nuevo Santander, fulfillment of orders of crown. |
02-02-1768 |
Nava |
Letters to virrey concerning relations with Indians in Coahuila and Ugarte's assignment to Guadalajara. |
11-15-1790 |
Nava |
Letters, notes between Revilla and Fiscal about setting up hospital and cost of staffing. |
12-15-1790 |
Nepumozo Zafaeta |
Letters: from Lacomba: to Ugalde; concerning: a wide variety of issues affecting the tercera compania Volante. |
10-01-1787 |
Noparan |
lib. 49 gl. no. 29505 p. 271- cuenta de gastos en agasajos de indios en el ano 1806. |
12-31-1806 |
Naranjo |
Linares (duque de )(virrey). Review of conditions of New Mexico frontier in face of French incursions, especially with regard to... |
04-22-1715 |
Niysilan |
List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. |
01-02-1791 |
Naucha |
List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. |
01-02-1791 |
Neya |
List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. |
01-02-1791 |
Nafenci |
List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. |
01-02-1791 |
Naysna |
List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. |
01-02-1791 |
Nayetlili |
List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. |
01-02-1791 |
Nava |
List of letters concerning Indian land, and probable removal of Martinez from Pitic. |
00-00-1792 |
Nava |
List of letters concerning mulato military troop in Mazatlan. |
00-00-1768 |
Nava |
List of letters concerning substitution of Monares in mission of Cucurpe. |
00-00-1793 |
Nava |
List of missing documents from Provincias Internas archive. |
09-17-1795 |
Neyya |
List of provisions for Apaches of Bacoachi in 1789. |
03-22-1789 |
Neyya |
List of provisions for Apaches of Bacoachi. |
02-01-1789 |
Neira y Quiroga |
List of soldiers in the field. |
08-08-1684 |
Naranjo |
List of twenty-one citizens of Santa Fe (?) Volunteering for a campaign. |
00-00-1717 |
Nieto |
Listas and extractos of compania Volante de Nuevo Santander from monthly revistas July 1780 - January 1781; year-end quenta del haver. |
07-31-1780 |
Nieto |
Listas de revista de las companias que guarnecen las provincias de Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora y Nuevo Mexico respectivas a los 4 ultimos mes de... |
10-01-1818 |
Nevares |
Listas de revista de las companias que guarnecen las provincias de Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora y Nuevo Mexico respectivas a los 4 ultimos mes de... |
10-01-1818 |
Nevarez |
Listas de revistas for Nueva Vizcaya presidios May-August 1817. |
05-01-1817 |
Nieto |
Listas de revistas for Nueva Vizcaya presidios May-August 1817. |
05-01-1817 |
Narbona |
Listas de revistas for Sonora presidios Sept.-December 1817. |
09-01-1817 |
Narvona |
Listas de revistas for Sonora presidios Sept.-December 1817. |
09-01-1817 |
Narvona |
Listas de revistas for Sonora presidios Sept.-December 1817. |
09-01-1817 |
Narbona |
Listas de revistas May-August 1817 for presidios of Sonora. |
05-01-1817 |
Narbona |
Listas de revistas May-August 1817 for presidios of Sonora. |
05-01-1817 |
Narvona |
Listas de revistas May-August 1817 for presidios of Sonora. |
05-01-1817 |
Nunes |
Listas de revistas May-August 1817 for presidios of Sonora. |
05-01-1817 |
Nevarez |
Listas de revistas Nueva Vizcaya presidios Sept.-December 1817. |
09-01-1817 |
Nieto |
Listas de revistas Nueva Vizcaya presidios Sept.-December 1817. |
09-01-1817 |
Nevarez |
Listas de revistas of the 11 companias of Nueva Vizcaya for the first four months of 1817 |
01-01-1817 |
Nieto |
Listas de revistas of the 11 companias of Nueva Vizcaya for the first four months of 1817 |
01-01-1817 |
Narbona |
Listas de revistas of the nine companias of Sonora for the first four months of 1817. |
01-01-1817 |
Narbona |
Listas de revistas of the nine companias of Sonora for the first four months of 1817. |
01-01-1817 |