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Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Acknowledgement for receipt of list of soldiers due bonues reward. 12-26-1799
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). 02-14-1798
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). 10-19-1797
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). 09-24-1797
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). 07-13-1797
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). 01-00-1797
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Warning to governor of New Mexico to be alert to any citizens of united states entering Spanish... 07-30-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Two letters to the governor of New Mexico advising... 10-11-1794
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Two letters to governor of New Mexico acknowledging... 12-31-1793
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Transmittal to governor of New Mexico of royal cedula authorizing regulated production and sale of... 12-27-1796
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Transmittal of royal order to governor of New Mexico concerning legal procedures, involving military... 05-20-1796
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Transmittal of copy of royal cedula outlining regulations for americans to be admitted to serve in the... 07-31-1793
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Transmission to governor of New Mexico procedure to be followed for religious services for soldiers... 12-10-1795
Navarro Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Transmission to governor of New Mexico procedure to be followed for religious services for soldiers... 12-10-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Transmission to governor of New Mexico of royal cedula of appreciation for local money donated to war... 11-12-1794
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Transmission to governor of New Mexico copy of order of viceroy to imprison all Frenchmen and... 01-06-1794
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Transmission of royal cedula to governor of New Mexico ordering that intendents receive same honors as... 04-02-1794
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). To governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of report on consumption of gunpowder by presidio of... 02-02-1796
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). To governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of report about action against cumanches last October... 01-19-1796
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Three notes to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of report on Indian hostilities;... 12-21-1796
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Royal order naming Fernando Chacon new governor of New Mexico. 01-01-1794
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Revocation of contribution requested of mission Indians of half fanega of maiz or twelve reales. 02-03-1794
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Responding to reports that six comanche Indians have stolen some horses from the riogrande presidio,... 01-27-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Request to governor of New Mexico for account of collection of alms for Spanish convent of Santa clara... 01-08-1794
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Remission to governor of New Mexico copy of royal cedula of 1766 decreeing military bonuses for... 01-22-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Order to governor of New Mexico to prepare expedition to aid captain Domingo Diaz in expedition... 12-01-1792
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Order to governor of New Mexico to carefully question those Frenchmen being held, and to use spies to... 09-30-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Order to governor of New Mexico that fray Joseph Mariano Rosete... 07-04-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Order to governor of New Mexico freeing Frenchmen being held by government but prohibiting them from... 11-03-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Order to governor of New Mexico for all military units to conduct maneuvers and become familiar with... 03-23-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Order to governor of New Mexico and all commanders to remove from military ranks all useless or... 02-04-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Order to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of report that Canuelas expedition raided one... 08-10-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Order to ayudantes inspectores to insure that discipline of troops in presidios is maintained at high... 03-10-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). notification to governor of New Mexico of authorization for pensions for invalid sargeant, cubos and... 01-21-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). notice to governor of New Mexico that the royal cedula declaring war against France is being... 07-09-1793
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). notice to governor of New Mexico that illegal book Desengano del Hombre is being circulated by... 01-31-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). notice to governor of New Mexico that copy of royal cedula outlining regulations for licenses for... 07-10-1793
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). notice to governor of New Mexico that 30 rifles and 30 pistols have been turned over to Antonio Arce... 12-20-1794
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). notice to governor of New Mexico of transmission of bando announcing establishment of a colegio for... 12-05-1792
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). notice to governor of New Mexico of royal cedula outlining ceremonies to be accorded the comandante... 08-23-1794
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). notice to governor of New Mexico of royal cedula exempting municipal officials from media anata tax. 10-11-1796
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Notice to governor of New Mexico of royal cedula declaring that peace has been re-established with the... 12-16-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). notice to governor of New Mexico of procedure for collection of indulgences for souls in purgatory. 10-15-1794
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). notes to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of lists of officers and men of presidio but... 01-09-1795
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). note to the governor of New Mexico informing him that the assesor's report on a previous matter... 09-27-1793
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico that royal cedula on treatment and policy concerning foundling children... 07-23-1794
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico that he has received fiscal records of presidio of Santa Fe for 1793,... 01-15-1794
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico informing him that authorization for pension for soldier Juan de... 11-20-1793
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico informing him of royal cedula that exempts New Mexico from alcavala tax... 09-24-1796
Nava Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico announcing that a royal cedula concerning the military fuero is being... 06-26-1793
