Nunez de Villavisencio |
Series of recibos from tesoreria general concerning bienes confiscados. |
03-23-1782 |
Nabayra |
Series of petitions for military retirements due to battle injuries. |
08-10-1814 |
Noriega |
Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
00-00-1742 |
Noparan |
Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
00-00-1742 |
Noriega |
Series of oficios and letters from Vidal to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
00-00-1742 |
Noriega |
Series of letters testimonies and autos about financial contributions made for the creation of 50 soldiers militia in Vallecillos |
10-19-1790 |
Naltal de Leon |
Series of letters testimonies and autos about financial contributions made for the creation of 50 soldiers militia in Vallecillos |
10-19-1790 |
Novoa |
Series of letters reporting heroic action against Indians by soldiers of presidio de Janos |
05-23-1788 |
Nava |
Series of letters relating to Emparan's replacement by acting governor Gutierrez de la Cueva. |
08-27-1791 |
Navarro |
Series of letters protesting Navarro's reassignment to Guadalaxara from post of comisario in Nayarit. |
01-06-1784 |
Napoleon |
Series of letters from Trudeau and Laffitte intercepted by Arredondo concerning rebel activities in Texas. |
02-24-1816 |
Noriega |
Series of letters from officers to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. |
00-00-1768 |
Noriega |
Series of letters from hacendados of real de Vallecillos complaining of abuses committed by Vaamonde and Baes |
10-19-1790 |
Nava |
Series of letters from hacendados of real de Vallecillos complaining of abuses committed by Vaamonde and Baes |
10-19-1790 |
Navarro |
Series of letters from hacendados of real de Vallecillos complaining of abuses committed by Vaamonde and Baes |
10-19-1790 |
Noriega |
Series of letters from hacendados and mineros in real of Vallecillos, complaining about abuses of authority committed by local commander |
09-11-1790 |
Nepomuceno Gomez |
Series of letters from governors of Nuevo Santander to viceroy concerning military and routine administrative affairs. |
05-27-1769 |
Noriega |
Series of letters from Croix dealing primarily with financial matters such as salaries and sinodos. |
03-22-1768 |
Nava |
Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. |
07-14-1791 |
Neve |
Series of letters dealing with applications from several military officials seeking to fill position left vacant |
12-18-1788 |
Negreiros y Soria |
Series of letters concerning request made by Verger that free postage be granted to missionaries serving in California. |
12-18-1773 |
Neve |
Series of letters concerning five-year contract with Guisarnotegui to supply presidios of Nueva Viscaya and Santa Fe from 1788-1792. |
01-01-1788 |
Neve |
Series of letters between Ugarte y Loyola and virreynato concerning various military and financial matters. |
03-17-1786 |
Neve |
Series of letters between Ugarte y Loyola and virreynato concerning various military and financial matters. |
03-17-1786 |
Nandin |
Series of letters between government officials and the viceroy |
05-24-1792 |
Niz |
Series of judicial documents about conflict between government officials in San Antonio de Bejar. Conflict arose out of some orders... |
04-14-1735 |
Novales |
Series of documents requesting refund for Martinez and authorization for Moyua to return to San Blas. |
05-16-1810 |
Nolasco Carrasco |
Series of documents reporting status of military posts and presidios in Provincias Internas. 1792-1793. |
06-18-1792 |
Neve |
Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. |
08-27-1784 |
Neve |
Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. |
08-27-1784 |
Neve |
Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. |
10-06-1774 |
Neve |
Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. |
10-06-1774 |
Noriega |
Series of documents dealing with civil-military conflict which arose between hacendados and alcalde Baez over protection and contributions... |
04-20-1790 |
Nepomuceno Larralde |
Series of documents dealing with civil-military conflict which arose between hacendados and alcalde Baez over protection and contributions... |
04-20-1790 |
Neve |
Series of documents concerning military organization to counterattack Indians who have been successful in destroying Spaniards'... |
08-20-1788 |
Narvaez |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, military organization, and military-religious relations. |
08-25-1809 |
Narvaez |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, military organization, and military-religious relations. |
08-25-1809 |
Negrete |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal and military affairs and ship repair. |
05-02-1794 |
Nicolas |
Series of documents concerning investigation of some seditious Indians... |
03-13-1776 |
Navarrete |
Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration |
01-24-1808 |
Nava |
Series of documents concerning dispute between Arredondo and obispo de Monterrey over control of hospital de pobres. |
05-06-1816 |
Negreiros |
Series of documents concerning dispute between Arredondo and obispo de Monterrey over control of hospital de pobres. |
05-06-1816 |
Nepomuceno |
Series of documents certifiying an earthquake that occurred in Colotlan 1774. |
03-27-1775 |
Nava |
Series of documents and summary reports of hostilities carried out in west Provincias Internas against Indians and other military actions. |
02-01-1792 |
Noriega |
Series of certifications confirming legitimacy of complaints made against authorities of real de Vallecillos |
10-11-1790 |
Nava |
Series of brief titles (or headlines), regarding various Indian affairs and military operations in provincias del norte. Folios in this... |
02-01-1792 |
Nunez de Villavicencio |
Series of billetes concerning Fondo Piadoso for California missions. |
11-19-1777 |
Nis |
Series of autos on land measurements and distributions for colonizers who came from islas canarias to live in San Fernando, province of... |
11-28-1730 |
Nunez de Villavicencio |
Series of autos on judicial proceedings. Charges brought against Indians accused of attacking a mine. Series of testimonies taken from... |
11-14-1771 |
Navarrete |
Series of autos on Indian religious practices. Letters informing the viceroy of idolatry of Indians and the determination exterminate it |
02-01-1768 |