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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Revilla Gigedo Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Copy of letter from Revilla Gigedo (virrey) concerning... 10-24-1789
Revilla Gigedo Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Copy of order from Revilla Gigedo (virrey) allowing... 09-18-1789
Revilla Gigedo Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Forwarding of discussion on New Mexico commerce by... 07-20-1786
Revilla Gigedo Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Letter informing de la Concha of appointment of... 10-17-1789
Rivera Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general). Request for procedure on salaries of two soldiers of Santa Fe company. 03-19-1788
Revilla Gigedo Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general). Review and detailed explanation of viceregal orders regulating travel, issue of passports and... 07-02-1790
Rengel Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning political changes resulting from the viceroy's death. 08-22-1776
Rengel Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Acknowledges reports of inspection, duties completed and service records have arrived. 01-23-1789
Reano Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Answer to de la Concha's letter concerning the petitions of two citizens. 02-14-1790
Revilla Gigedo Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. King grants the use of 4,000 pesos from the peace and war fund for other purposes. (... 10-27-1789
Rengel Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Replacement of retiring capitan Troncoso by Joseph Maldonado. 01-23-1781
Rengel Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. San Bartholome. 05-17-1788
Romero Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Discussion of route and men for Vial's journey to Natchitoches. 06-26-1788
Rengel Ugarte y Loyolas correspondence to virrey re: selection military personnel for posts in Nueva Viscaya and Sonora, especially placement of... 09-19-1789
Rodrigues Ugarte y Loyolas correspondence to virrey re: selection military personnel for posts in Nueva Viscaya and Sonora, especially placement of... 09-19-1789
Rengel Ugarte y Loyolas correspondence to virrey re: selection military personnel for posts in Nueva Viscaya and Sonora, especially placement of... 09-19-1789
Romo de Vera Una peticion de los vezinos de la villa de San Phelipe de Alburquerque, sobre que se les permita vender sus lanas. 06-16-1745
Revilla Gigedo Unfoliated letters written by Vaamonde and virrey Conde to each other during second half of 1790 the first beginning with, en oficio de 12... 06-03-1790
Rodriguez Gallardo Unknown to visitador general gobernador pesquisador Joseph Raphael Rodriguez Gallardo. Letter concerning abandonment of settlements in... 00-00-1740
Revilla Gigedo Unnumbered indexes of letters from Vaamonde to Conde de Revilla Gigedo with some included. This series begins with quedo enterrado por el... 10-01-1791
Revilla Gigedo Unnumbered letters between Vaamonde and Conde virrey concerning petition for promotion and royal decree starting with confiado en que mi... 04-26-1791
Ramon Unnumbered letters from Vaamonde and others to Conde de Revilla Gigedo. This series begins with he recivido las dos instancas. 09-20-1793
Revilla Gigedo Unnumbered letters from Valdes to Vaamonde Villamil concerning investigation of Dufay's pacification of Indians with money. First... 10-07-1793
Rodrigues Unnumbered letters from Valdes to Vaamonde Villamil concerning investigation of Dufay's pacification of Indians with money. First... 10-07-1793
Rivera Maldonado Unrelated letters concerning government of Nuevo Santander. 12-15-1770
Roque Barrera Unrelated letters concerning military administration of Nuevo Santander. 02-26-1750
Rengel Uranga, Francisco Xavier (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Proceedings in case of Jose Ortega vs. Julian Rios... 09-20-1790
Rios Uranga, Francisco Xavier (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Proceedings in case of Jose Ortega vs. Julian Rios... 09-20-1790
Rodriguez Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. note to governor of New Mexico informing him that the prisoners Rodriguez and Jaramillo have arrived in El... 10-04-1793
Revillagigedo Balamonde y Villamil Usurpacion de sinodos por el provincial de Zacatecas. 04-24-1792
Revilla Gigedo Vaamonde issues complaint re: reluctance of Cabildo to surrender personal effects of deceased vicar general of Bishopric. 11-14-1791
Revilla Gigedo Vaamonde petitions virrey for recompensation for personal funds spent in sending official discourse. 01-03-1792
Ramon Vaamonde's suggestions re: vacancies at Lampazos. 10-15-1791
Ruiz Vacant posts of companies of Cuandacan and Jalpa. Individuals recommended to fill posts. 09-18-1807
Rio Vacant posts of companies of Cuandacan and Jalpa. Individuals recommended to fill posts. 09-18-1807
Ruiz de Guadiana Vaguely expressed ideas for dealing with captured Indians. 03-01-1724
Reina y Narbaes Vaguely expressed ideas for dealing with captured Indians. 03-01-1724
Ruis de Guadiana Vaguely expressed ideas for dealing with captured Indians. 03-01-1724
Rios Vaguely expressed ideas for dealing with captured Indians. 03-01-1724
Rodrigues Sanchez Valerio Cortes. Autos y diligencias sobre plata ensalle. 01-03-1652
Roybal Valle, Francisco del to Maynes, Alberto. Concerns legal casee of Quintana and Juan Ignacio Naranjo. 07-21-1815
Roybal Valle, Francisco del. Discusses legal documents concerning Jose Naranjo and others - punishment for crime (unamed). 03-02-1815
Rodriguez Cubero Valverde y Cosio, Antonio (general). testimonio de informacion que en virtud de poder del general Antonio de Valverde de cosio hizo... 00-00-1721
Rael de Aguilar Valverde y Cosio, Antonio (general). testimonio de informacion que en virtud de poder del general Antonio de Valverde de cosio hizo... 00-00-1721
Real de Aguilar Vargas y Zapata Lujan Ponce de Leon, Diego de (gobernador). Detailed journal of reconquest of New Mexico, tracing movements, encounters... 10-07-1693
Rodriguez Vargas Zapata Lujan Ponce de Leon, Diego de (gobernador). Orders and regulations issued by governor during reconquest expedition to Santa... 10-00-1693
Ruiz Vargas Zapata Lujan Ponce de Leon, Diego de (gobernador). Orders and regulations issued by governor during reconquest expedition to Santa... 10-00-1693
Real de Aguilar Vargas Zapata Lujan Ponce de Leon, Diego de (gobernador). Orders and regulations issued by governor during reconquest expedition to Santa... 10-00-1693
Ruiz Vargas, Diego de (governor) to Galves (conde de) (viceroy). Request for help. 05-22-1696
Rodriguez Vargas, Diego de. Ban on sale of arms to Indians. 05-31-1695
