Ribera |
Weekly rolls for troops of Nuebo Santander for April, May 1772; each is signed by officers or justicias; wages listed. |
04-02-1772 |
Rodriges |
Weekly rolls for troops of Nuebo Santander for April, May 1772; each is signed by officers or justicias; wages listed. |
04-02-1772 |
Ramires |
Weekly rolls for troops of Nuebo Santander for April, May 1772; each is signed by officers or justicias; wages listed. |
04-02-1772 |
Resendes |
Weekly rolls for troops of Nuebo Santander for April, May 1772; each is signed by officers or justicias; wages listed. |
04-02-1772 |
Romo |
Widow requests relief from creditors |
06-19-1654 |
Ravi |
Ximenes, Antonio. Civil suit concerning sheep. |
10-17-1817 |
Ruiz |
Ximenes, Antonio. Civil suit concerning sheep. |
10-17-1817 |
Ruiz |
Ximenes, Antonio. Civil suit concerning sheep. |
10-17-1817 |
Roxas |
Xtobal Lauria (S.J.). Carta al padre Roxas. |
IO-NS-N.D. |
Rodriguez |
Xtoval de Herrera. Diligencia sobre residencia de justicia mayor. |
05-26-1651 |
Ripperda |
Ygnacia de Castro. Pleito contra su hermano Marcos de Castro sobre posesion de tierra. |
10-17-1771 |
Ripperda |
Ygnacio Anastacio y Ayala. Carta al gobernador sobre buen administracion de las minas de sal par el administrador general. |
09-10-1771 |
Reno |
Ygnacio Sanchez Vergara (alcalde). Review of charges of Indians of Santa Anna against alcalde Vergara for illegal use of personal service... |
07-28-1808 |
Ruiz |
Ygnacio Sanchez Vergara. Letter to Antonio Ruiz acknowledging receipt of order for Indians of village to appear before him. no reason given. |
09-13-1809 |
Rodriguez |
yllmo y excmo senor. = senor = el gobernador de la provincia de... |
03-18-1738 |
Rodriguez |
yllmo y excmo senor. = senor = el gobernador de la provincia de... |
03-18-1738 |
Rivera |
yllmo y exmo senor= don Miguel de la Garza Falcon, capitan del presidio ... |
11-12-1737 |
Ruiz de Guadiana |
yllmo y exmo. Senor = sr = el br. Dn. Carlos Sanchez de Zamora... |
12-06-1738 |
Ramon |
yllmo. y excmo. Senor= sr.=... |
12-02-1738 |
Rodriguez del Toro |
Yndice de los autos de fenecimiento sobre la traslacion del presidio de San Pedro de la Conquista al parage de San Miguel de Horcasitas. |
08-09-1752 |
Revilla Gigedo |
Ynstancia de don Antonio Cabrera y don Manuel Diaz ofiziales de la secretaria de la comandancia general sobre que se les anticipen algunas... |
03-19-1790 |
Rendon |
ynstancia de Faustino Garcia, vecino de la colonia del Nuevo Santander, sobre que se le levante el destierro a que fue condenado en la... |
10-02-1801 |
Revilla Gigedo |
Ynstancia del teniente retirado don Joaquin Lain Herrero en solicitud de que en esta clase se le asista con el sueldo de vivo. |
09-21-1783 |
Revilla Gigedo |
Ynstruccion del estado en que se halla la yntendencia, y gobierno en Sonora, y Sinaloa , hasta 2 de julio de 1790. |
00-00-1734 |
Rois Garcia |
Ynstruccion del estado en que se halla la yntendencia, y gobierno en Sonora, y Sinaloa , hasta 2 de julio de 1790. |
00-00-1734 |
Reyes |
Ynstruccion del estado en que se halla la yntendencia, y gobierno en Sonora, y Sinaloa , hasta 2 de julio de 1790. |
00-00-1734 |
Rios |
Ynventario. |
12-09-1658 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey & Rafael Montes. Report on the arms, munitions, clothing, and horses and mules of a detachment of soldiers from San Elceario... |
10-15-1818 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. Census of children attending school in El Paso and adjoining jurisdictions. |
06-30-1807 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. Letter to governor of New Mexico reporting Indian raid on Senecu and loss of seven cattle and death of one young boy. |
12-23-1806 |
Real Alencaster |
Ysidro Rey. Letter to governor of New Mexico reporting Indian raid on Senecu and loss of seven cattle and death of one young boy. |
12-23-1806 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. note to governor acknowledging that expedition with fresh horses is on way to El Paso and receipt of governors letter saying... |
08-26-1807 |
Real Alencaster |
Ysidro Rey. note to governor acknowledging that expedition with fresh horses is on way to El Paso and receipt of governors letter saying... |
08-26-1807 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. note to governor of New Mexico informing him that census of schools has been forwarded. |
07-01-1807 |
Real Alencaster |
Ysidro Rey. note to governor of New Mexico informing him that census of schools has been forwarded. |
07-01-1807 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. note to governor of New Mexico informing him that two men and a woman have been apprehended for robbery of Francisco Garcia. |
11-11-1806 |
Real Alencaster |
Ysidro Rey. note to governor of New Mexico informing him that two men and a woman have been apprehended for robbery of Francisco Garcia. |
11-11-1806 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. note to governor of New Mexico of receipt of papers regarding possible visit to missions. |
04-16-1807 |
Real Alencaster |
Ysidro Rey. note to governor of New Mexico of receipt of papers regarding possible visit to missions. |
04-16-1807 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. note to governor of New Mexico that an Indian captured in Chihuahua as a vagabond is being returned to Santa Fe. |
03-02-1807 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. note to governor of New Mexico that he had loaned a roan horse to captain Antonio Bargas which now should be delivered to... |
02-03-1807 |
Real Alencaster |
Ysidro Rey. notice to governor of New Mexico that Francisco Garcia was robbed of over 1,500 pesos. |
10-14-1806 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. notice to governor of New Mexico that Francisco Garcia was robbed of over 1,500 pesos. |
10-14-1806 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. notice to governor of New Mexico that he will be leaving for Chihuahua the next day and Xavier Bernal will take charge until he... |
04-17-1807 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. Report to governor about minor legal matters in El Paso including cases pending, travelers with passports and lawyers... |
01-25-1807 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. School census for district of El Paso including names of teachers and numbers of pupils. |
06-28-1806 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. Three short letters to governor of New Mexico acknowledging the cancellation of the visita to El Paso and notifying governor of... |
10-10-1807 |
Ret |
Ysidro Rey. Two notes to governor acknowledging receipt of comandante general naming Maynez new governor and receipt of papers on case... |
08-31-1808 |
Real Alencaster |
Ysidro Rey. Two notes to governor of New Mexico informing him of arrival of a Frenchman and an anglo-american on way to Chihuahua and... |
08-31-1806 |
Rey |
Ysidro Rey. Two notes to governor of New Mexico informing him of arrival of a Frenchman and an anglo-american on way to Chihuahua and... |
08-31-1806 |