Ruiz |
El habilitado general de Californias pide los situados de Monterrey, San Francisco(?) para surtir las memorias del ano de 96 |
12-20-1794 |
Rivera |
El habilitado general de Californias pide los situados de Monterrey, San Francisco(?) para surtir las memorias del ano de 96 |
12-20-1794 |
Ramirez |
El habilitado general de Californias pide los situados de Monterrey, San Francisco(?) para surtir las memorias del ano de 96 |
12-20-1794 |
Ruiz |
El habilitado general de Californias pide los situados de Monterrey, San Francisco(?) para surtir las memorias del ano de 96 |
12-20-1794 |
Reyes |
El habilitado general de Californias pide los situados de Monterrey, San Francisco(?) para surtir las memorias del ano de 96 |
12-20-1794 |
Reyes |
Case against Condestable Fernandez accused of desertion and contraband aboard ship principe Fernando |
02-10-1807 |
Rios |
Case against Condestable Fernandez accused of desertion and contraband aboard ship principe Fernando |
02-10-1807 |
Rodriguez |
Letters and documents about retirement of head of carpenters of port of San Blas. |
11-07-1772 |
Ruiz |
Letters and documents about retirement of head of carpenters of port of San Blas. |
11-07-1772 |
Ruiz |
Letters and documents about retirement of head of carpenters of port of San Blas. |
11-07-1772 |
Ruiz Costas Ferrer |
Civil, military administrative correspondence; fiscal affairs |
04-15-1810 |
Romero |
Civil, military administrative correspondence; fiscal affairs |
04-15-1810 |
Rios |
Documents explaining need for repairs of ship San Carlos; approval of funds by virrey is sought. |
07-21-1815 |
Rivas |
Documents explaining need for repairs of ship San Carlos; approval of funds by virrey is sought. |
07-21-1815 |
Ruiz de Apodaca |
Civil, military and fiscal affairs in San Blas. |
05-02-1809 |
Rivas |
Budget of expenses made in repair of salt stores of Huaristemba and Zapotillo. |
02-29-1817 |
Rivas |
Budget of expenses made in repair of salt stores of Huaristemba and Zapotillo. |
02-29-1817 |
Ruiz de Apodaca |
Budget of expenses made in repair of salt stores of Huaristemba and Zapotillo. |
02-29-1817 |
Rodriguez de Silva |
Series of letters from Marfil and Benitez, asking for better job in future. |
06-02-1777 |
Rodriguez de Silva |
Series of documents concerning transportation, civil and military administration and other financial affairs. |
07-06-1810 |
Ramirez |
Correspondence between Viceroy, Croquez, Labayen, Cruz and others about ships and commerce between San Blas and other ports; budgets... |
01-19-1814 |
Ruiz |
Ex-surgeon of San Blas solicits permission to wear military uniform and use military fueros |
06-14-1802 |
Rodriguez |
Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration |
01-24-1808 |
Ruiz de Apodaca |
Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration |
01-24-1808 |
Richartzon |
Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration |
01-24-1808 |
Rebera |
Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration |
01-24-1808 |
Ramirez de Saitre |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation and military administration. |
11-08-1804 |
Ruiz de Apodaca |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation and military administration. |
11-08-1804 |
Raya |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation and military administration. |
11-08-1804 |
Ruiz de Apodaca |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, military organization, and military-religious relations. |
08-25-1809 |
Ruiz de Apodaca |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, military organization, and military-religious relations. |
08-25-1809 |
Ramirez |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal affairs, military organization and administration, civil administration and... |
10-13-1810 |
Ruiz de Apodaca |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal affairs, military organization and administration, civil administration and... |
10-13-1810 |
Romero |
Series of documents dealing with maritime transportation and civil administration |
10-16-1812 |
Roldan |
Series of documents dealing with maritime transportation and civil administration |
10-16-1812 |
Rodriguez |
Note on shipments from Panama and Acapulco. Confiscation of shipment coming from Panama. |
04-08-1816 |
Rios |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal and military affairs and ship repair. |
05-02-1794 |
Rosales |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal and military affairs and ship repair. |
05-02-1794 |
Revilla Gigedo |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal and military affairs and ship repair. |
05-02-1794 |
Ruiz de Apodaca |
Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal and military affairs and ship repair. |
05-02-1794 |
Revilla Gigedo |
Caamano's request for funds to return to San Blas. |
11-25-1794 |
Rios |
Appointment of administrative assistant at Zapotillo. |
07-15-1795 |
Revilla Gigedo |
Documents re: arrival in nootka of improperly attired soldiers. |
06-15-1794 |
Rosales |
Nomination of assistant to Ascano at iron-works in San Blas. |
05-16-1794 |
Revilla Gigedo |
Nomination of assistant to Ascano at iron-works in San Blas. |
05-16-1794 |
Revilla Gigedo |
Administrative correspondence between Junta de Marina de San Blas, virrey re: shipyard worker's salaries. |
02-29-1794 |
Rios |
Administrative correspondence between Junta de Marina de San Blas, virrey re: shipyard worker's salaries. |
02-29-1794 |
Rovertos |
Administrative correspondence between Junta de Marina de San Blas, virrey re: shipyard worker's salaries. |
02-29-1794 |
Rosales |
Administrative correspondence between Junta de Marina de San Blas, virrey re: shipyard worker's salaries. |
02-29-1794 |
Revilla Gigedo |
Loera's request to retire from position as Capellan de los buques de San Blas. |
03-31-1793 |