Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Ruiz El habilitado general de Californias pide los situados de Monterrey, San Francisco(?) para surtir las memorias del ano de 96 12-20-1794
Rivera El habilitado general de Californias pide los situados de Monterrey, San Francisco(?) para surtir las memorias del ano de 96 12-20-1794
Ramirez El habilitado general de Californias pide los situados de Monterrey, San Francisco(?) para surtir las memorias del ano de 96 12-20-1794
Ruiz El habilitado general de Californias pide los situados de Monterrey, San Francisco(?) para surtir las memorias del ano de 96 12-20-1794
Reyes El habilitado general de Californias pide los situados de Monterrey, San Francisco(?) para surtir las memorias del ano de 96 12-20-1794
Reyes Case against Condestable Fernandez accused of desertion and contraband aboard ship principe Fernando 02-10-1807
Rios Case against Condestable Fernandez accused of desertion and contraband aboard ship principe Fernando 02-10-1807
Rodriguez Letters and documents about retirement of head of carpenters of port of San Blas. 11-07-1772
Ruiz Letters and documents about retirement of head of carpenters of port of San Blas. 11-07-1772
Ruiz Letters and documents about retirement of head of carpenters of port of San Blas. 11-07-1772
Ruiz Costas Ferrer Civil, military administrative correspondence; fiscal affairs 04-15-1810
Romero Civil, military administrative correspondence; fiscal affairs 04-15-1810
Rios Documents explaining need for repairs of ship San Carlos; approval of funds by virrey is sought. 07-21-1815
Rivas Documents explaining need for repairs of ship San Carlos; approval of funds by virrey is sought. 07-21-1815
Ruiz de Apodaca Civil, military and fiscal affairs in San Blas. 05-02-1809
Rivas Budget of expenses made in repair of salt stores of Huaristemba and Zapotillo. 02-29-1817
Rivas Budget of expenses made in repair of salt stores of Huaristemba and Zapotillo. 02-29-1817
Ruiz de Apodaca Budget of expenses made in repair of salt stores of Huaristemba and Zapotillo. 02-29-1817
Rodriguez de Silva Series of letters from Marfil and Benitez, asking for better job in future. 06-02-1777
Rodriguez de Silva Series of documents concerning transportation, civil and military administration and other financial affairs. 07-06-1810
Ramirez Correspondence between Viceroy, Croquez, Labayen, Cruz and others about ships and commerce between San Blas and other ports; budgets... 01-19-1814
Ruiz Ex-surgeon of San Blas solicits permission to wear military uniform and use military fueros 06-14-1802
Rodriguez Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration 01-24-1808
Ruiz de Apodaca Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration 01-24-1808
Richartzon Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration 01-24-1808
Rebera Series of documents concerning fiscal affairs, maritime transportation and civil administration 01-24-1808
Ramirez de Saitre Series of documents concerning maritime transportation and military administration. 11-08-1804
Ruiz de Apodaca Series of documents concerning maritime transportation and military administration. 11-08-1804
Raya Series of documents concerning maritime transportation and military administration. 11-08-1804
Ruiz de Apodaca Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, military organization, and military-religious relations. 08-25-1809
Ruiz de Apodaca Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, military organization, and military-religious relations. 08-25-1809
Ramirez Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal affairs, military organization and administration, civil administration and... 10-13-1810
Ruiz de Apodaca Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal affairs, military organization and administration, civil administration and... 10-13-1810
Romero Series of documents dealing with maritime transportation and civil administration 10-16-1812
Roldan Series of documents dealing with maritime transportation and civil administration 10-16-1812
Rodriguez Note on shipments from Panama and Acapulco. Confiscation of shipment coming from Panama. 04-08-1816
Rios Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal and military affairs and ship repair. 05-02-1794
Rosales Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal and military affairs and ship repair. 05-02-1794
Revilla Gigedo Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal and military affairs and ship repair. 05-02-1794
Ruiz de Apodaca Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, fiscal and military affairs and ship repair. 05-02-1794
Revilla Gigedo Caamano's request for funds to return to San Blas. 11-25-1794
Rios Appointment of administrative assistant at Zapotillo. 07-15-1795
Revilla Gigedo Documents re: arrival in nootka of improperly attired soldiers. 06-15-1794
Rosales Nomination of assistant to Ascano at iron-works in San Blas. 05-16-1794
Revilla Gigedo Nomination of assistant to Ascano at iron-works in San Blas. 05-16-1794
Revilla Gigedo Administrative correspondence between Junta de Marina de San Blas, virrey re: shipyard worker's salaries. 02-29-1794
Rios Administrative correspondence between Junta de Marina de San Blas, virrey re: shipyard worker's salaries. 02-29-1794
Rovertos Administrative correspondence between Junta de Marina de San Blas, virrey re: shipyard worker's salaries. 02-29-1794
Rosales Administrative correspondence between Junta de Marina de San Blas, virrey re: shipyard worker's salaries. 02-29-1794
Revilla Gigedo Loera's request to retire from position as Capellan de los buques de San Blas. 03-31-1793
