Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Trujillo Cornel y Ferraz, Antonio (secretario de estado). Royal order 10-04-1766
Tebaca Coronel don Pedro Fages to the comandante general, cav. de Croix. Copia a la letra de las diligencias practicadas sobre la sublevasion de... 10-31-1781
Topazay Correspondence about administrative issues, between governor and virrey 1774. Mostly military issues. 03-30-1774
Torres Correspondence about attack on Cerro Prieto; murder charge against soldier. 06-20-1768
Torres Correspondence about troop movement for expedition of Sonora. 04-20-1767
Terraz Correspondence and diary by Cuellar concerning one of his military campaigns against Indians. 06-08-1769
Tacolcan Correspondence and diary re: Cordero's campaign against Indians. 08-29-1789
Tarabal Correspondence between Anza and viceroy Bucareli concerning Anza's expedition to open land route from Sonora to California. 01-03-1774
Texada Correspondence between Barry, Revilla Gigedo, and Martinez concerning marriage request by Barry. 05-24-1777
Trigo Correspondence between Belena and viceroy for the years 1768-1770. 07-03-1768
Trillo Correspondence between Belena and viceroy for the years 1768-1770. 07-03-1768
Tueros Correspondence between Belena, Galvez, viceroy and other officials regarding visits by Galvez an Belena to provinces of Sonora and Sinaloa . 10-00-1769
Tustiani Correspondence between Blanco and virrey concerning passing of command of Santander to Sanson while Blanco and Conde de Sierra Gorda are... 09-28-1795
Tobar Correspondence between Bucareli and Cazorla in 1773. 01-15-1773
Tueros Correspondence between capitan Tueros and viceroy Bucareli concerning rebellion of capitan Seri Boquinete. 01-20-1779
Tueros Correspondence between capitan Urrea and viceroy concerning military life and tactics against Indians. 01-11-1774
Tarabal Correspondence between capitan Urrea and viceroy concerning military life and tactics against Indians. 01-11-1774
Thovar Correspondence between capitan Urrea and viceroy concerning military life and tactics against Indians. 01-11-1774
Totaymoc Correspondence between capitan Urrea and viceroy concerning military life and tactics against Indians. 01-11-1774
Tubuguio Correspondence between capitan Urrea and viceroy concerning military life and tactics against Indians. 01-11-1774
Tagaquechoe Correspondence between Casas, viceroy, and Corras concerning Apache prisioner. 08-12-1790
Tovar Correspondence between Castro, Tovar, and viceroy concerning battle against Lipanes. 04-11-1792
Tovar Correspondence between comandancia and Virreynato concerning drought in provinces and intensified war with Apaches. 08-06-1785
Troncoso Correspondence between comandante de Provincias Internas and Conde de Revillagigedo concerning military personnel. 04-28-1790
Tovar Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy about military appointments. 08-13-1790
Torre Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy about military appointments. 08-13-1790
Tonavi Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy concerning military personnel. 03-13-1790
Tarto Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy concerning military personnel. 03-13-1790
Tueros Correspondence between comandante general, viceroy and various officers. 04-00-1787
Tinajero Correspondence between commander Oca and the viceroy, Marquez de Cruillas, dealing with presidio reorganization 09-04-1764
Toledo y Oquilla Correspondence between commander of provincias del Oriente and the viceroy. 05-21-1785
Trigo Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix re: vandos, silver production, food supplies and flooding, and expedition expenses. 08-22-1770
Trillo Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix re: vandos, silver production, food supplies and flooding, and expedition expenses. 08-22-1770
Trigo Correspondence between Corbalan, Mesia, and Croix re: Indian depredations, prohibition of alcolhol, supplies for expedition; additions to... 00-00-1730
Torres Correspondence between Corbalan, virrey concerning various issues of provincial administration. 09-23-1771
Toledo Correspondence between Corbalan, virrey concerning various issues pertaining to provincial administration. 10-26-1773
Trevol Navarro Correspondence between Corix and Mayorga re: civil administration, request and receipt of documents, civil and military personnel, and... 10-21-1779
Trigo Correspondence between Croix and Corbalan re: receipt of troop inspections; military salaries; and military affairs. 00-00-1769
Trillo Correspondence between Croix and Corbalan re: receipt of troop inspections; military salaries; and military affairs. 00-00-1769
Toledo Correspondence between Croix and Corbalan re: receipt of troop inspections; military salaries; and military affairs. 00-00-1769
Therrazas Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from... 10-20-1766
Tribarren Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from... 10-20-1766
Trebol Navarro Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: treasury transactions; military personnel; documents on Aviles; use of funds. 12-07-1779
Truxillo Correspondence between Croix and virrey re: civil administration of personnel, armour, and expenditures. 04-12-1780
Trujillo Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Matos concerning military expedition against Indians in Candela. 11-18-1790
Tapia Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during November. 11-30-1790
Tobar Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in Julimes, Guanacebi, and Conchos. 02-01-1790
Tellez Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in San Buenaventura, Papasquiano, and Chihuahua. 02-22-1790
Terrasas Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Valle concerning Indian raids during October. 11-11-1790
Tarango Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Valle concerning Indian raids in district of Chihuahua in September. 10-12-1790
