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Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Ugalde noticia en que por menor su manifiesta el numero de piesas Apaches que el 8 de abril corriente salieron de la villa de Monclova 04-28-1788
Ugalde Notices of expenditures by the companias del Nuevo Reyno de Leon. 09-20-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Notice to Neve that Ugarte y Loyola will receive libramiento of one thousand pesos and is being transferred to capital. 06-17-1784
Ugarte y Loyola Notes on correspondence concerning missionaries in California and Nuevo Mexico from 1785-1802. 12-05-1785
Ugarte y Loyola Notes from Flores to Ugarte concerning several letters to be given to officials, and of king granting grades of colonel to Echegaray,... 08-17-1789
Urrea Notes from Cruillas to Pineda acknowledging receipt of letters about Indian raids and military campaigns. 09-20-1763
Ugarte y Loyola Note from virrey (?) to comandante Loyola concerning royal resolutions regarding unspecified military affairs. 05-19-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Note from Flores to Ugarte concerning two royal orders sent to the latter by the king. 04-10-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Note from Flores to Ugarte concerning royal letters sent by the king to official of presidios and compania Volantes. 06-16-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Note from Flores to Ugarte concerning retirement pension granted to Verdugo and disability pensions Ronquillo, Onopa, and Binillos by the... 06-16-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Note from Flores to Ugarte concerning king's order to lift accusations against Garay, and del Campo; new troop will be assigned to the... 06-16-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Note from Flores to Ugarte concerning king's decision to permit Borica, Ortega, and Palacios to go to Spain until their accusations... 07-22-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Note from Flores to Ugarte acknowledging that Ugarte received mandate on pardon given to desertors. 08-18-1789
Urrea Nota de los asuntos que se hallan pendientes en las provincias de Sinaloa y Sonora-de los informes que sobre ellos hizo el difunto... 07-03-1773
Ugarte y Loyola Nonpayment of benefits to invalid soldiers. 03-23-1788
Ugarte Nomina de los padres Jesuitas hospedados en la casa de San Carlos de Veracruz. 09-08-1767
Urrutia Nomina de los padres Jesuitas hospedados en la casa de San Carlos de Veracruz. 09-08-1767
Ugalde Nombramiento de don Joseph Antonio Fernandezcadete de la compania Volante de la punta de lampazos para alfarez segundo de la misma. 03-21-1796
Ugalde Nine military instancias from colonia of Nuevo Santander. 02-02-1792
Ugalde New troop formation Nuevo Reyno de Leon 04-12-1783
Urquido Neve, Phelipe de to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning war contributions. 08-17-1780
Ugarte y Loyola Neve's will and documents concerning carrying out provisions in will. 01-29-1777
Umatell Nava, Pedro de. note to governor of New Mexico informing him that padre Francisco Estevan umatell has made plans to settle financial... 01-10-1792
Uranga Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Return of correspondence regarding horse theft of Apache captain in El Paso and the happy... 07-27-1791
Ugarte Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Procedure for increasing authority of territorial judges of the Provincias Internas in the... 10-01-1790
Urioste Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico informing him that authorization for pension for soldier Juan de... 11-20-1793
Ugarte Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Four letters to the governor of New Mexico on Indian affairs. 08-06-1792
Uranga Nava, Pedro de (comandante general) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Order regarding transportation of wood into New Mexico for building... 06-01-1797
Ugarte y Loyola Nava's correspondence re: Posita and Maniguane hacienda attack; Nuevo Santander military inspection; military personnel and military... 12-13-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Nava's correspondence re: military conduct; Bejar company; finances; receipt of dispatches; and pensions. 10-16-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Nava's correspondence re: military appointments for Santa Fe, Tucson, and Cerrogordo; and retirements. 07-01-1791
Urrea Nava's correspondence re: military and religious appointments; military salaries and pensions; military administration. 01-19-1791
Ugarte y Loyola Nava's correspondence re: Grimarest's illness; Fourth company paymaster request for funds; military retirement and invalids. 06-04-1789
Ugalde Nava's correspondence concerning transport costs and Alferez appointments of compania de San Juan Bautista. 03-15-1791
Ugarte y Loyola Nava's correspondence concerning military personnel and appointments. 09-16-1791
Ugarte Nava's correspondence concerning military personnel and appointments. 09-16-1791
Ugarte Nava's correspondence concerning Grimarest's illness and insubordination; escape of Chiquito capitan. 12-04-1786
Ugarte y Loyola Nava's correspondence concerning Denofeant's conduct among Apache chiricaquis, and Mata Binolas' plans against rebels near... 06-14-1791
Ugarte Loyola Naming of Codina as chief engineer for public works in Guadalajara, especially for irrigation projects in region to relieve severe drought. 05-06-1787
Ugarte y Loyola N. Reino de Leon destacamento de Linares 87 y 88, letters from Juan Domingo Echegaray and Dufay to Ugalde concerning Provincias Internas... 08-26-1786
Ugalde N. R. de Leon subalternos 87, 88 y 89. 09-21-1787
Urizar muy senor mio: no dudo que siendonos a vuestra senoria y a mi el idioma castellano, debemos entenderlo mexor, que el latino, aprendido por... 08-02-1779
Usarraga Muy senor mio: el 18 del pasado se interno ala provincia de Ostimuri una partida de 17 a 20 enemigos 06-02-1770
Urquijo mui senora mia y mi mas benefactora 11-15-1816
Ugarte y Bungoa mui reservado. Han llegado a mi noticia varios especies que conviene instruirlo de un modo seguro para resolver... 09-24-1799
Urgartechea mui reservado. Han llegado a mi noticia varios especies que conviene instruirlo de un modo seguro para resolver... 09-24-1799
Urribarry Moreno, Valentin. Accounts of expenditures on gifts to Indian allies. 01-30-1812
Urquijo More documents concerning dispute between Roldan and Grimaldi about civil versus military authority. 01-27-1817
Ugarte y Loyola Monetary affairs 04-16-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Mistreatment of Indians by Porras and land grant to Porras' widow. 08-27-1790
