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Person Last Name Document title Date
Chacon Medina Salazar y Villasenor Joseph Chacon Medin Salazar y Villasenor. Sobre la venta de esclavos. 08-05-1711
Chacon Pedro de Nava. Opinions regarding the opening of a road between California and New Mexico, and establishing a presidio. 07-20-1801
Chrisostomo Juan Domingo Arricivita, OFM. Cronica serafica y apostolica del colegio de propaganda fide de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro. 00-00-1792
Chrisostomo Fr. Mariano Antonio de Buena y Alcalde to the guardian and discretory. 07-09-1768
Chrisostomo Fr. Mariano Antonio de Buena y Alcalde to fr. Sebastian Flores. 11-10-1768
Chacon Medina Salazar y Villarenor Chacon Medina Salazar y Villarenor, Joseph (gobernador y capitan general, Marques de la Penuela). Order that the people of San Joan respect... 00-00-0000
Chaves Alcaldes mayores (various). Fragments of testimony concerning journey of Jacinto Sanchez to provincia de los Moquis. 00-00-0000
Chacon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Report to comandante that two Frenchmen, Domingo Lavadia and Pedro Vial, have been arrested per orders; and... 00-00-0000
Chacon Mariana, Martin. Proceedings against for disorderly conduct. 00-00-0000
Chacon Mariana, Martin. Proceedings against for disorderly conduct. 00-00-0000
Chaves Cacho (fr) (OFM). Report on grain donated as alms in 1820 by the order of governor Melgares. 00-00-0000
Chavez Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Proceedings of junta de guerra held by Antonio de Otermin reviewing community's complaints of... 04-05-1681
Chavez Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Proceedings of junta de guerra held by Antonio de Otermin reviewing community's complaints of... 04-05-1681
Chaves Otermin, Antonio (gobernador). Bando ordering interrogation of survivors of revolt in New Mexico and responses from five interviews and two... 10-20-1681
Chavez . Testimony of piro Indian Cristobal concerning charges against him for traveling to Zenecu without permission and under suspicion of... 09-02-1689
Chabarria Vargas, Francisco de (fray) to Vargas, Diego de (gobernador). Request for Spanish escorts by missionaries to help them travel. 03-07-1696
Chavarria Vargas, Francisco (fray) to Vargas, Diego de. Petition for more Spanish escorts and arms. 03-22-1696
Chaves Chaves, Fernando de to Vargas, Diego de. Letter informing Vargas of situation in Bernalillo. 06-00-1696
Chaves Chaves, Fernando de to Vargas, Diego de. notice of arrival of letters. 06-00-1696
Chaves Ojeda, Bartolome de to Chaves, Fernando de. Letter explaining consequences of withdrawing military escort. 06-00-1696
Chaves Chaves, Francisco de to Vargas, Diego de. Information concerning transfer of Bernalillo families to Santa Fe. 06-00-1696
Chaves Vargas, Diego de. Theft of livestock by Indians. 06-04-1696
Chavez Vargas, Diego de. notice to scout around pueblo de Taos and pueblo de Teguas. 06-06-1696
Chaves Vargas, Diego de. Information about forces in Santa Fe. 06-09-1696
Chaves Vargas, Diego de. Receipt of letter. 06-10-1696
Chaves Vargas, Diego de to Chaves, Fernando de. Answers request by Chaves for soldiers and supplies. 06-11-1696
Chaves Vargas, Diego de. Arrival of fray Antonio de el Corral with letters. 06-12-1696
Chaves Vargas, Diego de. Acknowledging receipt of letters - and subsequent actions taken. 06-12-1696
Chaves Vargas, Diego de. noting the receiving of certain letters. 06-12-1696
Chaves Chaves, Fernando de. notice of movement of livestock in Bernalillo. The local Indians are afraid. 06-13-1696
Chavado Vargas, Diego de. Execution of sentence. 06-14-1696
Chavada Vargas, Diego de. notice of arrival of capitan Lazaro Mizquia. 06-14-1696
Chaves Vargas, Diego de. Receipt of Chaves' letter. 06-14-1696
Chaves Vargas, Diego de to Chaves, Francisco. Letter from Vargas answering Chaves. 06-15-1696
Chava Vargas, Diego de. Travels of Vargas to nearby towns. 06-17-1696
Chavas Vargas, Diego de. Record of events and operations during an extensive uprising among the Indians. 06-17-1696
Chana Vargas, Diego de. Record of events and operations during an extensive uprising among the Indians. 06-17-1696
Chavez Vargas, Diego de. Chavez' letters to Vargas explaining troop movements. 06-20-1696
Chavas Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Chaves Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Chirinos Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Chabarrion Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Chaves Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 08-01-1696
Chaves Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 08-01-1696
Chanarria Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 08-01-1696
Chavarria Marques de la Nava de Brazinas (gobernador y capitan general). Account of offensive campaign led by Vargas against faraon Apaches. 03-27-1704
Chavez Fernando Duran y Chavez (general) to Juan Paez Hurtado (teniente de gobernador y capitan general). Petition asking for dispensation from... 02-07-1705
Chavez Francisco Ramires to gobernador. Complaint against Baltasar Romero for debt. 04-28-1705
Chaves Juan de Uribarri (general-sargento mayor del reino y alcalde ordinario) to gobernador Cuervo y Valdes. Proceedings against Juan Gallegos in... 11-19-1705
Chaves Juan de Uribarri (general-sargento mayor del reino y alcalde ordinario) to gobernador Cuervo y Valdes. Proceedings against Juan Gallegos in... 11-19-1705
