Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Cruzat y Gongora Caciques of Taos to Cruzat y Gongora (gobernador). Petition by taos Indians to keep stray stock out of their fields. 08-17-1731
Cruzat y Gongora Garzia Jurado, Ramon. Criminal proceedings against Ramon Garzia Jurado for forced labor of Indians. 09-00-1731
Cruz Garzia Jurado, Ramon. Criminal proceedings against Ramon Garzia Jurado for forced labor of Indians. 09-00-1731
Cruzat y Gongora Naranjo, Joseph. Criminal case against Joseph Naranjo for wounding Lorenzo Jaramillo. 09-01-1731
Cruzat y Gongora . Criminal case against indios of pueblo de Santa Ana for witchcraft. 01-03-1732
Cruzat y Gongora Romero, Luis (indio). Petition against Ambrosio de villalpondo for extortion and damages against Indians. 03-07-1732
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora, Gervasio (coronel - gobernador y capitan general). Bando against concubinage and gambling. 03-16-1732
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora, Gervasio (gobernador). Bando against idleness and vagrancy. 03-16-1732
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora, Gervasio (gobernador). Bando ordering settlers of Santa Cruz to take better care of their livestock. 06-01-1732
Cruzat y Gongora Gonsales Bas, Joseph. Joseph del Carpio vs. Felipe de Silva for non-delivery of wool. 07-13-1732
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora, Gervasio (gobernador). Bando announcing expedition to salt lakes from Galisteo. 08-18-1732
Cruzat y Gongora Garcia, Cristobal. Petition to open an asequia. 08-19-1732
Crusat y Gongora Thenorio, Caietano. Proceedings against four soldiers of Santa Fe presidio for wounding Juan de Santistevan. 09-07-1732
Cruzat y Gongora Sanches, Ysidro. Criminal proceedings against Ysidro Sanches for assault against Lorenzo Trujillo. 09-28-1732
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora, Gervasio (gobernador) to alcades mayores. notice regarding escort for those intending to leave New Mexico. 10-12-1732
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora, Gervasio (gobernador). Bando for establishment of ferry service across Rio del norte. 10-18-1732
Cruzat y Gongora Acuna, Juan (virrey). Proclamation of Juan Acuna (virrey) giving permission to inhabitants of Santa Fe to construct a new church. 10-31-1732
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora, Gervasio (gobernador) to alcaldes mayores. Bando prohibiting sale of Apache captives to pueblo Indians. 12-06-1732
Cruzat y Gongora Jorge, Ysabel/Gallegos, Phelipe/Gurule, Anttonio to Gonsales Bas, Juan (alcalde mayor). Citizens of Albuquerque complain and file suit to... 01-07-1733
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora (gobernador). Visita of gobernador Cruzat y Gongora to pueblo of Isleta. 04-04-1733
Cruzat y Gongora Rael de Aguilar, Francisca to governador y capitan general. Complaint from Francisca Rael de Aguilar to governador Cruzat y Gongora against... 04-21-1733
Cruzat y Gongora Guerrero, Joseph Anttonio (fray) to governador y capitan general. Investigations of disrespect and disorderly conduct in church by two men. 04-30-1733
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora, Gervasio (governador) to alcaldes mayores. Bando ordering espanoles and yndios to be militarily prepared. 06-23-1733
Cruzat y Gongora Analla, Juan de. Proceedings in suit of Juana de Anaya vs. Francisco Gonzales. 07-14-1733
Cruzat y Gongora Romero, Phelipe to Cruzat y Gongora, Gervasio (gobernador). Proceedings of Phelipe Romero vs. Francisco Espexo for two loaned horses. 07-20-1733
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora (gobernador). Visita of governor Cruzat y Gongora to the pueblos of Galisteo and Pecos. 07-27-1733
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora (gobernador). Yndios of Acoma and Laguna file suit against Bernabe Baca, alcalde mayor. 12-21-1733
Cruzat y Gongora Aragon, Nicolas de to Cruzat y Gongora (gobernador). Manuel Carillo vs. Nicolas de Aragon for payment default. 01-19-1734
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora, Gervasio (gobernador) to Paes Hurtado, Juan. Orders from governor concerning Indian campaign. 01-31-1734
Cruzat y Gongora Gonsales Bas, Juan (alcalde mayor). 04-07-1734
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora (gobernador). Bando ordering citizens to meeting to discuss exportation of food and other commodities from the region. 00-00-1735
Cruzat y Gongora Cruzat y Gongora (gobernador). Bando against sale of arms to non-christian Indians by the governor. 05-20-1735
Cruzat y Gongora Guerrero, Francisco (alcalde mayor de taos) to Cruzat y Gongora (gobernador). Proceedings against Ambrosio de Villa Alpando and Francisco... 06-27-1735
Cruz Gonsales Bas, Juan. Proceeding - Francisco de la Cruz for the murder of Juan Chavez. 10-07-1735
Cruzat y Gongora Gomes, Joseph/Jaramillo, Roque/Valdes, Rosalia to Garsia, Juan Estevan (alcalde mayor de Santa Cruz). Complaint of residents of el paraje... 04-11-1736
Cruzat y Gongora Gonsales Bas, Joseph/Chirinos, Juan Manuel to pueblos Zemes/ Zia/Santa Ana/Bernalillo/Santo Domingo. Publication of a bando of the governor. 06-26-1736
Cruzat y Gongora Citizens of Alburquerque to Olavide y Michelana (gobernador). Request by citizens of Alburquerque to revoke a bando enacted by Cruzat y... 09-03-1737
Cruz Pedro Martin. Causa criminal de oficio de la real justicia contra Pedro de la Cruz indio por haver intentado. 02-22-1747
Cruz Juachin Codallos y Rabal. An order prohibiting the free grazing of livestock at Santa Cruz de la Canada during the growing season. 05-08-1748
Cruz Juan Francisco de Guemes y Horcasitas. Viceregal order for taking of census. 07-31-1748
Cruz Joachin Codallos y Rabal. An order for the alcaldes mayores to publicize the annual expedition to the salt lakes. 08-08-1748
Cruz Joseph Manuel Truxillo. Causa criminal de querella de Joseph Manuel Truxillo contra Antonio Balberde, y dos hijos suios. 09-08-1748
Cruz Petition and dilixencia for the return of a stolen horse. 03-00-1762
Cruillas E Marques de Cruillas to Thomas Velez Cachupin. Requests information on comanche depredations. 05-21-1763
Cruillas Marques de Cruillas to Thomas Veliz Cachupin. Letter concerning protector general and asesor letrado received. 06-10-1763
Cruillas Marques de Cruillas to Thomas Velez Cachupin. Requires Velez not penalize citizens of Santa Cruz for going to Mexico. 12-11-1763
Cruillas Marques de Cruillas. Orders concerning records of births and deaths at Santa Fee. 08-06-1764
Cruillas Marques de Cruillas to Tomas Velez Cachupin. The Marques confirms the nominations of teniente and Alferez sent to him by Velez Cachupin in... 12-27-1764
Cruillas Marques de Cruillas to Thomas Velez Cachupin. Receipt of census report. 05-16-1765
Croix Croix, Marques de to Velez Cachupin, Thomas. de Croix asks for a report on production and use of tobacco. Questions tobacco impact on... 12-00-1766
