Browse by date

Title/Description Location Datesort descending
View over corn Tanzania 1920-03-29
Wood station Tanzania 1920-03-29
Woodpile, corn, grass, tree Tanzania 1920-03-29
Pennisetum, woodpile Tanzania 1920-03-29
Across grassland Tanzania 1920-03-29
Depot Tanzania 1920-03-29
Detail of soil bank Tanzania 1920-03-30
German mission on mountain Tanzania 1920-03-30
Open forest Tanzania 1920-03-30
Grass and cloud topped mountains Tanzania 1920-03-30
Euphorbia and dry forest Tanzania 1920-03-30
Large trees Tanzania 1920-03-30
Detail of soil Tanzania 1920-03-30
Baobab Tanzania 1920-03-30
Grasses, brush, mountains Tanzania 1920-03-30
Side of track Tanzania 1920-03-30
Manihot glaziovii plantation Tanzania 1920-03-30
Side of forest and vines Tanzania 1920-03-30
Native village Tanzania 1920-03-30
Manihot Tanzania 1920-03-30
Sisal plantation Tanzania 1920-03-30
Sisal plantation Tanzania 1920-03-30
Papaya, grasses, trees Tanzania 1920-03-30
Papaya, grasses, trees Tanzania 1920-03-30
Rock mass Tanzania 1920-03-30
Across ravine to open forest Tanzania 1920-03-30
View across ravine Tanzania 1920-03-30
Under exposed detail of trees Tanzania 1920-03-30
Bridge blown up during war Tanzania 1920-03-30
Cleared land Tanzania 1920-03-30
Rail tracks, native huts Tanzania 1920-03-30
Sisal plantation Tanzania 1920-03-30
Sisal plantation Tanzania 1920-03-30
Manihot, corn Tanzania 1920-03-30
Grassland with trees in back Tanzania 1920-03-30
Kapok closeup Tanzania 1920-03-30
Sisal, mango, kapok Tanzania 1920-03-30
Sisal, cocoanut, kapok Tanzania 1920-03-30
Wood station Tanzania 1920-03-30
Across river bed Tanzania 1920-03-30
Thick tree growth Tanzania 1920-03-30
Station, shows palm Tanzania 1920-03-30
Mountain with clouds on top Tanzania 1920-03-30
Train Tanzania 1920-03-30
View of mountain Tanzania 1920-03-30
Soil bank Tanzania 1920-03-30
Clouds on mountain Tanzania 1920-03-30
Bananas Tanzania 1920-03-30
Depot and mountains behind Tanzania 1920-03-30
Left side of track Tanzania 1920-03-30
