Browse by date

Title Date createdsort descending
My Desert Memories 1939
Fremont, Pathmarker of the West 1939
The Composition and Structure of the Mucilage from Wild Indian Wheat, Plantago Fastigiata, T. 1939
The Kingdom of St. Francis in Arizona 1939
Photoperiodism of some Arizona range grasses 1939
Home-room practices in Arizona high schools 1939
An analysis of income and expenditures of fourteen newly established Arizona families 1939
Buildings and Equipment for Departments of Vocational Agriculture 1939
Report on Colorado River water available and uses in Arizona in relation to proposed Senate bill 56 providing for a tri-state compact 1939
Hashknives 1939
Proceedings of Committee of Fourteen, Colorado River Basin States 1939
Navajo Salt Gathering 1940
Research of Voluntary Bang's disease expenditures 1940
Irrigation on Upper Verde River Watershed from Surface Waters. 1940
Arizona State Citrus Show 1940
Articles of incorporation of the Salt River Valley Water Users' Association. 1940
Arizona Stream Flow Summary 1940
annual report of live stock sanitary board 1940
A small appropriation for the Gila project this year will start canal work to take Colorado River water to the thirsty lands of the Mohawk... 1940
The Birth of Arizona: The Baby State 1940
An archaeological site near Gleeson, Arizona 1940
History of education of Cochise County 1940
Prehistoric use of coal by Indians of northern Arizona 1940
Decline of the cotton exports of the United States 1940
Along the Beale Trail; a photographic account of wasted range land 1940
