Arid agriculture; a hand-book for the western farmer and stockman |
1909 |
Rillito Water Users' Association.Articles of incorporation |
1909 |
Tucson: the chief commercial city of Arizona. |
1909 |
Brief on land grants in Arizona. |
1909 |
Maricopa County, Arizona |
1909 |
The Mission Cook Book |
1909 |
Salt River Valley of Arizona === Special |
1909 |
Arizona, Salt River Valley |
1909 |
Arizona bibliography; a private collection of Arizoniana |
1908 |
Salt River Valley, Arizona, offers productive lands, a healthful climate and rare opportunities to the investor and homeseeker. |
1908 |
Vanished Arizona; recollections of my army life |
1908 |
Great opportunities: Douglas, Arizona, "The smelter city" Rich mines, fertile soil, wonderful climate |
1908 |
The two great canyons; excerpts from letters written on a western journey. |
1908 |
Salt River Valley, Arizona. Salt River Valley Publicity Series |
1908 |
Olive A. Oatman : her captivity with the Apache Indians and her later life |
1908 |
Concrete Caisson Well. |
1908 |
Tucson : the chief commercial city of Arizona |
1907 |
Antiquities of the upper Gila and Salt River valleys in Arizona and New Mexico |
1907 |
The Government Irrigation Project at Roosevelt Dam, Salt River, Arizona |
1907 |
What irrigation has done in the Salt River Valley of Arizona. |
1907 |
Outline of citrus work begun in November 1907 in Salt River Valley, Arizona |
1907 |
Irrigation and drainage; principles and practice of their cultural phases |
1907 |
The New Arizona: homes and wealth for out-of-doors folks |
1907 |
Climate of the Salt River Valley |
1907 |
Greene-Mossman Cattle Company, Tucson,Arizona.Articles of incorporation |
1907 |