Browse by date

Title Date createdsort descending
Arizona: Great State. 1931
Desert Land Magazine 1931
The Mexican immigrant, his life story 1931
Colorado river and the Boulder canyon project 1931
Recently dated Pueblo ruins in Arizona 1931
The Boulder Dam decision; speech of Clifton Mathews at Globe, Arizona, August 5, 1931 1931
The Grewe Site, Gila Valley, Arizona 1931
The controversy between Arizona and California over the Boulder Canyon Project Act 1931
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. A summary of the Metropolitan Water District aqueduct situation. 1931
Arizona's prehistoric canals, from the air 1931
Chandler Heights Citrus Tract 1931
Soda Springs Ranch, Rimrock, Arizona. 1931?
Financial Report of the Arizona Livestock Sanitary Board for the fiscal year July 1, 1930 to June 30, 1931. 1932
General Crook's first administration in Arizona 1871-1875 1932
Camelback Water Conservation District 1932
Report of Colorado River Commission of Arizona 1931-1932 1932
Some criteria for establishing and maintaining agricultural departments in the secondary schools of Arizona 1932
Southern Arizona Fair and Rodeo 1932
Why an Arizona beefsteak: a publication in the interests of "Arizona beef prefered" 1932
An Outline of Sheep Husbandry 1932
Timber: a state asset; 1932
Annual Report of the Arizona Livestock Sanitary Board. 1933
Federal Lands and the Permanent School Fund. 1933
Soil survey of the Yuma-Wellton area, Arizona-California 1933
The administration of the state and school lands in Arizona 1933
