Browse by date

Title Date createdsort ascending
Roosevelt Irrigation District Water Contracts and Agreements 1927
Senate joint memorial No. 10 1927
Poultry Industry in Yavapai County, Arizona 1927
Pueblo of SantaRosa vs Secretary of the interior V.1 1926
The Apache trail of Arizona 1926
Main-Line Exposition celebrating the coming of the main line of the Southern Pacific through Phoenix and the Salt River Valley, October... 1926
The Crabbe filibustering expedition into Sonora, 1857 1926
Regional Agricultural Conference of Agricultural and Other Industrial Representatives. 1926
Features of an Arizona library 1926
Advertisements 1926 1926
The Colorado River compact 1926
History of Grazing on Tonto 1926
Casa Grande : the greatest valley pueblo of Arizona 1926
Pecans in the Salt River Valley, Arizona 1925
Ten years; selected editorials from the Native American 1915-1925 1925
Mohawk Municipal Water Conservation District Pamphlet 1925
The Apache trail of Arizona 1925
Supplemental agreement between Roosevelt Irrigation District and Salt River Valley Water Users' Association 1925
Geology and ore deposits of the Aravaipa and Stanley Mining Districts, Graham County, Arizona 1925
A study of the vegetation of northeastern Arizona 1925
Biennial report 1923-1924 of the Arizona Livestock Sanitary Board. 1925
Bisbee Camp, Arizona.Memorandum: first syndicate in a plan 1925
Pima Farms, Cortaro, Arizona. 1925
Cooperative Cotton Marketing 1925
Correspondence of the Verde River Irrigation & Power District vs. Salt River Valley Water Users' Association 1925
