autos related to the foundation of presidio del sacramento e. su fecha 8 de julio proximo pasado... (this reel has no page numbers)
Garza Falcon, Blas de la (Gobernador)
Olivar Rebolledo, Juan de
Monclova, Mexico. June 3, 1726-November 19, 1734. 32p. Autos, peticiones. Copies, transcriptions.
Concerns civil and military administration and organization; gubernatorial correspondence between the governor Garza Falcon and the viceroy about details on every issue being dealt with by the Indians, robberies, pensions, military activities to defend presidios and people, military expeditions, Indians settled in the presidios and other places, military supplies in the presidios. Report stresses need for construction of a presidio called Sacramento, the presidio is said to be needed to defend the area from the frequent attacks from Indians. Discovery of minerals and fertile lands are reported. (M. Marroquin, January 1989)
Celis, Francisco de (Fray)
Rodriguez, Jose Antonio (Fray)
Luna, Jose de (Capitan Indio)
Casafuerte, Marquez de
Garza Falcon, Blas de la (Gobernador)
Rivera, Pedro de (Brigadier)
Alexandro Sexto (Pontifice)
Olivar Rebolledo, Juan de
Gorraiz (Secretario)
Becerra, Antonio (Capitan)
Aguirre, Jose de (Alferez)
Norte, Rio Grande del (Presidio)
Jesus, Nombre de (Mision)
Alamo (Poblacion)
Candela (Pueblo)
Santiago (Pueblo)
Rinconada (Paraje)
Saltillo (Villa)
Parras (Pueblo)
Mesillas (Hacienda)
Leon, Nuevo Reyno de
Santiago (Paraje)
San Antonio
Monclova, Santiago de la
Aguayo, San Miguel de (Pueblo)
Leones, Boca de (Pueblo)
San Juan Bautista (Presidio)
Bexar, San Antonio de (Presidio)
Sacramento (Presidio)
Gallo (Paraje)
Cerrogordo (Paraje)
San Bernardo (Bahia)
Military Groups
Durango, Compania Volante de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 177 ff. 001-016 exp. 1
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 177 ff. 001-016 exp. 1
Folios unnumbered. Document repetitive.
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