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Person Last Name Document title Date
Armesto Correspondence concerning various administrative affairs in Nuevo Santander. 07-24-1756
Arriaga Series of correspondence with gobernador Escandon concerning administrative affairs in Nuevo Santander. 01-13-1759
Arriaga Correspondence with gobernador Escandon concerning routine administrative affairs in Nuevo Santander. 01-29-1762
Arriaga Indise de la representacion que hace al excelentisimo senor virrey el gobernador de la colonia, en el curso de hoy, 6 de abril de 1776. 08-07-1775
Arriaga 1775. Governor Gonzalez. Correspondencia con el senor mariscal de campo de Juan Fernando Palacios, con su asesor de licenciado don Jose de... 00-00-1749
Arriaga Correspondence from Mariscal de Campo, Palacio, concerning taxes, missions, compania Volante in Nuevo Santander. 11-09-1767
Arriaga Correspondence from Mariscal de Campo to virrey concerning Indian affairs, tax collection, other issues in 1768. 00-00-1756
Aretin Letters from Rcheagaray, others to viceroy Bucareli y Ursua; various concerns. 02-07-1787
Arrese November 3, 1781. Senor: Los indios barabaros, en corto numero y dibididos en pequenas quadrillas, como acostumbran para robar, entraron de... 11-03-1781
Arrese Senor: por la superior orden de vuestra excelencia de 27 de marzo de este ano, quedo instruido 05-09-1784
Arrese Correspondencia con el gobernador del Nuebo Reyno de Leon el coronel don Vicente Gonzalez Santianez ano de 1785.... 03-20-1782
Arizpe Excelentisimo Senor: El dia de hoy 14 del corriente passo de esta vida ala eterna, alas, ocho y quarto de la manana 08-04-1787
Arellano Concerning arrest of Santianez, repopulation of San Juan. 02-13-1772
Armario Weekly rolls for cavalry of Nuebo Santander, listing wages, for nov, December 1771; each is signed by officers or justicias. 11-01-1771
Arillaga Autos and decreto by Mena, Jover, Ossio and others regarding mining and livestock matters in Santa Rosalia ranch vecinity. 11-19-1753
Areche Autos and decreto by Mena, Jover, Ossio and others regarding mining and livestock matters in Santa Rosalia ranch vecinity. 11-19-1753
Arguello Autos by Pena, Tages and Arguello regarding scandal involving Albitre. 05-25-1785
Arillaga Autos by Pena, Tages and Arguello regarding scandal involving Albitre. 05-25-1785
Arguello Investigation by Arguello of Castaneda, accused of assaulting San Buenaventura's head of escort. 10-07-1778
Arangule Investigations made by Goicoechea into four soldiers' desertion from Santa Barbara. 12-10-1784
Arguello Investigations made by Goicoechea into four soldiers' desertion from Santa Barbara. 12-10-1784
Arana Investigations made by Goicoechea into four soldiers' desertion from Santa Barbara. 12-10-1784
Arbizo Case against Tapia and Arbizo for having caused drowning death of gentile Indian. 10-13-1783
Arguello Autos from Soler and Sal to virrey, all dealing with embezzlement charge against Sal, paymaster of Monterrey. 12-16-1781
Arce Criminal case against an Indian convert of San Vicente mission accused of killing a gentile Indian. 08-08-1787
Arris Criminal case against an Indian convert of San Vicente mission accused of killing a gentile Indian. 08-08-1787
Arguello Various autos by Sola dealing with maritime traffic in the Californias including request that national ships receive same rights that were... 06-05-1809
Arguello Criminal case against soldier Tapia for robbery of Monterrey warehouse. 05-30-1785
Arnaiz Informes dealing with exemption of mailing charges applied to missionaries. 05-06-1773
Arche Informes dealing with exemption of mailing charges applied to missionaries. 05-06-1773
Arrillaga Important document regarding the political and geographical and alta. 11-11-1795
Arevedo Informes by Fages presenting depravity of an Indian of San Diego mission and indian's temporary banishment imposed. 08-15-1787
Aranda Naming of Codina as chief engineer for public works in Guadalajara, especially for irrigation projects in region to relieve severe drought. 05-06-1787
Aranda Documents to viceroy from Cabildo regarding street lighting and cleaning around real palacio in Mexico. 00-00-1783
Aranda Documents investigating reported abuses against the poor by owners, shopkeepers and in the mines in the region of Pachuca. 10-03-1791
Arviz Correspondence of Neve and Serra to Bucareli and Croix on conditions and status of California presidios and missions (quaderno segundo,... 00-00-1772
Archueta Correspondence of Neve and Serra to Bucareli and Croix on conditions and status of California presidios and missions (quaderno segundo,... 00-00-1772
Areche Correspondence of Neve to comandante general Croix on conditions and status of California presidios and missions (quaderno segundo, 1777-... 05-21-1773
Arechiga Correspondence re: Rios' receipt of cases formed against five Indians. 11-26-1782
Ariztimuno Letter to Lasaga re: difficulty for Nuevo Santander to sell local products due to maritime commerce with Veracruz, free trade with vasallos... 01-25-1781
Arnaz Letter from Mata to Ugalde concerning punishment of his son. 08-21-1786
Arrese Report of names, positions, and salaries of the employees of ramo del tabaco, and ramo de aduanas from 1775-1788. 07-05-1788
Aro Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning sending of soldiers from Punta de Lampazos to Santa Rosa. 11-22-1787
Arredondo Concerns auto -trial- against de la Garza by Ramon. 08-25-1787
Arrese Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning troops organization for military inspection. 02-19-1788
Arrese Letters concerning relation of money -caudales- given to Ugalde by la renta del tabaco, el ramo de alcavalas and catholic church's... 01-20-1789
Aranda Administrative correspondence and autos on the replacement of weapons and other items lost in battle against Apaches 06-17-1789
Arango Series of letters reporting heroic action against Indians by soldiers of presidio de Janos 05-23-1788
Armendariz Correspondence dealing with alleged negligence of military officials who have permitted the Indians to inflict terror on ranchos and... 07-05-1788
Armendariz Series of reports detailing robberies committed by Indians. Military officials are blamed for not being able to stop these crimes 07-30-1788
