Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Calleja . Bando concerning new uniforms. 06-30-1815
Calleja . Copy, printed, of royal cedula limiting freedom of the press. 09-01-1814
Calleja . Index of papers regarding the judgement of leaders of revolts. 05-14-1811
Calleja . Re: abolition of the inquisition - royal order. 02-22-1813
Calleja . Re: retaking of Guanajuato. 00-00-0000
Calleja 11 Provincias Internas de oriente numero 6. Libro. Glosa 56 numero 34.047 f. 224. El ilustrisimo comandante general sobre aprovicion de dos... 08-06-1814
Calleja 12. Provincias Internas del oriente numero 7 libro. Glosa 56 numero 34.074 foxa 237. El senor comandante general de las de oriente espera... 07-28-1814
Calleja 16. 1815. Provincias Internas del oriente numero 13. Libro. Glosa 57 numero 34.502 foxa 198 vuelta. El senor don Joaquin Arredondo remite... 11-25-1814
Calleja 17. Provincias Internas de oriente numero 14. Libro. Glosa 57. Numero 34.508 foxa 201 vuelta. El senor comandante general de las de oriente... 11-12-1814
Calleja 18. 1813. Provincias Internas del oriente numero 16. Libro. Glosa 57. Numero 34.506 foxa 200 vuelta. El senor Joaquin de Arredondo remite... 08-31-1813
Calleja 1811-el ilustrisimo comandante de la 10 brigada con oficio de 12 de septiembre 11-28-1809
Calleja 1818 p.y. de occidente. El exmo senor comandante general remite las ojas de servicio y relaciones de antiguedad... 12-31-1817
Calleja 19. 1815 Provincias Internas de oriente numero 18. Libro glosa 57 numero 34.621 foxa 258. El senor comandante que de ellas da cuenta de... 01-03-1815
Calleja 20. 1814 Provincias Internas de oriente numero 26 extremadura. Libro glosa 58 numero 35.230 foxa 219 vuelta. Suspension de empleos impuesta... 08-01-1814
Calleja 5. Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Numero 13. Libro 50 glosa numero 29809 foxa 36 vuelta. El senor comandante de la decima brigada en de oficio numero... 08-23-1809
Calleja 7. Nuevo Santander. Numero 21 foxa 134. Libro 48 glosa numero 28809. Foxa 226 vuelta. Don Manuel Rosales, cadete de la 2 compania Volante 08-23-1808
Calleja 8. 1810, Nuevo Santander numero 50 libro 49 glosa numero 29410 foxa 223 vuelta. El senor Conde de Alcaraz haciendo funciones de sub-... 10-29-1809
Calleja 8. 1810, Nuevo Santander numero 50 libro 49 glosa numero 29410 foxa 223 vuelta. El senor Conde de Alcaraz haciendo funciones de sub-... 10-29-1809
Calleja Abolition of inquisition and offering aid to families affected by the inquisitions actions. 06-08-1813
Calleja Administrative correspondence dealing with political reorganization of provincias Orientales and Occidentales. 09-30-1813
Calleja Administrative correspondence from several government officials to the viceroy. Index of documents. 12-01-1793
Calleja Ajuste de cuentas made by cuerpos milicianos of Nuevo Santander and Nuevo Reyno de Leon. 08-12-1807
Calleja al senor fiscal de real hacienda 02-17-1817
Calleja Appointment of Blanco as interim governor Nuevo Santander 01-21-1798
Calleja Appointment of military officers to fill political vacancies 01-12-1798
Calleja Arredondo illegally names his own auditor de guerra and argues for necessity of the same in comandancias de Provincias Internas de oriente... 08-13-1820
Calleja Arrival of governor of baja California to administer loyalty oath to governor of alta California. 02-26-1816
Calleja Autos followed against Murgier and Puga by Garza. 09-24-1789
Calleja Auxilios 12-27-1815
Calleja Ballesteros informs that the post of governor and ayudante of cuerpo de milicias of Colotlan remain vacant. 1806 real cedula orders... 00-00-1806
Calleja Barragan requests that cuerpo de cavalleria de frontera is granted use of military insignia and standards as reward for loyal service.... 08-14-1805
Calleja Barrera describes investigation of administrator of tobaccos of Texas and requests reimbursement for expenses during this investigation. 05-09-1807
Calleja Calleja reviews primera compania Volante of Santander for virrey finding it in need of supplies. 03-30-1795
Calleja Calleja's correspondence concerning military matters. 08-02-1799
Calleja Calleja, Felix (virey). Order regarding aid to support the newly re-established inquisition. 03-23-1816
Calleja Calleja, Felix (virrey). Copy of royal order for the re-establishment of the old system of local government. 07-20-1815
Calleja Calleja, Felix (virrey). Organization of the consejo de marina. 07-28-1815
Calleja Calleja, Felix Maria. Cedula concerning freer trade. 08-10-1815
Calleja Calleja, Felix. Increased taxes on aguardiente. 09-22-1815
Calleja Calleja, Felix. Re: execution of sentences on rebels. 05-14-1811
Calleja Calleja, Felix. Re: trial and execution of rebel leaders and other rebels. 05-27-1811
Calleja Calleja, Felix. Re: trial and sentencing of captured rebel leaders. 04-20-1811
Calleja Calleja. Establishes a commision to reform and systematize requirements for military honors. 06-26-1815
Calleja Candidates proposed by Vidal de Lorca to fill vacant post of segundo Alferez of compania Volante de Nuevo Santander. 06-01-1808
Calleja Candidates recommended to fill vacant post of Alferez of 17a compania de milicias provinciales de caballeria de Nuevo Santander. 05-16-1810
Calleja Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. 02-17-1807
Calleja Candidates recommended to occupy vacant official posts of 1a, 2a, and 3a companias Volantes de Nuevo Santander. 04-21-1806
Calleja Capture of sailors, escape of deserter 00-00-1816
Calleja carpeta 4a-anos de 177 y 78. Correspondencia con los pilotos; 11-14-1814
Calleja Collection of letters, decretos, oficios concerning effects of revisions in military pension program on invalid soldiers and their families. 00-00-1769
