Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Camacho Letters by Escandon, Malacara, Unzaga concern return of land to soldiers in Labrador. 03-26-1753
Camacho Letters concerning maritime transportation of food, medicines and wood. 11-02-1787
Camacho Letters concerning military promotions. 08-09-1780
Camacho Letters concerning ship departures and arrivals. 04-29-1780
Camacho Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the advances in the negotiations with the Apaches. 11-22-1819
Camacho Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the advances in the negotiations with the Apaches. 11-22-1819
Camacho Letters of governor Fayni, various field comanders, and viceroy Bucareli concerning bandit-rebels 11-29-1772
Camacho List of residents of Monclova. 08-26-1791
Camacho Listas de revistas for Sonora presidios Sept.-December 1817. 09-01-1817
Camacho Listas de revistas of the nine companias of Sonora for the first four months of 1817. 01-01-1817
Camacho Logbook by Aguirre concerning explorations around Nuevas Californias. 11-06-1783
Camacho Manuel Bernal de Huidobro to Juan Baptista de Belaunzaran letter concerning Yaqui-Mayo rebellion. 06-05-1740
Camacho Marzo documents concerning naval administration for San Blas. 02-22-1778
Camacho Mayo documents concerning naval administration for San Blas. 04-20-1778
Camacho Military lists of companias Volantes and presidiales of Sonora. November, 1816. 11-01-1816
Camacho Military lists of companias Volantes, presidiales of Sonora. 05-01-1816
Camacho Military lists of companias Volantes, presidiales of Sonora. 06-01-1816
Camacho Military revistas of companias presidiales, Volantes of Sonora. 06-01-1816
Camacho Military revistas of companias presidiales, Volantes of Sonora. 08-01-1816
Camacho Military rolls for all companies in Sonora, April, 1818. 04-01-1818
Camacho Military rolls for all companies in Sonora, March, 1818. 03-01-1818
Camacho Military rolls of companias Volantes and presidiales of Sonora and Nuevo Mexico. Diciembre, 1816. 12-01-1816
Camacho n. 140. Arroyozarco. Ano de 1767. Inventario de la entrega echa al tiempo del extranamiento por el p. Diego Carramo a don Bernardo Ecala... 09-12-1757
Camacho n. 140. Arroyozarco. Ano de 1767. Inventario de la entrega echa al tiempo del extranamiento por el p. Diego Carramo a don Bernardo Ecala... 09-12-1757
Camacho n. 140. Arroyozarco. Ano de 1767. Inventario de la entrega echa al tiempo del extranamiento por el p. Diego Carramo a don Bernardo Ecala... 09-12-1757
Camacho nomina de los soldados de que le compone.... lists of soldier salaries. 02-17-1739
Camacho numero #4 summary of events concerning the escape of Mariano Cruzada (sangrador). 01-01-1791
Camacho Offices concerning ship repairs, construction, and voyages; military promotions and fiscal affairs. 02-20-1780
Camacho Problem of importation of mescal into California and the estanco de mescal in Tepic 05-29-1787
Camacho Promotion of naval personnel at San Blas. 02-23-1793
Camacho Provincias Internas indice... documents concerning administration of the port of San Blas. 07-22-1789
Camacho Septiembre documents concerning administration of port San Blas. 10-22-1777
Camacho Series of autos and testimonies dealing with prosecution of Indian caudillo Leonardo Ramires. 11-03-1779
Camacho Series of autos and testimonies dealing with prosecution of Indian caudillo Leonardo Ramires. 11-03-1779
Camacho Series of autos and testimonies dealing with prosecution of Indian caudillo Leonardo Ramires. 11-03-1779
Camacho Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. 05-22-1758
Camacho Series of autos and testimonies on trial against Indian leader Leonardo Ramirez, accused of abuses committed against Indians under his... 08-11-1780
Camacho Series of documents dealing with a demanda made against Indian caudillo in Sichu. 07-19-1775
Camacho Series of letters about administration and reorganization of presidios and some mines, between Gatuno and the viceroy 10-01-1756
Camacho sobre que se reintegren a la real hacienda las faltas que se notaron en las compras de viveres hechas por don Manuel Puchal y don Juan... 12-15-1784
Camacho Sobre que se reintegren a las caxas de manila las cantidades erogadas en la Goleta Valdes; testimonio del expediente crecido a consecuencia... 01-25-1792
Camacho Sonora. 1818. 9 listas de revista de las companias que guarnecen esta provincia respectivas al mes de septiembre. 09-01-1818
Camacho Sumaria judizial en aberiguazion de la conducta del capitan del Esquadra puga en Nuevo Santander. 07-15-1776
Camacho Testimonio by Escandon details biographical information on Spanish families in Camargo, Cantaro, Revilla 1753. 01-11-1751
Camacho testimonio del poder conferido por el p. Armesto a don Francisco Xavier Landazuri para que en su nombre se presenten y pidan el cumplimento... 07-09-1607
Camacho Transfer of military barracks from Llera to Villa Padilla 06-16-1797
Camacho varias contestaciones entre la contaduria de propios y arbitrios, el ministerio y la junta del fondo, relativas a la glosa de las cuentas... 11-09-1832
Camacho varios pasageros vinieron del Peru...; 01-07-1777
Camacho yllmo. y excmo. Senor= sr.=... 12-02-1738
