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Person Last Name Document title Date
Cordero Documents concerning secret plans by Burr, Wilkinson, and others to take over Spanish possessions. 10-04-1806
Cordero Documents concerning tensions between Spanish and americans on Louisiana-Texas frontier. 05-23-1805
Cordero Correspondence between Arredondo, Lopez, and Adam concerning Indian hostilities in Coahuila. 02-17-1816
Cordero Series of documents concerning retirement of Lopez and naming of new governor of Coahuila. 08-28-1815
Cordero Provincias Internas indice del tomo nunmero 340 07-01-1809
Cordero Concerning retirement of Barrera; travel license for Villamil; fiscal affairs of Gutierrez. 05-24-1815
Cordero Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Cordero Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Cordero Series of documents concerning peace treaty with Texas Indians. 02-08-1821
Cordero Documents concerning pacification of Indians surrounding Tucson area. 01-19-1821
Cordero Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the Apaches attack and other matters. 01-17-1820
Cordero Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the situation in the provincias de occidente. 01-28-1820
Cordero Letters from falco for the comandante general informing him of names of individuals responsible for rebellion and misconduct in Bavispe. 04-17-1820
Cordero Letters from the military for Garcia Alexo informing him about campaigns in the north of the provincias, incursions of the French and... 05-22-1820
Cordero Alarid requests temporary leave from military to go to Mexico, Puebla and Veracruz. 08-25-1813
Cordero Arze requests retirement from military. Companies of Bexar formed and individuals named to posts of said company. 10-13-1813
Cordero Ezuain requests retirement from military as a result of loss of arm in campaigns against american rebels. Battle of Rocillo and other... 07-24-1813
Cordero Redondo requests promotion to rank of capitan de milicias de caballeria de Mazatlan. Redondo's superiors recount his service records... 08-16-1810
Cordero Garza requested retirement with rights of fuero militar and use of uniform. 11-21-1812
Cordero Documents relating to comanche, navajo unrest. 05-02-1817
Cordero el snr. Briger. Dn. Anto. Cordero nombrado gobor. Intendte. de Durango. 08-20-1817
Cordero Service records, biographies, and honors of two soldiers of the compania caballeria de Carrizal and two soldiers from the segunda compania... 11-30-1817
Cordero Relaciones concerning promotions and retirement requests of individuals of milicias provinciales de Nuevo Santander. 01-02-1807
Cordero Copies of instancias written by Herrera requesting advance of money to buy horses and mules for auxiliary troops of Texas. 03-00-1807
Cordero Vedia y Pinto and Gomez de Castro request military retirement because of illnesses suffered. 08-11-1807
Cordero Glossary of expenses incurred during pacification and settlement of colonia del Nuevo Santander. 08-01-1752
Cordero el ayuntamiento y Cabildo de Monterrey sobre lo ocurrido con el senor Arredondo y el vecindario con motivo de la funcion de besamanos el... 10-23-1814
Cordero Munoz de Teran requests salary denied him since his arrest on suspicion of aiding deserters. 06-27-1819
Cordero Informes regarding sick leave for brigadier Garcia Conde. 08-04-1818
Cordero Informes dealing with Rongel's leave of absence from Nueva Vizcaya to return to Spain for health and other reasons. 10-24-1817
Cordero Various informes regarding military, civil, and religious matters including position appointments, sick leave requests, leaves of duty, and... 06-13-1773
Cordero Cordero reports he has returned to military and administrative activities. 09-20-1819
Cordero Arbizu seeks employment of high rank in government. 04-12-1818
Cordero Informe saying an invoice of the tools and medicines needed at military hospital of Arispe. 06-22-1820
Cordero Three imprisoned soldiers guilty of murdering Apache ask for pardon after four-year imprisonment. 07-12-1820
Cordero Cordero informs that lack of resources has suspended work on mazatlan canal and portion of troops working on project discharged. 08-10-1820
Cordero Cordero petitions for endorsement in position of intendente of Durango. 12-28-1818
Cordero Hojas de servicios for segunda compania Volante de Nuevo Santander. 03-26-1773
Cordero Joseph Saenz Moreno. Contra Joseph Sapiain por tener una ilicita amistad. 14-92-N.D.
Cordero Contra Juan Cordero por injurias a Francisco Pasos. 03-25-1648
Cordero Civil case- widow trying to collect on estates of 2 dead husbands 11-00-1649
Cordero Pedro Ronquillo de Amaya. Arrendamiento de una hacienda 06-09-1652
Cordero Mandamiento que se alisten a la guerra algunos capitans. 03-31-1655
Cordero Jose Ignacio Cordero, Gregorio de San Martin. Sobre venta de maiz. 09-00-1810
Cordero Jose Crivelli, alcalde de 1st voto. Inventario de bienes del difunto Agustin Amparan, (Alferez de milicias del cuerpo provincial de San... 03-06-1817
Cordero Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). note to Joseph Cordero that pesos owed to him for pension have been entrusted to captain Diego... 12-31-1779
Cordero Croix, Teodoro de to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning presidio and missionary accounts. 06-03-1780
Cordero Croix, Teodoro de to Anza, Juan Bautista de. Letters related to military matters. 07-15-1780
Cordero Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning the avilitado. 01-20-1781
Cordero Azuela, Manuel. Ocurrenzias diarias pertenezientes a la compania del real presidio de Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico. 01-31-1781
