Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Lovato Apodaca, Miguel. Dispute over ownership of livestock. 09-04-1818
Lopes Apodaca, Miguel. Dispute over ownership of livestock. 09-04-1818
Lovato Juan Lovato-to-Facundo Melgares. Report on navajo or ute raid on livestock and men sent to investigate. 09-17-1818
Lovato Facundo Melgares-to-Juan Lovato. Concerning ute raid near Taos. 09-19-1818
Lovato Juan Lovato-to-Facundo Melgares. Publication of decree by Melgares soliciting contributions for military. 09-21-1818
Lobato Juan Lobato-to-Facundo Melgares. 09-22-1818
Lovato Francisco Ygnacio de Madariaga. Criminal case against Jose Felipe Ortis for wife beating. no verdict. Document incomplete. 09-28-1818
Lovato Francisco Ygnacio de Madariaga. Criminal case against Jose Felipe Ortis for wife beating. no verdict. Document incomplete. 09-28-1818
Lomban Facundo Melgares-to-Juan Lomban. Ramon soto's financial account with 4th flying company. 10-08-1818
Lomban Facundo Melgares-to-Juan Lomban. Concerning finances of 4th flying company. 10-08-1818
Lopes Andres Lucero. Criminal case against Juachin Padilla for theft of sheep. 10-26-1818
Lopes Josef Mariano de la Pena. Order for livestock to be removed from frontier due to navajo raids. 11-18-1818
Lopez Facundo Melgares 02-01-1819
Lopez Agustin Taramillo. Civil suit for debts. 03-15-1819
Lopez Casmiro Salasar. 03-16-1819
Lopes Sanches Vergara, Ygnacio Maria. Criminal case of adultery. 07-25-1819
Lopes Balencia, Francisco. Suit challenging a sentence given in a criminal case. 09-22-1819
Lopes Receipt for soap, chocolate, and sugar loaves provided to the wife of Francisco Lopes. 10-24-1819
Lopes . Dealing with military affairs - possibly service records - badly mutilated. 00-00-1820
Lopes Alari, Jose/Alario, Joaquin. Receipts and requests for supplies by members of the Santa Fe presidio company. 05-27-1820
Lopez Lopez, Damaso. Civil suit to recover debts totaling about 12,000 pesos. 06-17-1820
Lopes Lopez, Damaso. Civil suit to recover debts totaling about 12,000 pesos. 06-17-1820
Lopes Lopez, Damaso. Civil suit to recover debts totaling about 12,000 pesos. 06-17-1820
Lopes Melgares, Facundo. Report on members of the Santa Fee presidio company eligible for service premiums. 07-01-1820
Lopez Negrete . Instructions for the election of deputies for the Cortes prepared by a junta held in Durango. 07-05-1820
Lopez Negrete Garcia Conde, Diego. Instructions for the election of delegates to provincial junta based upon instructions published on June 6, 1820 in... 07-05-1820
Lopes Melgares, Facundo. Report on disabled and for retired soldiers. 10-01-1820
Lobato Arce, Jose Maria de. Review of assignments and supplies of the Santa Fe company and specific inventory of effects of soldier Narciso Martin. 11-04-1820
Lovato Lucero, Pablo. Report on local elections for representatives to a district electoral junta to be held at Taos and on district election. 12-03-1820
Lopes Soquie, Antonio. 02-07-1821
Lopes Cavallero, Jose. List of soldiers named to an expedition (partido). 04-26-1821
Lopes Jaramillo, Manuel. Receipt for supplies provided to soldiers from carrizal presidio company. 06-19-1821
Lopez Santana Hermanos, Troncoso. Blow by blow account of progress of war for independence and important people involved. 08-09-1821
Lovato Ruis, Antonio to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of shoes, and reporting on their distribution. 11-27-1821
Lopez . December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various... 12-04-1821
Lopez de Santa Ana Iturbide, Agustin de. Copy of a set of documents attacking the author of a seditious pamphlet which attacks the plan de iguala. Action... 12-11-1821
Lopes Rey, Ysidro to Melgares, Facundo. 10-10-1821
Lopez Beatification of Gregorio Lopez 07-20-1786
Lovato Testimony regarding proposal for establishment of new pueblos and presidio in valle de la Canada. 10-14-1712
Loca Residencia of administration of Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). 05-21-1721
Lopez Antonio Ruibal Residencia of administration of Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). 05-21-1721
Lobato Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy... 04-30-1748
Lopez Manuel de Sandoval. Auto declaring 8 soldiers from San Antonio deserters. 08-25-1736
Lopez Juan Dominguez de Mendoza. Diary of Juan Dominguez de Mendoza of an expedition into eastern New Spain and Texas. 12-15-1683
Lopez Manuel Bernal de Huydobro to various people. Letters of Huidobro concerning Yaqui revolt. 00-00-1740
Loaisa Gobernador Diego Ortiz Parilla. Reduccion de los indios barbaros en Sinaloa y Sonora. 12-30-1750
Lorenzo Juan Anttonio Busttillo y Zevallos. Residencia proceedings of Busttillo y Zevallos conducted by Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). 07-08-1733
Lorenzo Juan Anttonio Busttillo y Zevallos. Residencia proceedings of Busttillo y Zevallos conducted by Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). 07-08-1733
Lopez Juan Baptista de Iparraguirre vs. Gavriel Castales (capitan). Proceedings concerning pay for running mail and other services. 05-25-1735
Losoyos Fifteen powers of attorney from officers and soldiers for collection of annual salaries and allotment of gunpowder. 03-08-1738
