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Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Mendinueta ano 1787 expediente formado para la distribucion de doscientos cinquenta caxons de escopetas y pistolas .... 11, 1782 to April 28, 1785.... 03-20-1781
Menchaca Angel Martos y Nabarrete. Settlement of San Bartolome', Texas. 09-01-1759
Menchaca Angel de Martos y Navarrete. Visita of San Fernando. 06-20-1762
Menard Angel de Martos y Navarrete (gobernador). Diligencias practicadas por el gobernador de Texas a pedimento de Luis de Menard sobre lo que en... 02-20-1767
Menchaca Angel de Martos y Navarrete (gobernador). Diligencia contra capitan Luis Menchaca sobre negligencia en la aprehencion de Ambrosio brioso. 01-03-1766
Menchaca Angel de Marcos y Navarrete (gobernador). Diligencias y testimonio contra Luis Mechaca por no haber contribuido a la expedicion a las yslas... 06-30-1766
Melgares Andres Lucero. Criminal case against Juachin Padilla for theft of sheep. 10-26-1818
Melgares Andres Gomes Sanudo-to-Facundo Melgares. 09-22-1818
Messa Andres de Messa. Pleito criminal contra indios. 10-14-1652
Mendoza Andres de Mendoza to Antonio de Deza y Ulloa informe que rinde el Alferez Andres de Mendoza sobre persecucion de los indios cocollomes en... 04-11-1710
Melo Andres de Goycoechea and others. Series of documents concerning Goycoechea's services as capitan of Ahumada presidio. 00-00-1768
Medina y Castilla Andres de Conique y Rivera. Pedro Domingo de jugo contra Vicencio Cortes del Rey. 00-00-1750
Medinueta Anaya, Juan de. Proceedings for Juan de Anaya to recover stolen cattle sold to the Indian Maiquate and obligation of the cattle thief... 12-04-1767
Mestas Ana Maria Mestas. Requests payment for or return of a macho (mule) that belongs to her. 03-20-1765
Meira y Pacheo Ana Maria de Miera y Pacheco. Criminal case against Jose Maria Garcia for abandoning hos wife and children and attempts to locate him in... 06-06-1807
Melgarejo Ambrosio melgarejo, fiscal. Informe sobre plata hallada en Pimeria Alta. 07-19-1738
Melgares Ambrosio Guerra-to-Facundo Melgares. Regarding an Indian offered to father Guerra. Governor's reply appended. 03-00-0000
Mendoza Alvaro de Mendoza to Agustin Rodriguez. Venta de esclavo. 08-30-1639
Merino Altamira verifies and summarizes Escandon's previous autos concerning colonization in Nuevo Santander 1750-1. 08-01-1750
Mejia Alonzo Gonzalez de Villaba- criminal case against. 08-00-1646
Menchero Alfonso Rubio de Celis al Marques de Altamira. Testimonio. 06-14-1747
Melgares Alexo Garcia Conde-to-Facundo Melgares. notice of forwarding 3 reports to sub-inspector general of artillery. 11-17-1818
Melgares Alexo Garcia Conde-to-Facundo Melgares. expeditions to be sent against eastern comanche. 05-11-1819
Melgares Alexo Garcia Conde-to-Facundo Melgares. Concerning the eligibility of two Santa Fe presidio soldiers for service premiums. 11-17-1818
Melgares Alexo Garcia Conde-to-Facundo Melgares. Concerning relations with the comanche. 11-09-1818
Mezeral Alexo Garcia Conde-to-Facundo Melgares. Concerning relations with the comanche. 11-09-1818
Melgares Alari, Jose/Larranaga, Jose. Receipts and requests for supplies by members of the Santa Fee presidio company. 05-30-1820
Mendieta al senor fiscal de real hacienda 02-17-1817
Melgares Agustin Truxillo. Acknowledging receipt of arms for the defense of Socorro. 10-03-1818
Melgares Agustin Taramillo. Civil suit for debts. 03-15-1819
Medina Agustin I. Printed decree publishing a law setting minimum and maximum salaries for retired officers - adapted from Cortes law of September... 12-16-1812
Mendinueta agosto de 1785 consulta del teniente de justicia de la villa de San Carlos sobre lo acaecido con aquel administracion de Alcavalas. 00-00-1780
Merino Affidavits from Bustamante concerning payments from pagaduria de hacienda at Arizpe to pagaduria de hacienda at Mexico City. 05-21-1796
Merino Affidavits from Bustamante concerning payments from pagaduria de hacienda at Arizpe to pagaduria de hacienda at Mexico City. 05-21-1796
Medina Affairs in general of Parral. 07-00-1646
Mendoza Administrative letters 08-27-1729
Melendez Administrative correspondence from virrey(?) to gobernador de Nuevo Santander for 1780. 01-12-1780
Medina Administrative correspondence from virrey(?) to gobernador de Nuevo Santander for 1780. 01-12-1780
Melgares Administrative correspondence dealing with political reorganization of provincias Orientales and Occidentales. 09-30-1813
Medina Administrative correspondence between virrey(?) and gobernador Sierra gorda. 08-20-1779
Menchua Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the governors Cierragorda and Lorca. 04-29-1789
Menchaca Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the governor of Nuevo Santander. 1790-1791. 01-18-1790
Menchaca Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the governor of Nueva Santander. Indexes. 09-17-1791
Mena Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and Cierragorda. Index of documents sent from Cierragorda to the viceroy. 1793 01-25-1793
Mendoza Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for months of September and October. 09-19-1778
Menchaca Administrative correspondence between Castro and the viceroy Revilla Gigedo 01-11-1792
Merino Administrative correspondence between Bonilla and the viceroy. 03-12-1772
Melgarejo Acuerdo del tribunal de Mexico. Informe sobre epidemia. 08-14-1739
Meria Acta de la junta de guerra y hacienda with related letter of introduction sent to O'conor. 04-02-1772
Mesia Acta de la junta de guerra y hacienda with related letter of introduction sent to O'conor. 04-02-1772
