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Person Last Name Document title Date
Murgier El gobernador Conde de Sierragorda se queja de don Bernabe Cosio...(other issues) 03-20-1782
Munoz Sobre la quema de varias medidas en la villa de Palmillas... 01-26-1790
Munoz Charges against Manuel Galvan, Alferez of the tercera compania Volante of Nuevo Santander, relating to the theft of gun powder by Indians. 01-25-1790
Munoz Concerns changes in grain measurements in villas of Reynosa, Mier, and Revilla. 02-11-1790
Munoz Expediente put forth for the justicia y medio Cabildo of Revilla (villa) about incorrect measurements (23 were incorrect). 02-11-1790
Mungier About naming Manuel Bujanos, sargento of the regiment of dragones in Mexico, as primer Alferez of the segundo compania Volante de Nuevo... 06-03-1790
Munoz About the bad judgment used by Francisco Antonio de los Rios Calvillo in the purchase of corn to support the needs of some jurisdictions. 11-03-1789
Munoz numero 5 letters and testimonies concerning the accusation of extortion of mission property by Julian de las Casas. 02-22-1790
Munoz numero 6 letters concerning financial matters at the mission Forvio de Lievana 03-08-1790
Muguien numero 8letters concerning promotion for Guifas, problems with senior officers, illness, and financial problems 10-02-1786
Mungiez numero 8letters concerning promotion for Guifas, problems with senior officers, illness, and financial problems 10-02-1786
Munoz numero 9 letters to the viceroy from Ignacia Guifas requesting the promotion and related pension of her deceased husband Josef Maria Guifas 06-11-1793
Munoz numero 9 letters to the viceroy from Ignacia Guifas requesting the promotion and related pension of her deceased husband Josef Maria Guifas 06-11-1793
Muro Muy senor mio; en vista de que sin embargo de las ordenes que a mi pedimento libro... 11-13-1781
Munoz Letters from clergy of Sonora regarding the new method for physical and spiritual development in new and established missions 09-10-1772
Munoz Reports from governors and captains in Texas responding to viceroy's instructions for a new method of government in their province 09-02-1772
Munoz Informes from governors of Nueva Viscaya to viceroy containing suggestions for a new method of mission government. 10-09-1772
Mugartegui Concerning increase in number of priests, missioneros in San Fernando college. 11-25-1790
Mugartegui Concerning increase in number of priests, missioneros in San Fernando college. 11-25-1790
Munoz Letters by Quimper to virrey and others concerning navigation trips. 11-06-1792
Munoz Letters by Quimper, Ossorio y Moctezuma and others concerning navigation issues. 01-09-1793
Munoz Letters concerning maritime transportation of food, medicines and wood. 11-02-1787
Munoz Expediente instruido sobre la reforma de plazas en los presidios, y suspension de haverlo ejecutado el governador de la Vizcaya en los de... 04-22-1729
Munoz Reales cedulas de la aprovacion de visita de presidios del brigadier don Pedro de Rivera, y reglamento del senor Marques de Casafuerte. 08-09-1730
Muniz Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. 01-23-1767
Munoz Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. 01-23-1767
Munoz Expediente formado sobre el establecimiento de un correo mensal desde La Bahia del Espiritu Santo hasta Arispe. 01-31-1779
Muro Instancia del capitan don Antonio Bonilla, secretario de la comandancia general de Provincias Internas sobre que por estas caxas se le... 11-16-1774
Munoz ano 1787 expediente formado para la distribucion de doscientos cinquenta caxons de escopetas y pistolas .... 11, 1782 to April 28, 1785.... 03-20-1781
Munos he recurido del Alferez don Francisco Enderica una apachita que por enferma e imposibilitada de Marchar ... 12-08-1789
Munoz sobre destinar en el exercito del virreynato a los capitanes graduados don Andres Arias... 11-18-1787
Munoz Por el testimonio que paso a las superiores manos de v.e. se impondia su justificasion de las providencias que he dictado en el expediente... 08-18-1794
Munoz Correspondence between Munoz and virrey regarding developments with and activities of Indians in Texas. 09-01-1790
Munoz Correspondence between Sierra Gorda and Munoz regarding Indian hostilities and troop movement. 10-28-1789
Munoz Correspondence between Munoz and others to virrey regarding Indian raids and subsequent military response. 03-01-1790
Munoz Letters from Munoz to virrey containing informe regarding damage caused by Indians in area. 06-18-1790
Munoz Correspondence between Sierra Gorda and virrey regarding Indian agressions and resulting military response. 00-00-1772
Munoz Correspondence between Sierra Gorda, Munoz and virrey regarding Indian depredations and peace agreements with hostile indians 08-03-1790
Munoz Letter from Sierra Gora to virrey presenting information gathered by Cuellar regarding area from Revilla to Nueces. 10-05-1790
Murguiz Antonio informe by Ugalde for virrey concerning incident in Santa Rosa in which 66 mescaleros captured. 04-24-1789
Murguiz Antonio informe by Ugalde for virrey concerning incident in Santa Rosa in which 66 mescaleros captured. 04-24-1789
Munarriz Concerns forced retirement of officials considered 'inutil' by Ugalde, virreyes. 04-08-1783
Munarriz Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 02-25-1788
Munoz Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 02-25-1788
Musquis Correspondence between governor of Coahuila and virrey concerning Indian incursions and military actions 03-23-1790
Munoz Correspondence between governor of Coahuila and virrey concerning poor relations with Indians. 10-08-1787
Mugategui Sobre incorporacion de varios pp fernandinos a la provincia del Santo Evangelio para exercer de misioneros en el Nuevo Mexico. 03-12-1790
Munoz expediente formado a ynstancia de don Joaquin Lain Herrero, Alferez de las milicias del Nuevo Mexico sobre que se le paguen 400 pesos que... 06-27-1782
Mugarrieta libranzas giridas contra el fondo de temporalidades para debolver a las misiones de taraumara y tephanes que administran los ex Jesuitas.... 06-26-1789
Munoz Letters to and from Ugarte y Loyola and Conde de Revilla Gigedo concerning Indian collaboration between Apaches and Taraumares, first in... 02-02-1790
