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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Rubio Rubio, Josef. Letter to governor reviewing the details of recent victories in battle over the comanche and Apache Indians and suggesting to... 01-08-1778
Rubio Rubio, Josef. note to governor urging him to enforce prohibitions against gambling among soldiers. 01-06-1778
Rubio Rubio, Josef. Order to governor of New Mexico to take more care of how gunpowder of the presidio is used. 12-21-1777
Rubio Series of documents concerning military administration and finances. 12-18-1776
Rubio Series of documents concerning shipment of merchandise and supplies from San Blas to San Diego. 12-07-1789
Rubio Sumaria judizial en aberiguazion de la conducta del capitan del Esquadra puga en Nuevo Santander. 07-15-1776
Rubio Teodoro de Croix. Rules concerning distribution and accounting of gunpowder. 09-19-1780
Rubio Testimonial report assembled by governor of Durango on vagrant and idle Indians of Nueva Vizcaya and Sonora 10-31-1746
Rubio Testimonies relating to conduct of defunct Joseph Escandon and transfer of his title. 10-23-1749
Rubio testimonio del expediente formado en virtud del real despacho de su majestad y a represantacion del senor Conde de la Sierra Gorda don... 01-10-1774
Rubio Testimonios concerning discovery of new mines and vetas. 10-16-1766
Rubio varias contestaciones entre la contaduria de propios y arbitrios, el ministerio y la junta del fondo, relativas a la glosa de las cuentas... 11-09-1832
Rubio Various documents relating to issues within Provincias Internas 07-17-1778
Rubio Various letters relating to Maria Caballero's request for pension of Montepio military. 02-21-1785
Rubio Virrey decrees division between comandancia general, informs pertinent functionaries of decision. 09-30-1772
