Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Roibal . List of two soldiers entitled to invalid status. 11-18-1798
Roybal . List of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to receive pensions including their ages and years in service. 11-28-1795
Rael . List of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to receive pensions including their ages and years in service. 11-28-1795
Romero . List of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to receive pensions including their ages and years in service. 11-28-1795
Romero . List of residents who are absent from the province, with permission. 00-00-1712
Real Alencaster . Inventory of goods in stock for gifts to allied Indians. 00-00-1805
Romero . Incomplete set of recommendations for the economic development of New Mexico drawn up by a junta held in Santa Fee. 06-17-1805
Ris y Garnica . Holy edict prohibiting the circulation of certain books and works because of various (anti-church) reasons, applied to those with and... 06-07-1817
Romero . Election records. 01-30-1814
Romero . Election records. 01-30-1814
Rael de Aguilar . Election of alcaldes ordinarios. 01-01-1707
Rivera . Draft letter regarding soldiers who remained in El Paso. 06-10-1788
Rodriguez de Ribas . Decree regarding the formation of municipal corporations. 07-10-1812
Rodrigues Cubero . Criminal case against indios of pueblo de Santa Ana for witchcraft. 01-03-1732
Romero . Criminal case against a taos Indian for sodomy (with a calf). He is sentenced to ninety-six lashes and catechism lessons. 06-22-1775
Rodriguez . Copy of a royal order regulating the use of cesarean operations. 04-13-1804
Reguena . Copy of a report on the boundaries between Luisiana and Texas prepared by a commission in Spain. 09-30-1804
Rocha y Figeroa . Copy of a report on the boundaries between Luisiana and Texas prepared by a commission in Spain. 09-30-1804
Rael . Certification of a bando which is not extant. 04-20-1784
Ramirez (Sargento)/military rolls from Echegaray for year end 1787. 05-01-1739
Ramon (Sargento)/military rolls from Echegaray for year end 1787. 05-01-1739
