Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Sandoval Tristan, Esteban Lorenzo de (obispo). Auto of bishop ordering third banns for Juan Cristobal Sanchez and Rosa Sandoval and if no protest,... 12-27-1791
San Juan Trial of Alferez Juan Escanamad for blasphemy. 04-17-1617
Sambrano Trial of Alferez Juan Escanamad for blasphemy. 04-17-1617
Sagarzurieta trata de la posesion de las tierras mercedados a los indios neofitos de la mision de arnedo. 01-10-1809
Salinas translacion de la villa de Santillana 01-02-1779
Sanchez Cortina Transfer of military barracks from Llera to Villa Padilla 06-16-1797
Sanches de Santa Anna Transcripts of interrogation of Indian suspects in murder of Luna. 04-26-1724
Samoacho Transcripts of interrogation of Indian suspects in murder of Luna. 04-26-1724
Sains de Zevallos Torivio de Urrutia. Documentos sobre los asesinatos de Joseph Ganzabal y Juan Joseph Sains de Zevallos, ambos de San Xavier. 05-23-1752
Salinas Torivio de Urrutia. Documentos sobre los asesinatos de Joseph Ganzabal y Juan Joseph Sains de Zevallos, ambos de San Xavier. 05-23-1752
Saenz Tomas Mendosa. Pleito civil sobre pesos. 08-03-1651
Sada todos los fieles christianos tengan por publico excomulgado a don Alexo de Rubalcava contador de diezmos de esta santa originals, signed.... 10-07-1771
Sanchez Pizarro todos los fieles christianos tengan por publico excomulgado a don Alexo de Rubalcava contador de diezmos de esta santa originals, signed.... 10-07-1771
Salazar y Villarenor To Penuela (Marques de la). Set of briefs by various persons involved, concerning the suit of Nicolas Ortiz against Juan de Tafoya. 10-03-1707
San Estevan To Penuela (Marques de la). Set of briefs by various persons involved, concerning the suit of Nicolas Ortiz against Juan de Tafoya. 10-03-1707
Santoja To Domingo Cabello (coronel). Instructions concerning management of corn at La Bahia. 03-13-1780
Sanuessa To Diego Carrillo de Mendoza Pimentel. Collection of peticiones, informaciones and autos to Diego Carrillo de Mendoza Pimentel (virrey... 03-27-1623
Saes de Garcia Titulos de sitios de ganado mayor y ganado menor y algunos caballerias. 06-12-1687
San Juan Three unrelated letters sent together with index from San Juan. 01-29-1763
Saronia Three imprisoned soldiers guilty of murdering Apache ask for pardon after four-year imprisonment. 07-12-1820
Sanchez Thoribio Ortiz. Proceedings in suit over hides. 10-20-1764
Sans de Garbizu Thomas Velez Capuchin. Diligencia de posesion de govierno de este reyno en el senor don Thomas Velez Capuchin 02-06-1749
Sanchez Thomas Velez Cachupin. Velez Cachupin settles land dispute between heirs of Juana Lujan and Indians of San Ildephonso. 04-12-1766
Sanz de Garbisu Thomas Velez Cachupin. Testimonio de las diligencias egecutados en razon del decomiso que dentro se expresa. 02-03-1751
Sanchez Moreno Thomas Ruiz de Avendano justicia mayor. Registro de mina (9). 00-00-1737
Santos Thomas Phelipe de Wintuisen (gobernador). Testimonio de los autos de residencia formados por Justo de Boneo y Morales a que dio su... 12-17-1743
Sanches Thomas de Herrera Sandoval to Marques de la Nava de Brazinas. Petition asking for custody of child in service of Bartolome sanches. 02-14-1704
Sanchez Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Salazar y Rosas Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Sanchez Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Santana Cabo Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Sanchez Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Sanchez Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Santistevan Thenorio, Caietano. Proceedings against four soldiers of Santa Fe presidio for wounding Juan de Santistevan. 09-07-1732
Sanchez Gallano Theniente Joseph Sanchez Gallano. Diligencias ejecutadas sobre la muerte que executo un indio tarahumar a otro cholome. 04-19-1730
Santa Cruz Theniente coronel Josef Fayni. Atuos y diligencias sobre maltrado de unos esclavos. 08-23-1771
Santiesteban The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Santobal Martines The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Salas The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Salazar The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
San Antonio The Suma Revolt and other Indian uprisings 1684-1685 00-00-1684
Santa Cruz The Suma Revolt and other Indian uprisings 1684-1685 00-00-1684
San Antonio The Suma Revolt and other Indian uprisings 1684-1685 00-00-1684
Salvatierra The king. Real cedula to a fiscal de la audiencia de Mexico approving the conquest of the Californias and the maintenance of missions there. 12-06-1705
Salvatierra The king to Juan Francisco de Guemes y Horcasitas (virrey de Nueva Espana). King establishes new guidelines for Jesuit reduction of the... 00-00-1698
Sarmiento The king real cedula concerning payment stipends to missionaries. 06-02-1701
Sanz de Garvizu Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy... 04-30-1748
Santolaria Testimonios regarding solicitation of funds from, and payments to, Fondo Piadoso for California missions. 00-00-1768
Sales Carrillo Testimonios regarding solicitation of funds from, and payments to, Fondo Piadoso for California missions. 00-00-1768
Sanchez de Merodio Testimonios de autos hechos sobre la guerra contra los Tarahumaras. 01-02-1697
