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Person Last Name Document title Date
Tato Gobernador Pablo de Arze y Arreyo. Testigos sobre el alzamiento de los Pimas altas. 00-00-1753
Tato Marques de Altamira. Resumen de la situacion politico y milital en el norte. 10-02-1747
Tato Libranzas from Chihuahua and Arispe. 10-30-1794
Tato Series of informes from Tresierra y Cano to virrey concerning loans made to private citizens by Caxas Matrinzes. 01-26-1795
Tato Letters between Ugarte and viceroy concerning appointment of military officials. 01-05-1789
Tato Letters from comandante general to viceroy concerning military personnel. 10-00-1781
Tato Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Caussa criminal que se sigue de oficio contra los que resultaren culpados, sobre las muertes hechas en el paraje de la... 07-30-1782
Tato ano de 1783. Causa criminal que se esta siguiendo contra los indios llamados Mansos que resultaren culpados en los insultos cometidos en... 10-22-1782
Tato ano de 1783. Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Dilixencias hechas por denuncia de Joseph Mathias Munoz, sobre el conocimiento de cuatro indios de los... 05-01-1783
Tato ano de 1783 Nuevo Reino de Leon diligencias hechas sobre el insulto de los indios barbaros executado en el rancho de corral de piedra y... 04-02-1783
Tato Testimonies of abuses committed by alcalde Baez against hacendados and mineros from real de Vallecillos 11-03-1790
Tato Correspondence between Vaamonde and virrey regarding military conditions in Leon. 10-03-1790
Tato Correspondence between Vaamonde and virrey concerning increasing Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-20-1790
Tato Correspondence regarding improper military appointment of Tato. 05-01-1790
Tato Rodriguez Gallardo's testimony to autos written by Balthasar, visitor of Jesuit missions in Sonora. 03-24-1692
Tato Juan Alarcon, Juan Ornelas, Santiago Mesa and Andres Gonzales are tried for the crime of desertion 02-28-1818
Tato Testimonies concerning beating of Laurezana while imprisoned in San Francisco. 07-23-1820
Tato Correspondence re: campaigns and attacks against Apaches. 12-31-1788
Tato Correspondence re: successes of Carasco and his partida de chiricaguis. 04-23-1789
Tato Correspondence between Loyola and virrey Florez re: peace with Queyeya. 06-17-1789
Tato Correspondence re: request by Cruz and two other ayugua Indians for passport to allow them to see virrey about wrong done them by Tato. 02-12-1797
Tato Documentos de la distribucion de caudales de 1788. 12-20-1787
Tato Libro de compras de trigo, maiz, y panocha para Apaches de Bacoachi en 1789. 12-31-1789
Tato Receipts of expenses on Apaches from Bacoachi. 01-09-1789
Tato Libro de cuentas y distribucion de caudales de gastos de Apaches de Bacoachi en 1790. 01-13-1791
Tato Receipts of expenses for maintenance of peaceful Apaches. 01-01-1790
Tato Receipts of expenses for maintenance of peaceful Apaches. 10-30-1790
Tato Documents concerning Indian raid against Texas hacienda San Juan de Mata. 01-26-1821
Tato Documents concerning Indians raids against Texas haciendas, Spanish troops. 01-26-1821
Tato Letters from Garcia informing virrey about a fragata that arrived from Callao and possibility that insurgentes had intercepted the ship. 02-28-1820
Tato Letters from Garcia informing virrey about a fragata that arrived from Callao and possibility that insurgentes had intercepted the ship. 02-28-1820
Tato Danos que han hecho los Apaches. 00-00-1729