Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Tresierra y Cano Correspondence between Oliden and real hacienda about payment order from pay office. 10-24-1796
Trebuesto Correspondence between Posada, Garibay, and other government officials concerning repayment of Garibay's debt. 02-01-1779
Truxillo Correspondence between Ruiz and virrey re: salaries of naval personnel, month of August. 08-19-1778
Trebino Correspondence between Sierra Gorda, Munoz and virrey regarding Indian depredations and peace agreements with hostile indians 08-03-1790
Trelles Correspondence between Trelles, virrey concerning arreglo de misiones de Nayarit. 06-11-1795
Trevino Correspondence between Vaamonde and virrey concerning increasing Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-20-1790
Trevino Correspondence between Vaamonde and virrey concerning increasing Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-20-1790
Trevol Navarro Correspondence between various officials concerning commerce with Indians in Nuevo Mexico. 05-08-1753
Trugillo Correspondence between various officials concerning commerce with Indians in Nuevo Mexico. 05-08-1753
Troncoso Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 08-22-1776
Truca Correspondence between viceroy and de Anza concerning de Anza second expedition to California. 01-02-1775
Trapa Correspondence between viceroy and de Anza concerning de Anza second expedition to California. 01-02-1775
Trespalacios Correspondence between viceroy Bucareli and capitan Lumbreras concerning silver mining and military appointment. 02-22-1774
Trebol Navarro Correspondence betwene Croix and Mayorga re: postal service; Durango tobacco factoria; lottery; military administrative matters. 08-01-1781
Trivero Correspondence by Jose Gorraez and Antonio Guevara Ladron about mines and pacification of Indians. 09-03-1733
Tregoro Correspondence concerning charges of adultery against Jose Maria Monterde 11-24-1794
Tristan Correspondence concerning demands by Arredondo to receive proper personal mass. 02-18-1794
Truxillo Correspondence from Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, to viceroy Bucareli for September - Oct., 1777. 04-05-1773
Tribino Correspondence from Mariscal de Campo to virrey concerning Indian affairs, tax collection, other issues in 1768. 00-00-1756
Truxillo Correspondence from Nava to virrey regarding procedural matters such as defense of northern borders. 12-29-1795
Trevino Correspondence from Texada to comandante general about supplies for military outposts. 11-14-1817
Trillo y Vermudez Correspondence of Bucareli to Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, for July - December 1777. 00-00-1776
Truxillo Correspondence of Bucareli to Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, for July - December 1777. 00-00-1776
Trillo y Bermudez Correspondence of Campo Viergol concerning tolls collected in department of San Blas for the real hacienda. 09-01-1772
Trebol Navarro Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1784. 02-28-1781
Trillo y Bermudez Correspondence of comisarios of San Blas with viceroy concerning rebuilding and relocation of several departmental structures. 05-13-1768
Trigo Correspondence of Corbalan, gobernador politico y intendente de Sonora, for years 1777 and 1778. 03-02-1768
Trillo Correspondence of Hijosa to viceroy Bucareli for January - February 1777. 00-00-1775
Trillo y Bermudez Correspondence of Hijosa, comisario de San Blas, with viceroy Bucareli for November - December , 1777. 10-09-1775
Truxillo Correspondence of Hijosa, comisario de San Blas, with viceroy Bucareli for November - December , 1777. 10-09-1775
Trillo Correspondence of Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, to viceroy Bucareli for August, 1777. 07-23-1775
Trigo Correspondence of Hijosa, comisario del departamento de San Blas, to viceroy Bucareli for June of 1777. 07-17-1775
Trigo Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for July 1774 12-11-1759
Trillo y Vermudes Correspondence re: construction of iglesia and Casa Cural in San Blas 06-29-1779
Trevino Correspondence re: exchange of alfereces Abla and Trevino between Riogrande and Lampazos. Exchange granted on interim basis. 05-22-1797
Trigo Correspondence re: expenses and funding of expedicion militar de Sonora. 07-17-1768
Trigo Correspondence re: expenses of expedicion de Sonora. 03-26-1773
Trillo Correspondence re: fire in old church and financing construction of new church. 05-17-1787
Trillo Bermudes Correspondence re: Monterde's request for advance on salary to pay for transportation of family to Mexico to improve educational... 01-09-1783
Trujillo Correspondence re: submission and receipt of documents relating to various appointments and other administrative matters. 07-22-1794
Troncoso Correspondence re: submission and receipt of documents relating to various appointments and other administrative matters. 07-22-1794
Trigo Correspondence re: widow's retirement claim. None Given
Trevino Correspondence regarding results of military campaign to Lampazos to discover enemy entry points. 10-23-1790
Troncoso Correspondence to and from Concha concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 11-00-1787
Trevino Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from 1820, mostly concerning military retirements. 12-31-1819
Trevino Correspondence to virrey Branciforte from Nava and Calleja re: exchange of two alfereces between presidio de Riogrande and Punta de... 11-06-1796
Trevino Correspondence with gobernador Rubio and various commanders concerning military affairs in Nuevo Santander. 01-15-1769
Trujillo Correspondence, manifests, and documents regarding royal treasuries of Chihuahua and Arispe 1795-1804 12-31-1795
Truxillo Correspondence, manifests, and documents regarding royal treasuries of Chihuahua and Arispe 1795-1804 12-31-1795
Trebuesto Corvalan appointed to position of oficial real propietario, to replace Corres, also promoted. 04-12-1780
