Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Ugalde Cavallero de Croix to Domingo Cavello. Discusses relations between mescalero and lipan Indians. 08-16-1779
Ugarte y Loyola Certification of expenses for a proposed building. 04-14-1770
Ugarte y Loyola Certifications of Escalante's good work as comisionado at Bacoachi. 11-01-1791
Ugarte y Loyola Chaplain Hocio is granted retirement with salary. 08-30-1760
Ugarte y Loyola Circular letter for commanders of eastern interior provinces on Nava inspection and Ugarte's transfer 09-17-1790
Ugalde Circular letter for commanders of eastern interior provinces on Nava inspection and Ugarte's transfer 09-17-1790
Ugarte Coleccion de memorias de Nueva Espana- indice sobre todos los tomos de la coleccion. 00-00-1790
Ugalde Collera de Piezas Apaches remitidas por San Luis Potosi de la provincia de Coahuila. 12-17-1787
Ugarte Comandante Antonio Bacaro. Relacion de los padres Jesuitas que lleva la fragata nombrada la flora. UR-A -N.D.
Ugarte y Loyola comandante de la fragata San Joseph y las animas don Manuel Quimper sobre Socorros por la caxa de Acapulco 01-16-1793
Ugarte y Loyola Comandante general Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Decreto de Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola sobre que los indios, etc. no salgan de un lugar sin permiso. 08-14-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Comandante general Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Quaderno para apuntar las ostilidades que cometen los yndios ano de 1787. 00-00-1787
Ugarte y Loiola Comandante general Jacovo de Ugarte y Loiola al ayudante inspector Diego de Borica. Sobre el uso del labor de indios auxiliares en las... 04-23-1790
Ugarte Communications between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 10-18-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Communications regarding status of royal treasuries 10-10-1785
Ugalde Communications regarding status of royal treasuries 10-10-1785
Ugarte Communications regarding status of royal treasuries. 07-07-1783
Ugarte y Loyola Compilation of reales titulos by Ugarte concerning history and development of comandancia general. 06-15-1776
Ugalde Compilation of reales titulos by Ugarte concerning history and development of comandancia general. 06-15-1776
Ugalde Con carta numero 8 de 25 de noviembre ultimo acompana a v.s. copias de las instrucciones que dio a los capitanes . . . 12-04-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Con carta numero 8 de 25 de noviembre ultimo acompana a v.s. copias de las instrucciones que dio a los capitanes . . . 12-04-1787
Ugarte y Loyola con fecha de 23 de julio de 90 consulto el comandante general los perjuicios que signen . . . . 02-24-1791
Ugarte y Loyola Concerning appointing Orozco as maestro armero after death of Zumaran. 08-12-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Concerning Diaz de Luna transporting Apache prisoners to capitol. 10-14-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Concerning rations for Apache auxiliaries. 05-26-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Concerning shipment of arms to Nueva Vizcaya. 10-20-1783
Ugalde Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 06-18-1782
Ugalde Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 02-25-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 02-25-1788
Ugalde Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 02-25-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Concerns 'retirement' of Fueros, considered 'inutil' by Ugalde and virrey. 02-25-1788
Ugalde Concerns alleged rivalry between military of Saltillo and Parras, opposition to nomination of Varela Bermudez as 'capitan a guerra... 00-00-1767
Ugarte y Loyola Concerns alleged rivalry between military of Saltillo and Parras, opposition to nomination of Varela Bermudez as 'capitan a guerra... 00-00-1767
Ugalde Concerns auto -trial- against de la Garza by Ramon. 08-25-1787
Ugalde Concerns charges of bribery, other illegal actions, brought against Vaamonde. 10-01-1786
Ugalde Concerns decisions about militia organization in Saltillo and Parras, appointment of 'capitan a guerra,' all contingent upon... 00-00-1767
Ugarte y Loyola Concerns decisions about militia organization in Saltillo and Parras, appointment of 'capitan a guerra,' all contingent upon... 00-00-1767
Ugarte y Loyola Concerns decisions about the tropa de piquete de dragones de Espana which was long assigned to Sonora. 10-31-1772
Ugalde Concerns decisions about the tropa de piquete de dragones de Espana which was long assigned to Sonora. 10-31-1772
Ugalde Concerns forced retirement of officials considered 'inutil' by Ugalde, virreyes. 00-00-1782
Ugalde Concerns forced retirement of officials considered 'inutil' by Ugalde, virreyes. 04-08-1783
Ugarte y Loyola Concerns forced retirement of officials considered 'inutil' by Ugalde, virreyes. 04-08-1783
Ugarte y Loyola Concerns incorporation of oficials of Provincias Internas into monte pio de ministros. 06-19-1773
Ugarte y Loyola Concerns issues leading to Ugarte y Loyola's appointment as governor of puebla de Los Angeles. 00-00-1769
Ugalde Concerns issues leading to Ugarte y Loyola's appointment as governor of puebla de Los Angeles. 00-00-1769
Ugarte y Loyola Concerns management of military unit from Spain. 02-21-1792
Ugarte y Loyola Concerns the management of the segunda compania de Voluntarios de Cataluna. 02-26-1761
Ugarte y Loyola Concerns the relief of the compania franca de Voluntarios de cataluna detached in Sonora. 11-12-1772
Ugarte y Loyola Concerns the replacement of men within the regimiento de dragones de Espana detached in Mexico. 02-02-1767
Ugarte y Loyola Concerns the retirement of Periques and the choosing of his replacement. 10-16-1768
