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Urrea 1818 p.y. de occidente. El exmo senor comandante general remite las ojas de servicio y relaciones de antiguedad... 12-31-1817
Urrea Administrative correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy 1776. 05-19-1776
Urrea Administrative correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy 1776. 05-19-1776
Urrea Administrative correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy, 1776 09-17-1776
Urrea Administrative correspondence from Azuela to the viceroy. 08-31-1772
Urrea Bernardo de Urrea al Juan de Pineda. Letter concerning best locations for garrisons against rebel Indians. 03-23-1767
Urrea Bernardo de Urrea to Domingo Elizondo. Letter concerning piato rebel cuera. 04-25-1771
Urrea Bernardo de Urrea to Domingo Elizondo. Letter concerning piato rebel cuera. 04-25-1771
Urrea Bernardo de Urrea to Pedro Corbalan letter concerning murder Indian woman. 11-11-1771
Urrea Bernardo de Urrea to Pedro Corbalan letter concerning murder Indian woman. 11-11-1771
Urrea Bernardo de Urrea. Que remita a efecto de que se enterio en la caja caudal perteneciente a las misiones de Sonora una cantidad de minerales... 11-20-1776
Urrea Carta escrita sobre la sujecion de unos piratas restablecimento a la pacifica posesion al sobrerano de Sonora, Sinaloa, y Ostimuri. 02-22-1778
Urrea Charges formed against soldier Francisco Chavez for second desertion. 06-24-1815
Urrea Circular a los gobernadores de presidios de Sonora 06-12-1771
Urrea Civil suit- debt. 03-00-1649
Urrea Concerning transportation of gold from Cieneguilla to ciudad de Mexico. 07-23-1772
Urrea Concerning transportation of gold from Cieneguilla to ciudad de Mexico. 07-23-1772
Urrea Concerns summary of military actions and hostilities occurring west Provincias Internas. Also other military incursions against Indian... 01-27-1793
Urrea Concerns the retirement of Periques and the choosing of his replacement. 10-16-1768
Urrea Copy of Bonilla's informe sobre Sonora on ff. 7-33 of this tomo (88) 01-01-1740
Urrea Corbalan to Croix letter concerning pardons various Indian groups. 08-02-1771
Urrea Corbalan to Croix letter concerning Sonoran mines. 09-24-1771
Urrea Corbalan to Croix letter-moving (Casa Marca; silver smuggling. 01-15-1771
Urrea Corbalan to Galvez letter concerning Indian unrest in Sonora. 08-25-1771
Urrea Coronel don Pedro Fages to the comandante general, cav. de Croix. Copia a la letra de las diligencias practicadas sobre la sublevasion de... 10-31-1781
Urrea Correspondence about attack on Cerro Prieto; murder charge against soldier. 06-20-1768
Urrea Correspondence between Anza and viceroy Bucareli concerning Anza's expedition to open land route from Sonora to California. 01-03-1774
Urrea Correspondence between capitan Urrea and viceroy concerning military life and tactics against Indians. 01-11-1774
Urrea Correspondence between capitan Urrea and viceroy concerning military life and tactics against Indians. 01-11-1774
Urrea Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy re: military personnel. 06-16-1785
Urrea Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy re: military personnel. 06-16-1785
Urrea Correspondence between Crespo and viceroy on plans for second expedition to Monte Rey 05-18-1774
Urrea Correspondence between Elizondo and viceroy regarding state of readiness of troops for Sonora expedition. 08-21-1768
Urrea Correspondence between Fueros, viceroy, and others regarding placeres at Cieneguilla. 00-00-1771
Urrea Correspondence between governor of Sonora and virrey for 1775 05-21-1775
Urrea Correspondence between governor of Sonora and virrey for 1775 05-21-1775
Urrea Correspondence between Grimarest, viceroy, and other officials concerning raid of peaceful Apaches against enemy ones. 09-26-1790
Urrea Correspondence between Grimarest, viceroy, and Urrea concerning return of more fugitive Seris to Pitic. 12-06-1790
Urrea Correspondence between Pineda and captains concerning presidial personnel. 00-00-1784
Urrea Correspondence between Pineda and captains concerning presidial personnel. 00-00-1784
Urrea Correspondence between Pineda and captains concerning presidial personnel. 00-00-1784
Urrea Correspondence between Pineda and Cruillas concerning Indian raids. 02-18-1764
Urrea Correspondence between Pineda, Urrea, and Cruillas concerning Pineda's arrival to Sonora, and appointments for presidio's... 04-02-1763
Urrea Correspondence between Pineda, Urrea, the viceroy, and others concerning military appointments. 00-00-1758
Urrea Correspondence between Pineda, Urrea, the viceroy, and others concerning military appointments. 00-00-1758
Urrea Correspondence between presidial officers, capitan general, and viceroy pertaining to military personnel. 02-28-1790
Urrea Correspondence between Ugarte and viceroy concerning Anza's death. 01-05-1789
Urrea Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey Florez re: diary of Villaesusa's campaign. 01-04-1789
Urrea Correspondence between Urrea and viceroy regarding military personnel. 06-03-1768
Urrea Correspondence between Urrea, Pineda, and Cruillas concerning numerous Indian raids. 12-31-1762
